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              Thursday 27 sepTember 2018
            Rams are unanimous top team in latest AP Pro32 poll

            By SIMMI BUTTAR                                                                        which is yielding more than  another  big  test  this  week
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  — The Los                                                             30 points and 474 yards per  when they travel to Foxbor-
            Angeles  Rams  continue  to                                                            game," said Jenny Vrentas  ough  to  face  the  sudden-
            be  box  office  gold  for  the                                                        of  The  Monday  Morning  ly  slumping  Patriots,  who
            NFL.                                                                                   Quarterback.                 have lost two in a row and
            The  Rams  are  off  to  a  3-0                                                        The  Philadelphia  Eagles  fell five spots to No. 10.
            start  after  handling  the                                                            continued    to    bounce  The  Patriots  have  over-
            Chargers 35-23 in an all-LA                                                            around  the  top  10  in  the  come  slow  starts  before
            matchup on Sunday.                                                                     poll.  The  Eagles  were  No.  and still reached the Super
            They  also  are  the  unani-                                                           2 after the first week of the  Bowl,  and  they  now  have
            mous top team in the latest                                                            regular  season.  They  fell  three  consecutive  home
            AP Pro32 poll .                                                                        to No. 7 after losing to the  games  to  try  to  make  up
            The  Rams  received  all  12                                                           Tampa Bay Buccaneers but  ground in the division.
            first-place  votes  and  384                                                           rose  to  No.  3  after  edging  Another  team  making  a
            points  in  balloting  Tuesday                                                         the Indianapolis Colts 20-16  big climb was the Carolina
            by  media  members  who                                                                in Carson Wentz's first game  Panthers, who jumped five
            regularly cover the NFL.                                                               since December, when he  spots to No. 7 after defeat-
            They open Week 4 by host-                                                              tore  two  ligaments  in  his  ing Cincinnati 31-21.
            ing  the  Minnesota  Vikings                                                           knee.                        "Found  a  running  game,"
            on  Thursday  night  in  a                                                             The  Jacksonville  Jaguars  Fox  Sports'  John  Czarnecki
            matchup  of  NFC  power-                                                               dropped two places to No.  said  of  the  Panthers,  who
            houses.                                                                                4 after their field goal-filled  finished  with  230  rushing
            "Jared  Goff  is  looking  like                                                        9-6  loss  to  AFC  South  rival  yards  in  the  victory.  Chris-
            a  Pro  Bowl  quarterback                                                              Tennessee.                   tian  McCaffrey  led  the
            under  wunderkind  coach                                                               Led  by  Drew  Brees,  the  way with a career-high 184
            Sean  McVay,  and  the                                                                 New  Orleans  jumped  10  yards.
            Rams are looking like a Su-                                                            spots to No. 5 after topping  The Vikings went in the op-
            per Bowl contender after a                                                             the Atlanta Falcons 43-37 in  posite  direction  as  they
            splendid early season run,"                                                            overtime.                    dropped  five  spots  to  No.
            said  Newsday's  Bob  Glau-  Los Angeles Rams running back Todd Gurley, top, breaks away   "As Drew Brees closes in on  8  after  getting  routed  at
                                         from Los Angeles Chargers defensive back Derwin James dur-
            ber.                         ing the second half in an NFL football game Sunday, Sept. 23,   the NFL record book, it ap-  home by Buffalo 27-6.
            The  unbeaten  Kansas  City   2018, in Los Angeles.                                    pears New Orleans has re-    And  the  Baltimore  Ravens
            Chiefs moved up two spots                                             Associated Press  covered  nicely  from  that  regained  their  footing  as
            to  No.  2.  The  Chiefs  close                                                        Week  1  stunner  vs.  Tampa  they  climbed  seven  spots
            out  Week  4  with  a  prime-  Monday night.              Chiefs get the second spot  Bay,"  said  Ira  Kaufman  of  to No. 9 after handling the
            time  matchup  at  Denver  "Patrick    Mahomes      has  behind the Rams because  Fox 13 in Tampa, Florida.         Broncos 27-14.
            against  the  Broncos  on  been a revelation, but the  of  their  porous  defense,  The  Miami  Dolphins,  who  The  Ravens  have  a  key
                                                                                                   are  off  to  a  surprising  3-0  game  in  Week  4  as  they
                                                                                                   start,  also  made  a  major  head to Pittsburgh on Sun-
                                                                                                   move.  The  AFC  East  lead-  day night to face the Steel-
                                                                                                   ers moved up seven places  ers in one of the NFL's fierc-
                                                                                                   to No. 6. The Dolphins face  est rivalries.q
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