P. 2

                 Saturday 6 OctOber 2018
            Still Anonymous: White House hunt for op-ed author fades

            By  JONATHAN  LEMIRE  and                                                                                           largely went ignored.
            CATHERINE LUCEY                                                                                                     It was never expected that
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Re-                                                                                            the  Justice  Department
            member Anonymous?                                                                                                   would move to open an in-
            One  month  ago  Friday,                                                                                            vestigation. A White House
            an  unidentified  Trump  ad-                                                                                        official  later  said  Trump's
            ministration  official  set  off                                                                                    call  for  the  investigation
            a  White  House  firestorm                                                                                          was  an  expression  of  his
            by claiming in a New York                                                                                           frustration  with  the  op-ed,
            Times  opinion  piece  to  be                                                                                       rather  than  an  order  for
            part of a secret "resistance"                                                                                       federal prosecutors.
            force  out  to  undermine                                                                                           White  House  chief  of  staff
            parts  of  President  Donald                                                                                        John  Kelly,  communica-
            Trump's agenda.                                                                                                     tions director Bill Shine and
            The article triggered cries of                                                                                      press secretary Sarah Huck-
            "treason" from Trump and a                                                                                          abee  Sanders  convened
            demand that the powers of                                                                                           a  series  of  closed-door
            the federal government be                                                                                           meetings  and  ordered  a
            brought to bear to root out                                                                                         cursory leak search, includ-
            the disloyal officials.                                                                                             ing enforcing a pre-existing
            And then ... not much hap-                                                                                          ban  on  personal  phones,
            pened.                                                                                                              according  to  three  White
            The  investigation,  which                                                                                          House  officials  not  autho-
            existed more in name than    In this June 17, 2018, file photo, the White House is seen illuminated by the setting sun with storm   rized  to  speak  publicly
            practice,  stalled.  A  move   clouds nearby in Washington.                                                         about  internal  meetings.
            to  clean  house  never  oc-                                                                       Associated Press  But as the op-ed was wiped
            curred. The author's identity                                                                                       from the headlines by other
            is still a mystery.          ranks  around  the  Oval  Of-  The  Sept.  5  publication  of  "You  look  at  this  horrible  news events, most notably
            Still,  publication  of  the  fice, growing far more sus-  the op-ed rocked Washing-   thing  that  took  place.  Is  it  the  contentious  confirma-
            piece,  along  with  a  new  picious of staff and trusting  ton.  The  author,  described  subversion,  is  it  treason?"  tion  hearings  for  Supreme
            Bob     Woodward      book  fewer West Wing personnel.  only  as  a  senior  adminis-  Trump bellowed. "It really is  Court nominee Brett Kava-
            painting  a  picture  of  a  That's  according  to  four  tration  official,  wrote  that  terrible."               naugh, the probe was qui-
            president  whose  impulses  White  House  officials  and  "Many  Trump  appointees  The Beltway guessing game  etly pushed aside.
            were  being  thwarted  by  Republicans  close  to  the  have  vowed  to  do  what  seeped  into  the  White  The  White  House  did  not
            his own staff, has had some  White House who were not  we  can  to  preserve  our  House,  as  current  and  for-   respond  to  a  request  for
            lasting aftershocks.         authorized  to  speak  pub-  democratic       institutions  mer  staffers  traded  calls  comment.
            The  president,  already  be-  licly  about  private  conver-  while thwarting Mr. Trump's  and  texts  trying  to  figure  Though  the  president  con-
            sieged by leaks, has closed  sations.                     more  misguided  impulses  out  who  could  have  writ-   tinued  to  vent  about  the
                                                                      until he is out of office."  ten  the  piece,  some  even  leaks,  aides  never  con-
            Government won't                                          The writer went on: "It may  asking  reporters  for  clues.  ducted   an   exhaustive
                                                                      be cold comfort in this cha-
                                                                                                   Trump ordered aides to un-
                                                                                                                                search,  according  to  two
            appeal freedom for                                        otic  era,  but  Americans  mask  the  writer,  cited  "na-  of  the  officials.  And  many
                                                                      should know that there are  tional security" concerns to  administration officials rec-
                                                                                                                                ognized  that  there  was
                                                                      adults in the room. We fully  justify a possible Justice De-
            pizza deliveryman                                         recognize what is happen-    partment investigation and  a  long  list  of  officials  who
                                                                                                                                plausibly could have been
                                                                      ing.  And  we  are  trying  to  issued an extraordinary de-
                                                                      do what's right even when  mand that the newspaper  the author.
