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                     Saturday 27 July 2019

            U.S., Guatemala sign agreement to restrict asylum cases

            By  ZEKE  MILLER  and  COL-                                                                                         tions,  to  work  temporarily
            LEEN LONG                                                                                                           and  then  return  to  Guate-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    mala, which will strengthen
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                                                          family unity."
            The  Trump  administration                                                                                          The  same  conditions  driv-
            signed an agreement with                                                                                            ing  Salvadorans  and  Hon-
            Guatemala Friday that will                                                                                          durans to flee their country
            restrict asylum applications                                                                                        — gang violence, poverty,
            to  the  U.S.  from  Central                                                                                        joblessness,  a  prolonged
            America.                                                                                                            drought  that  has  severely
            The  so-called  "safe  third                                                                                        hit  crop  yields  —  are  also
            country" agreement would                                                                                            present   in   Guatemala.
            require  migrants,  including                                                                                       Guatemala  also  lacks  re-
            Salvadorans  and  Hondu-                                                                                            sources   to   adequately
            rans,  who  cross  into  Gua-                                                                                       house, educate or provide
            temala on their way to the                                                                                          opportunity  to  potential
            U.S. to apply for protections                                                                                       asylum  seekers,  observers
            in Guatemala instead of at                                                                                          say.
            the U.S. border.                                                                                                    In  Guatemala  City,  social
            It  could  potentially  ease                                                                                        and    student   organiza-
            the crush of migrants over-                                                                                         tions spoke out against the
            whelming the U.S. immigra-                                                                                          agreement  in  front  of  the
            tion system, although many                                                                                          Constitutional  Court,  on
            questions  remain  about                                                                                            the grounds that the coun-
            how the agreement will be    President  Donald  Trump,  walks  to  acting  Department  of  Homeland  Security  Secretary  Kevin   try  is  mired  in  poverty  and
            executed.                    McAleenan, seated right, and Guatemalan Interior Minister Enrique Degenhart in the Oval Office   unemployment and has no
            President  Donald  Trump     of the White House in Washington, Friday, July 26, 2019.                               capacity to serve migrants.
            heralded  the  concession                                                                          Associated Press  They  called  for  a  protest
            as  a  win  as  he  struggles  agreement  will  put  the   at the southern border.     ment allows the country to  rally Saturday.
            to live up to his campaign  coyotes and smugglers out     The  two  countries  had  avoid  "drastic  sanctions  ...  Advocacy  groups  con-
            promises on immigration.     of business."                been  negotiating  such  an  many of them designed to  demned  the  move  Friday,
            "This  is  a  very  big  day,"  he  The announcement comes   agreement   for   months,  strongly punish our econo-  with  Amnesty  International
            said.  "We  have  long  been  after  a  court  in  California   and   Trump   threatened  my, such as taxes on remit-  saying  "any  attempts  to
            working  with  Guatemala  blocked  Trump's  most  re-     Wednesday  to  place  tar-   tances  that  our  brothers  force families and individu-
            and now we can do it the  strictive  asylum  effort  to   iffs or other consequences  send  daily,  as  well  as  the  als fleeing their home coun-
            right way."                  date,  one  that  would  ef-  on  Guatemala  if  it  didn't  imposition  of  tariffs  on  our  tries to seek safety in Gua-
            He claimed, "This landmark  fectively  end  protections   reach a deal.                export  goods  and  migra-   temala are outrageous."
                                                                      "We'll  either  do  tariffs  or  tory restrictions."      "The  Trump  administration
                                                                      we'll  do  something.  We're  Earlier Friday, Morales ques-  must  abandon  this  cruel
                                                                      looking  at  something  very  tioned  the  concept  of  a  and  illegal  plan  to  shut
                                                                      severe with respect to Gua-  "safe third country."        doors  to  families  and  in-
                                                                      temala," Trump had said.     "Where does that term ex-    dividuals  trying  to  rebuild
                                                                      On  Friday,  Trump  praised  ist?"  he  asked  reporters.  "It  their  lives  in  safety,"  said
                                                                      the  Guatemalan  govern-     does not exist, it is a collo-  Charanya   Krishnaswami,
                                                                      ment, saying now it has "a  quial  term.  No  agreement  the  group's  advocacy  di-
                                                                      friend in the United States,  exists  that  is  called  'safe  rector for the Americas.
                                                                      instead of an enemy in the  third country.'"              Democratic  Rep.  Eliot  En-
                                                                      United States."              Human  rights  prosecutor  gel,  the  chairman  of  the
                                                                      Trump  added  Friday  that  Jordán Rodas said his team  House  Committee  on  For-
                                                                      the agreement would pro-     was studying the legality of  eign  Affairs,  said  Trump's
                                                                      tect  "the  rights  of  those  the agreement and wheth-   decision to sign the agree-
                                                                      with legitimate claims," end  er  Interior  Minister  Enrique  ment  was  "cruel  and  im-
                                                                      "abuse"  of  the  asylum  sys-  Degenhart had the author-  moral."  ''It  is  also  illegal,"
                                                                      tem and curtail the crisis on  ity to sign the compact.   he  added.  "Simply  put,
                                                                      the U.S. southern border.    Guatemala's  government  Guatemala  is  not  a  safe
                                                                      He said that as part of the  put  out  a  six-paragraph,  country  for  refugees  and
                                                                      agreement, the U.S. would  Spanish-language       state-  asylum seekers, as the law
                                                                      increase  access  to  the  ment  Friday  on  Twitter.  It  requires."
                                                                      H-2A visa program for tem-   does  not  call  the  agree-  Homeland Security officials
                                                                      porary  agricultural  workers  ment  "safe  third  country"  said  they  expected  the
                                                                      from Guatemala.              but  "Cooperation  Agree-    agreement to be ratified in
                                                                      It's  not  clear  how  the  ment for the Assessment of  Guatemala and would be-
                                                                      agreement will take effect.  Protection Requests."        gin  implementing  it  some-
                                                                      Guatemala's Constitutional  The  Guatemalan  govern-      time in August.
                                                                      Court  has  granted  three  ment  said  that  in  coming  Acting   Secretary   Kevin
                                                                      injunctions  preventing  its  days  its  Labor  Ministry  "will  McAleenan said it was part
                                                                      government  from  entering  start issuing work visas in the  of  a  long-standing  effort
                                                                      into a deal without approv-  agriculture  industry,  which  with Guatemala to address
                                                                      al of the country's congress.  will  allow  Guatemalans  to  migration   and   combat
                                                                      Guatemalan        President  travel legally to the United  smuggling.  He  cautioned
                                                                      Jimmy Morales said via so-   States, to avoid being vic-  against calling the country
                                                                      cial media that the agree-   tims  of  criminal  organiza-  unsafe for refugees.q
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