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A4   U.S. NEWS
                 Saturday 6 OctOber 2018
                                                                      Pompeo goes to North Korea

                                                                      under pressure to show progress

                                                                      WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Sec-    "I  think  the  North  Koreans  "There's  no  nuclear  testing
                                                                      retary  of  State  Mike  Pom-  will try and save the actual  and  there's  not  testing  of
                                                                      peo  headed  off  to  North  negotiations  for  when  Kim  rockets."
                                                                      Korea on Friday under pres-  meets with Trump."           It  is  true  that  North  Korea
                                                                      sure  to  produce  tangible  Pompeo  has  refused  to  has  suspended  nuclear
                                                                      progress at persuading the  discuss  the  details  of  ne-  and  missile  tests,  freed
                                                                      country to get rid of its nu-  gotiations  so  far  and  has  three  American  prisoners
                                                                      clear weapons as President  become testy when asked  and  dismantled  parts  of  a
                                                                      Donald Trump seeks a sec-    for  them  —  including  on  missile engine facility. It also
            In this Oct. 2, 2018 photo, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meets   ond summit with leader Kim  the  U.S.  position  on  North  blew  up  tunnel  entrances
            Pakistani Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi   Jong Un.                    Korea's  demand  for  a  de-  at  its  nuclear  test  site  in
            at the State Department in Washington.                    Pompeo  departed  Wash-      clared  end  to  the  Korean  front of foreign journalists.
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      ington for a packed, three-  War.  Fighting  ceased  in  But  it  has  not  taken  any
                                                                      day  tour  of  East  Asia  that  1953 with an armistice that  steps to halt nuclear weap-
                                                                      will  take  him  to  Japan,  has left the adversaries in a  ons or missile development
                                                                      North Korea and then South  state of war. U.S. ally South  and  has  yet  to  respond
                                                                      Korea. He's also due to visit  Korea  views  such  a  dec-  to  invitations  to  send  of-
                                                                      China,  which  will  bring  its  laration  as  a  possible  quid  ficials  to  Europe  to  meet
                                                                      own  set  of  challenges,  as  pro  quo  for  North  Korea's  with  Pompeo's  new  spe-
                                                                      relations  with  Beijing  slide  agreeing  to  close  its  main  cial envoy for North Korea,
                                                                      over  trade  tensions  and  nuclear  facility  at  Nyong-  Stephen  Biegun.  Biegun
                                                                      accusations of election in-  byon. North Korea appears  will  accompany  Pompeo
                                                                      terference.                  reluctant  to  provide  what  to  Pyongyang  on  Sunday,
                                                                      But  it's  in  Pyongyang  on  Washington really wants in  along  with  veteran  diplo-
                                                                      Sunday  where  Pompeo  return: a complete invento-        mat Sung Kim, the U.S. am-
                                                                      could  face  his  toughest  ry of its nuclear and ballistic  bassador to the Philippines
                                                                      diplomatic   test.   There's  missile  facilities  that  could  who  has  led  working-level
                                                                      been  little  visible  progress  be used by international in-  delegations with North Ko-
                                                                      since Trump and Kim made  spectors to verify they have  reans,  and  Andrew  Kim,
                                                                      a  vague  agreement  at  been dismantled. North Ko-       who  heads  a  North  Korea
                                                                      their historic June summit in  rea also wants to get relief  group at the CIA.
                                                                      Singapore  on  "denuclear-   from  sanctions,  which  the  Their  sole  focus  on  North
                                                                      ization,"  with  the  two  sides  U.S.  has  said  should  only  Korea's   nuclear   threat,
                                                                      deadlocked  over  seem-      happen  when  it  is  verified  though, leaves the admin-
                                                                      ingly  inflexible  demands  that  the  North  has  taken  istration  open  to  the  very
                                                                      about how to achieve it.     concrete steps toward de-    criticism  it  leveled  at  the
                                                                      Pompeo's  task  has  been  nuclearization.                Obama      administration's
                                                                      made  harder  by  mixed  Speaking  on  his  plane  Fri-   negotiations with Iran over
                                                                      messaging  from  within  the  day,  Pompeo  again  de-    its atomic program.
                                                                      administration over a time-  clined  to  talk  specifics.  Trump,  Pompeo  and  na-
                                                                      line for the North to aban-  He  said  his  mission  was  to  tional security adviser John
                                                                      don  its  nukes  and  Trump's  "make  sure  that  we  un-  Bolton  have  all  defended
                                                                      hyperbole  about  what's  derstand  what  each  side  the  withdrawal  from  the
                                                                      he's  achieved  in  his  own  is  truly  trying  to  achieve  ...  deal in part by saying it did
                                                                      talks  with  Kim.  At  a  politi-  and  how  we  can  deliver  not  address  any  of  Iran's
                                                                      cal rally last weekend, the  against  the  commitments  other  concerning  activi-
                                                                      president  rhapsodized  —  that  were  made"  in  Singa-  ties, such as support for ter-
                                                                      perhaps  a  little  tongue  in  pore.  He  said  they  would  rorism.  North  Korea  is  also
                                                                      cheek  —  about  how  the  develop  options,  if  not  fi-  categorized by the U.S. as
                                                                      North  Korean  leader  had  nalize,  the  location  and  a  state  sponsor  of  terror-
                                                                      sent  him  "beautiful  letters"  timing of a second Trump-  ism,  has  an  abysmal  hu-
                                                                      and "We fell in love."       Kim summit.                  man  rights  record  and  is
                                                                      Pompeo,       who      was  On  Wednesday,  Pompeo  allegedly involved in cyber
                                                                      snubbed by Kim on his last  distanced    himself   from  theft  from  banks  around
                                                                      visit to Pyongyang in July, is  a  previously  stated  goal  the  world  to  raise  funds
                                                                      expected to meet him this  of  getting  North  Korea  to  for  its  sanctions-strapped
                                                                      time,  but  experts  say  Kim  abandon its nuclear weap-  government.  Those  prob-
                                                                      may  feel  that  he  can  get  ons  by  the  end  of  Trump's  lems  are  rarely  mentioned
                                                                      a better deal in a face-to-  first  term  in  January  2021.  in the context of Pompeo's
                                                                      face with Trump himself.     Trump,   who     canceled  discussions  with  Kim.  Nor
                                                                      "I'm  not  sure  if  we  are  go-  Pompeo's  first  plan  for  a  have they gotten attention
                                                                      ing  to  get  a  whole  lot  of  fourth  trip  to  Pyongyang  in lower-level contacts be-
                                                                      progress other than details  last month citing a lack of  tween the two sides, which
                                                                      of the next Trump-Kim sum-   progress, said last week he  have    chiefly   revolved
                                                                      mit," said Sue Mi Terry, a for-  didn't  want  to  get  into  a  around  logistical  issues  re-
                                                                      mer  CIA  analyst  on  Korea  "time game."                lated to meetings and the
                                                                      and  now  a  senior  fellow  "If it takes two years, three  handover of remains of U.S.
                                                                      at the Center for Strategic  years  or  five  months,  it  troops missing from the Ko-
                                                                      and  International  Studies.  doesn't  matter,"  he  said.  rean War.q
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