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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 6 OctOber 2018
            CONFIRMATION                 fought  against  the  back-  Vice President Mike Pence
            Continued from Front         drop of the #MeToo move-     planned  to  be  available
            Some  of  them  continued  ment  and  Trump's  unyield-   Saturday  in  case  his  tie-
            raising  concerns  that  Ka-  ing support of the nominee,  breaking vote was needed,
            vanaugh  would  push  the  opposing  forces  that  left  which now seems unlikely.
            court  further  to  the  right,  Kavanaugh's fate in doubt  In  a  procedural  vote  that
            including with possible sym-  for weeks.                  handed Republicans an ini-
            pathetic  rulings  for  Presi-  Manchin,  the  only  remain-  tial  victory,  senators  voted
            dent  Donald  Trump,  the  ing  undeclared  lawmaker,  51-49 Friday to limit debate
            man  who  nominated  him.  used an emailed statement  and  keep  the  nomination
            But  the  case  against  Ka-  to  announce  his  support  alive, defeating Democrat-
            vanaugh  had  long  since  for  Kavanaugh  moments  ic  efforts  to  scuttle  it  with
            been  taken  over  by  al-   after  Collins  finished  talk-  endless delays.
            legations  that  he  sexually  ing,  making  him  the  only  The  debate  sparked  smol-
            abused  women  decades  Democrat  supporting  the  dering resentment by parti-
            ago — accusations he em-     nominee.  Manchin  faces  sans on both sides, on and
            phatically denied.           a  competitive  re-election  off the Senate floor.
            In  the  pivotal  moment  Fri-  race next month in a state  "What  left  wing  groups
            day,  Collins,  perhaps  the  Trump carried in 2016 by 42  and their Democratic allies
            chamber's  most  moderate  percentage points.             have done to Judge Kava-
            Republican,     proclaimed  "My heart goes out to any-    naugh  is  nothing  short  of
            her support for Kavanaugh  one  who  has  experienced  monstrous," Republican Ju-
            at the end of a Senate floor  any type of sexual assault in  diciary  Committee  Chair-
            speech  that  lasted  nearly  their life," Manchin said. But  man  Chuck  Grassley  of
            45  minutes.  While  she  was  he  added  that  based  on  Iowa  declared  before  the
            among  a  handful  of  Re-   the FBI report, "I have found  vote.  He  accused  Demo-
            publicans who helped sink  Judge Kavanaugh to be a  crats  of  emboldening  pro-       Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, speaks with report-
            Trump's  quest  to  obliterate  qualified  jurist  who  will  fol-  testers: "They have encour-  ers just after a deeply divided Senate pushed Brett Kavanaugh's
                                                                                                   Supreme Court nomination past a key procedural hurdle, setting
            President  Barack  Obama's  low  the  Constitution  and  aged mob rule."               up a likely final showdown vote for Saturday, at the Capitol in
            health  care  law  last  year,  determine cases based on  On  the  other  side,  Senate   Washington, Friday, Oct. 5, 2018.
            this time she proved instru-  the  legal  findings  before  Democratic  leader  Chuck                                           Associated Press
            mental  in  delivering  a  tri-  him."                    Schumer  of  New  York
            umph to Trump.               Protesters chanted "Shame"  called the fight "a sorry epi-  and church.                sion" against him fueled by
            Collins  told  fellow  senators  at  Manchin  later  when  he  logue to the brazen theft of  Democrats   also   chal-  their hatred of Trump.
