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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 27 July 2019

                                                                      In  this  Feb.  24,  2019,  file  photo,  containers  of  Roundup  are  displayed  on  a  store  shelf  in  San
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
                                                                      Judge reduces $2B award in
            This  undated  photo  provided  by  New  Jersey  state
            Assemblywoman  Angela  McKnight  shows  three  "Feel  Better
            Dolls" sharing the shelf with a stuffed animal bearing an "I Love   Monsanto Roundup case to $87M
            New York" message at a One Dollar Zone store in Bayonne, N.J.
                                                     Associated Press  OAKLAND,  Calif.  (AP)  —  A  Pilliod's  $1  billion  each  in  Alva  Pilliod,  77,  was  diag-
            Black rag dolls                                           judge has cut a jury award  punitive damages in addi-     nosed  with  non-Hodgkin's
                                                                      in a lawsuit that found that  tion to a combined $55 mil-
                                                                                                                                lymphoma,  a  sometimes-
            meant to be abused                                        Monsanto's  Roundup  her-    lion in compensatory dam-    fatal form of lymph cancer,
                                                                                                                                in 2011, and Alberta Pilliod,
                                                                      bicide  caused  cancer  in  ages.
            are pulled from stores                                    a  California  couple  from  Smith  reduced  punitive  74, was diagnosed in 2015.
                                                                      $2.055 billion to $87 million,  damages  to  $70  million.  They  had  used  Roundup
                                                                      the third time a judge has  She also reduced the com-     for  more  than  30  years  to
            By DAVID PORTER              images  online.  The  Pater-  reduced  an  award  in  a  pensatory  money  the  jury  kill weeds on three proper-
             Associated Press            son-based company didn't     lawsuit  over  the  disputed  awarded to the couple for  ties  they  owned.  Doctors
            NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — Black  adequately check a large       chemical.                    past  and  future  pain  and  say their cancers are in re-
            rag  dolls  that  came  with  lot of items it had received   The  judge  said  Thursday  suffering to $17 million.  mission but could recur.
            instructions  to  "find  a  wall"  before distributing them to   that  evidence  supports  The  couple  had  anticipat-  Last  August,  a  San  Fran-
            and  slam  the  toy  against  stores, he said.            the  jury's  conclusion  that  ed the reduction, and their  cisco  jury  awarded  $289
            it  have  been  pulled  from  "This   somehow   slipped   Roundup  was  "a  substan-   lawyer said the overall rul-  million  to  former  school
            three stores after customers  through  the  cracks,"  he   tial factor" in causing non-  ing was "a major victory."  groundskeeper  Dewayne
            and a lawmaker said they  said. The dolls were includ-    Hodgkin's  lymphoma  in  Although  "the  reduction  in  Johnson of Vallejo. A judge
            were offensive.              ed in a shipment of about    Alva  and  Alberta  Pilliod,  damages  does  not  fairly  later  reduced  the  award
            The    "Feel   Better   Doll"  35,000  pieces  of  closeout   the  San  Francisco  Chroni-  capture  the  pain  and  suf-  to $78.5 million. In March, a
            featured   instructions   to  merchandise,  Shah  said,   cle reported.                fering experienced by Alva  federal court jury awarded
            "whack" the doll "whenever  mostly  with  an  "I  Love  NY"   Alameda  County  Supe-   and    Alberta,"   attorney  more than $80 million to Ed-
            things  don't  go  well  and  theme, including mugs and   rior  Court  Judge  Winifred  Brent Wisner said in a state-  win Hardeman of Sonoma
            you want to hit the wall and  picture frames.             Smith  said  evidence  also  ment,  "the  judge  rejected  County, whose cancer is in
            yell." The president of One  The  supplier  that  shipped   supported  the  finding  that  every argument Monsanto  remission. A judge reduced
            Dollar  Zone  said  roughly  the order offered to credit   Monsanto  knew  the  her-   raised and sustained a very  that award to $25.2 million.
            1,000 dolls were pulled this  One  Dollar  Zone  for  the   bicide's  active  ingredient,  substantial verdict."    The  three  California  trials
            week from its store in Bay-  cost of the dolls, Shah said.  glyphosate, could be dan-  Monsanto's  parent  com-     were  the  first  involving  an
            onne and two others also in  The dolls' manufacturer, the   gerous  and  failed  to  warn  pany,  the  German  phar-  estimated  13,000  plain-
            New Jersey.                  Harvey Hutter Co., couldn't   the couple from Livermore,  maceutical firm Bayer AG,  tiffs  with  pending  lawsuits
            The  dolls  were  made  of  be  reached  at  several      California.                  said it would appeal.        against Monsanto.
            black fabric with yarn hair  phone numbers and email      But  Smith  said  the  puni-  The reduction in damages  The  International  Agency
            of  red,  green,  black  and  addresses  at  its  location   tive  damages  were  much  is "a step in the right direc-  for  Research  on  Cancer,
            yellow in the style of dread-  just north of New York City.   higher  than  constitutional  tion," the company said in  an arm of the World Health
            locks,  and  featured  large  Shah  forwarded  an  email   limits  set  by  the  U.S.  Su-  a  statement,  but  the  ver-  Organization,   classified
            white  eyes  and  a  white  from  supplier  Global  Sou-  preme  Court,  which  has  dict and damages "conflict  glyphosate  as  a  probable
            smile. Bayonne Mayor Jim-    venir Marketing stating that   said  should  generally  be  with the extensive body of  cause of human cancer in
            my  Davis  said  in  a  Face-  the  company  is  no  longer   no  more  than  four  times  reliable  science  and  con-  2015. The U.S. Environmen-
            book  post  that  the  dolls  in business. Global Souvenir   the  amount  of  damages  clusions  of  leading  health  tal Protection Agency and
            were "insensitive" and "can  Marketing did not respond    awarded as compensation  regulators  worldwide"  that  most  regulatory  bodies  in
            certainly  be  considered  to  an  email  seeking  com-   to victims.                  both Roundup and glypho-     Europe say it can be used
            racist."  One  Dollar  Zone  ment Friday.                 A jury in May awarded the  sate are safe.                 safely.q
            President  Ricky  Shah  apol-  One  Dollar  Zone  oper-
            ogized  for  the  dolls'  ap-  ates more than two dozen
            pearance in the stores and  stores  in  the  northeastern
            said they were pulled Mon-   U.S. from Massachusetts to
            day after someone posted  Pennsylvania.q
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