Page 23 - AHATA
P. 23
Thursday 27 sepTember 2018
We'd Love to Take you Home!
Every country they add to mer temperatures always adults, kittens and cats ing with our rescue dogs
the list requires careful re- make for some interesting waiting for forever homes, and helping with feeding/
search, but they hope open challenges in getting ad- maybe one of them is the cleaning/caring duties of
up to families in other coun- opted animals home. We perfect match for you! the puppies and cats at
tries in the future as well. are so grateful for our dedi- our new property.
The organization loves our cated followers who have Ways to Help - Help Us Help
beautiful island. However, helped us get so much Them 5 Adopt
the number of neglected, done this summer. We are Did you know there are Are you looking to expand
homeless, abandoned, looking forward to seeing many ways how you and your family with a furry
sick and hungry dogs and what we can accomplish your friends or family can friend? We have many
cats wandering the streets the rest of the year. As it is help us make a change in puppies, kittens, cats and
is truly disturbing. Through back to school season we the lives of the animals in dogs looking for homes.
donations and the hard thought we would take Aruba?
work of their volunteers and the opportunity this month 6 Spread the Word
their adoptive families, Sgt. to educate our commu- 1 Donate As we are a Not planning on visiting Aru-
Pepper’s Friends are able nity on all the ways to help non-profit organization rely- ba any time soon? That's
to rescue many animals in and be part of the mission. ing solely on donations, any ok! Sharing information
ORANJESTAD — Sgt. Pep- need. Be sure to check out the financial support towards about this organization or
per’s Friends is a non-profit many ways to help us help the (veterinary) care of our about adoptable animals is
animal rescue organization Happy September! Sum- them below. Should you animals is very welcome. a huge way to support the
founded and located in mer is coming to an end be ready to "Fall in Love" mission. The more animals
Aruba. Their dogs and cats and we are so excited with your next furry family 2 Bring supplies or adopted and transported
are available for adoption for temperatures to cool member, please go to our Send Supplies to forever homes, the more
in the United States, Cana- down. We love all the out- website for all our available We can always use small we can rescue. If you know
da, Aruba, the Netherlands door adventures with our animals. We have so many supplies for our rescue anyone visiting Aruba be
and Sweden as of now. furry friends, but the sum- (older) puppies, (young) dogs and cats. From collars sure to pass along informa-
to toys and anti-flea & tick tion about transporting or
products, to soft airline ap- connect them with us on
proved carriers and travel social media.
crates, all supplies are very
much needed here. When Looking for a forever home
visiting Aruba, you can also Let us introduce you to
help us help them by buy- our rescue of the month:
ing dog or cat food here Cheese! This guy was
locally and donate that to found on a Saturday after-
our rescues. noon last February, walking
in front of the veterinary
3 Transport office. Clearly not neu-
As most of our rescues are tered, confused, but super
adopted to the USA and friendly we knew we had
Canada, we are always to step in, so we took him
looking for flight volunteers into the veterinary office.
to help bring our rescues This handsome, social cat
home. This process is very did not deserve to be left
easy and rewarding! We wandering outside. Fast
arrange everything, from forward to present day our
booking and paying the super friendly, playful and
rescue on your flight, to cuddly boy is still waiting
meeting you at the airport while, he basically is the
with the dog or cat and its perfect package. Lately
papers, supplies and con- we noticed that he is get-
nect you with the adoptive ting a little bit sad about
family who will be waiting not getting the most atten-
for you at baggage claim tion at the cathouse where
upon arrival. We promise he is staying, while he is a
you that transporting is a very interactive cat. He
very rewarding experience gets along great with our
and one of the most valu- other rescue cats at the
able ways to make a dif- Sgt. Pepper’s Friends home
ference in the life of one of and we are sure he would
our rescue animals! adjust to a dog in a house-
hold too. All our volunteers
4 Volunteer are in love with this boy
Should you want to make and we are baffled that
a bigger difference, we nobody has yet submit-
take fulltime volunteers for ted an application form to
periods of a minimum of adopt this red tabby kitty.
4 weeks up until 3 months. Please consider making this
We also have shorter part handsome guy part of your
time volunteering options family, he will make a great
for people vacationing addition to any cat loving
here, including dog walk- home. q