            that  Christine  Blasey  Ford's  talked  to  reporters  outside  Justice  Scalia's  seat."  That  lenged  Kavanaugh's  hon-  Kavanaugh would replace
            dramatic  testimony  last  his office.                    reflected  Democrats'  last-  esty,  temperament  and  the  retired  Justice  Antho-
            week  describing  Kavana-    Republicans  control  the  ing  umbrage  over  Repub-     ability to be nonpartisan af-  ny  Kennedy,  who  was  a
            ugh's  alleged  1982  assault  Senate by a meager 51-49  licans' 2016 refusal to even  ter he fumed at last week's  swing vote on issues includ-
            was  "sincere,  painful  and  margin.  Support  from  Col-  consider  Merrick  Garland,  Judiciary   hearing   that  ing  abortion,  campaign
            compelling."  But  she  said  lins  and  Manchin  would  President  Obama's  nomi-     Democrats  had  launched  finance      and    same-sex
            the  FBI  had  found  no  cor-  give Kavanaugh at least 51  nee to replace the late An-  a "search and destroy mis-  marriage.q
            roborating  evidence  from  votes.                        tonin Scalia.
            witnesses  whose  names  Three female GOP senators  When  Trump  nominated
            Ford had provided.           — Jodi Ernst of Iowa, West  Kavanaugh  in  July,  Demo-
            "We will be ill-served in the  Virginia's  Shelley  Moore  crats leapt to oppose him,
            long run if we abandon the  Capito  and  Cindy  Hyde-     saying that past statements
            presumption  of  innocence  Smith  of  Mississippi,  sat  di-  and  opinions  showed  he'd
            and    fairness,   tempting  rectly  behind  Collins  as  be  a  threat  to  the  Roe  v.
            though it may be," she said.  she spoke. Majority Leader  Wade  case  that  assured
            "We  must  always  remem-    Mitch  McConnell  of  Ken-   the  right  to  abortion.  They
            ber that it is when passions  tucky sat directly in front of  said he also seemed ready
            are most inflamed that fair-  Collins and pivoted his seat  to  rule  for  Trump  if  federal
            ness is most in jeopardy."   around to face her. A few  authorities probing his 2016
            Those passions were on full  Democrats sat stone-faced  campaign's  alleged  con-
            display this week in a fight  nearby.                     nections to Russia try to pur-
            that  could  energize  both  When  she  finished,  Collins  sue him in court.
            parties'  voters  in  elections  received  applause  from  Yet  Kavanaugh's  pathway
            for  control  of  Congress  the roughly two dozen GOP  to confirmation seemed un-
            just  five  weeks  away.  The  senators present.          fettered until Ford accused
            showdown  drew  raucous  Republican  Lisa  Murkowski  him  of  drunkenly  sexually
            demonstrators  —  largely  of Alaska, a fellow moder-     assaulting  her  in  a  locked
            anti-Kavanaugh  —  to  the  ate  and  a  friend  of  Col-  bedroom  at  a  1982  high
            Capitol,  where  they  raised  lins,  is  the  only  Republican  school gathering. Two oth-
            tensions   by   repeatedly  who has indicated she will  er  women  later  emerged
            confronting     lawmakers  vote no. She told reporters  with  sexual  misconduct  al-
            despite  an  intensified  po-  that Kavanaugh is "a good  legations from the 1980s.
            lice presence. Another 101  man"  but  maybe  "not  the  Kavanaugh  foes  cast  him
            protesters were arrested Fri-  right  man  for  the  court  at  as  a  product  of  a  hard-
            day, the U.S. Capitol Police  this time."                 drinking,   male-dominat-
            said.                        Sen.  Jeff  Flake,  R-Ariz.,  ed,  private  school  culture
            It's  all  expected  to  con-  who  has  repeatedly  bat-  in  Washington's  upscale
            clude  Saturday  afternoon  tled  Trump  and  will  retire  Maryland suburb of Bethes-
            with  a  final  roll  call  almost  in  January,  said  he'd  vote  da.  He  and  his  defend-
            solidly  along  party  lines.  for  Kavanaugh's  confirma-  ers  asserted  that  his  high
            That  would  mark  an  anti-  tion  "unless  something  big  school  and  college  focus
            climactic  finale  to  a  clash  changes."                was  on  academics,  sports
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