                                                                      Donald Trump won't."         reveal the author.           The West Wing and, for the
            By LARRY NEUMEISTER          knew  —  there  was  abso-   The piece landed the same  Trump's  anger  triggered  most  part,  Trump  himself
             Associated Press            lutely no legitimate reason   week as Woodward's "Fear"  an  extraordinary  parade  moved on, focusing on the
            NEW YORK (AP) — An Ecua-     to lock Mr. Villavicencio up   and  emphasized  the  new  of  senior  officials,  Cabinet  upcoming  midterm  elec-
            dorian  pizza  deliveryman  and take him away from his    book's  themes:  that  Trump  members  and  even  the  tions  and  the  push  to  get
            freed  from  an  immigra-    family," Cuomo said.         appeared  unfit  for  office  vice  president,  who  issued  Kavanaugh on the bench.
            tion  detention  facility  by  Villavicencio,  35,  was  de-  and  some  of  his  closest  statements  and  stood  be-  But Trump has confided to
            a judge who criticized the  tained  June  1  in  New  Jer-  aides  viewed  themselves  fore cameras to deny that  allies that he still is frustrated
            handling  of  the  case  will  sey  after  delivering  pizza   as  a  bulwark  between  his  they  were  part  of  the  re-  by frequent leaks and feels
            remain  free  after  the  gov-  to  the  Fort  Hamilton  Army   worst  decisions  and  the  sistance.  Some  Trump  ad-  that  there  are  few  aides
            ernment declined Friday to  base  in  Brooklyn.  The  de-  American public.            visers,  like  attorney  Rudy  around him whom he can
            pursue an appeal.            tention came as Villavicen-  Trump was incensed about  Giuliani,  suggested  that  it  fully trust, according to the
            Attorneys  notified  the  2nd  cio  was  in  the  process  of   the  op-ed,  calling  around  would be "appropriate" for  three  White  House  officials
            U.S.  Circuit  Court  of  Ap-  seeking  to  establish  legal   to confidants to vent about  Trump to ask for a formal in-  and  Republicans  close  to
            peals  in  Manhattan  that  residency  and  overcome      the  author,  solicit  guesses  vestigation into the identity  the White House.
            the   government     won't  a  2010  order  to  leave  the   as  to  his  or  her  identity,  of  the  op-ed  author.  And  Beyond  a  network  of  out-
            challenge  a  judge's  July  country. He is married to a   seethe that it appeared in  Kentucky  Sen.  Rand  Paul,  side  advisers  Trump  has
            decision  freeing  Pablo  Vil-  U.S. citizen. Their two young   the newspaper he loves to  a key ally of Trump's, called  known  for  decades,  the
            lavicencio.                  daughters also are U.S. citi-  hate,  and  complain  that  for  the  president  to  order  officials  said,  those  on
            Gov.  Andrew  Cuomo,  a  zens. Cuomo said his arrest      a  "deep  state"  within  the  those  suspected  of  being  the  inside  the  president
            Democrat,  said  in  a  state-  "while he was doing his job   administration was conspir-  the  author  to  undergo  lie-  continues  to  trust  include
            ment  that  he  wasn't  sur-  was an outrageous affront   ing  against  him.  At  a  rally  detector tests.         family:  daughter  Ivanka
            prised.                      to our New York values and   that  week  in  Montana,  he  But then, mirroring the very  Trump  and  her  husband,
            "The federal government is  raised  serious  concerns  of   called the author "an anon-  thesis of the op-ed, Trump's  Jared  Kushner,  both  senior
            admitting what we already  ethnic profiling."q            ymous, gutless coward."      requests to the government  advisers.q
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