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                                                                                                  UP FRONT Saturday 27 July 2019

            Supreme Court: Trump can use Pentagon funds for border wall

            By JESSICA GRESKO
            Associated Press
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The
            Supreme Court cleared the
            way  Friday  for  the  Trump
            administration  to  tap  bil-
            lions of dollars in Pentagon
            funds to build sections of a
            border wall with Mexico.
            The  court’s  five  conserva-
            tive  justices  gave  the  ad-
            ministration  the  greenlight
            to begin work on four con-
            tracts it has awarded using
            Defense Department mon-
            ey. Funding for the projects
            had  been  frozen  by  lower
            courts while a lawsuit over
            the money proceeded.
            The  court’s  four  liberal  jus-
            tices  wouldn’t  have  al-
            lowed construction to start.
            The justices’ decision to lift
            the  freeze  on  the  money
            allows  President  Donald
            Trump  to  make  progress
            on a major 2016 campaign
            promise  heading  into  his
            race  for  a  second  term.
            Trump  tweeted  after  the
            announcement:       “Wow!
            Big  VICTORY  on  the  Wall.
            The United States Supreme
            Court overturns lower court
            injunction,  allows  Southern
            Border Wall to proceed. Big
            WIN for Border Security and
            the Rule of Law!”
            The  Supreme  Court’s  ac-
            tion reverses the decision of
            a  trial  court,  which  initially
            froze the funds in May, and
            an  appeals  court,  which   United States Border Patrol officers return a group of migrants back to the Mexico side of the border as Mexican immigration officials
            kept  that  freeze  in  place   check the list, in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, Thursday, July 25, 2019.
            earlier  this  month.  The                                                                                                      Associated Press
            freeze  had  prevented  the
            government  from  tapping  military  construction  funds,  have  so  far  survived  legal  those  bringing  the  lawsuit  Even  if  the  ACLU  were  to
            approximately $2.5 billion in  $2.5  billion  in  Defense  De-  challenges,  and  Customs  don’t have a right to chal-  win,  fencing  will  have  al-
            Defense Department mon-      partment money and $600  and  Border  Protection  has  lenge  the  decision  to  use  ready been built.
            ey to replace existing sec-  million  from  the  Treasury  earmarked  the  money  for  the money.                   Justices  Ruth  Bader  Gins-
            tions  of  barrier  in  Arizona,  Department’s  asset  forfei-  work  in  Texas’  Rio  Grande  Alexei Woltornist, a spokes-  burg, Sonia Sotomayor and
            California and New Mexico  ture fund.                     Valley  but  has  not  yet  man for the Justice Depart-   Elena  Kagan  would  not
            with more robust fencing.    The  case  before  the  Su-  awarded  contracts.  Trans-  ment,  said  in  a  statement,  have allowed construction
            The  case  the  Supreme  preme  Court  involved  just  fer of the $3.6 billion in mili-  “We  are  pleased  that  the  to  begin.  Justice  Stephen
            Court ruled in began after  the  $2.5  billion  in  Defense  tary  construction  funds  is  Supreme Court recognized  Breyer said he would have
            the  35-day  partial  govern-  Department  funds,  which  awaiting approval from the  that the lower courts should  allowed  the  government
            ment shutdown that started  the    administration   says  defense secretary.           not  have  halted  construc-  to finalize the contracts for
            in  December  of  last  year.  will  be  used  to  construct  The lawsuit at the Supreme  tion of walls on the southern  the segments but not begin
            Trump ended the shutdown  more  than  100  miles  (160  Court  was  brought  by  the  border.                       construction while the law-
            in  February  after  Congress  kilometers) of fencing. One  American   Civil   Liberties  We  will  continue  to  vigor-  suit proceeded.
            gave  him  approximately  project  would  replace  46  Union on behalf of the Sier-    ously  defend  the  Adminis-  The  administration  had  ar-
            $1.4  billion  in  border  wall  miles (74 kilometers) of bar-  ra  Club  and  Southern  Bor-  tration’s  efforts  to  protect  gued  that  if  it  wasn’t  able
            funding.  But  the  amount  rier in New Mexico for $789  der Communities Coalition.  our Nation.”                   to  finalize  the  contracts
            was  far  less  than  the  $5.7  million.  Another  would  re-  The  justices  who  lifted  the  ACLU  lawyer  Dror  Ladin  by  Sept.  30,  then  it  would
            billion he was seeking, and  place 63 miles (101 kilome-  freeze  on  the  money  did  said  after  the  court’s  an-  lose  the  ability  to  use  the
            Trump then declared a na-    ters) in Arizona for $646 mil-  not  give  a  lengthy  expla-  nouncement that the fight  funds.  The  administration
            tional  emergency  to  take  lion. The other two projects  nation  for  their  decision.  “is not over.”            had  asked  for  a  decision
            cash  from  other  govern-   in  California  and  Arizona  But  they  said  among  the   The case will continue, but  quickly.
            ment  accounts  to  use  to  are smaller.                 reasons they were doing so  the  Supreme  Court’s  deci-  The  Supreme  Court  is  on
            construct sections of wall.  The  other  funds  were  not  was  that  the  government  sion  suggests  an  ultimate  break  for  the  summer  but
            The money Trump identified  at  issue  in  the  case.  The  had  made  a  “sufficient  victory  for  the  ACLU  is  un-  does  act  on  certain  press-
            includes  $3.6  billion  from  Treasury Department funds  showing at this stage” that  likely.                      ing items.q
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