P. 11

Dialuna, 1 October 2018                                        AWEMainta                                                                    11

         ATA ta invita pa celebra nos rikesa culinario!

                 October di tres

         edicion di e ‘Eat Local

             Restaurant Month’                                                                   AUCTION

                                                                              THURSDAY NOVEMBER 8, 2018
       ARUBA Tourism Authority cordialmente ta invita
       henter pueblo pa experiencia e di tres edicion di Eat
       Local Restaurant Month celebrando nos rikesa culi-                       On Thursday November 8, 2018, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of
       nario y herencia cultural.                                               the Chamber of Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in public. ex. 3:268
       Durante henter luna di october, ta celebra e cono-                       jo. 3:254 Civil Code of Aruba:
       cido ‘Eat Local Restaurant Month’, cual concepto
       sigur durante añanan a crece den popularidad.                            1.  A residential house locally known as:
       No solamente entre nos bishitantenan, pero tambe                                      BALANDERSTRAAT 16
       nos localnan. E ta un concepto bon conoci mundi-
       almente na unda diferente pais y ciudad grandi ta                        standing  on a  parcel of public land,  345  m2  in size, situated at
       organisa un luna of un siman dedica na gastronomia                       Balanderstraat  in  Aruba,  locally  recorded  as  First  Division Section F
       den concepto di Restaurant Month.                                        number 778. The term of the lease rights expire on November 3, 2027.

       Aki pues ta wordo ofrece un menu na un prijs fiho                        Starting bid: to be announced
       y atractivo p’asina subraya diferente plato den nan
       restaurant. Esaki ta un evento cu un iniciativa cul-
       tural brindando e oportunidad  pa realisa nos pla-                       2. A residential house locally known as:
       tonan autentico y sabornan local cu ta inspira mas
       cu 90 nacionalidad riba nos isla.                                              SABANA BASORA NOORD 126
       ATA ta organisa esaki anualmente  pa demostra
       Aruba su diversidad culinario y honra Aruba su sab-                      standing on a parcel of public land, 197 m2 in size, situated at Sabana
       ornan unico, incorporando esaki den menu  di  tur                        Basora  Noord  in  Aruba,  locally recorded  as Third  Division Section G
       restaurant participante, su clientela internacional y                    number 2735. The lease rights expire on December 14, 2065.
       local.                                                                   Starting bid: Afl. 83.000,--

       INSPECCION DI CUSHINA                                                    3. A residential house locally known as:
       E aña aki pa prome biaha tur restaurant a participa
       na un inspeccion di cushina cu tabata mandatorio                                       SABANA BASORA  99
       pa nan participacion.
       “Sigur  esaki ta den  liña cu  nos kier  sigura como                     standing on a parcel of public land, 482 m2 in size, situated at Sabana
       A.T.A. cu nan ta na un nivel na unda cu higiena                          Basora in Aruba, locally recorded as Third Division Section G number
       sigur ta hopi importante,  y con nan ta maneha e                         1167. The lease rights expire on February 21, 2051.
       cumindanan”, segun  Darice Solognier, Niche Spe-
       cialist di A.T.A.                                                        Starting bid: to be announced
       Ora ta trata di excelencia di un programa, ATA sem-                      4. A residential house locally known as:
       per ta trata di sigura un calidad halto di loke nos
       restaurantnan ta ofrece pa nos bishitante y localnan.                                        PARADERA 37

       ENFASIS RIBA SABORNAN LOCAL                                              standing on a parcel of public land, 1001 m2 in size, situated at Paradera
       Locual ATA a bin ta haci p’asina promove nos cul-                        in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section P number 1440. The
       tura culinario como exigencia na restaurantnan, ta                       lease rights expire on February 26, 2041.
       cu nan mester tin sikiera un plato entre appetizer,                      Starting bid: Afl. 297.650,--
       main course of desert na unda nan ta enfoca riba
       nos sabornan local.                                                      AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. Johnson, LL.M.
       E aña aki nos lo conta cu un total di 37 restaurant
       cual sigur ta hopi varia.                                             •   The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and
       “Pues si bo kier bay pa motibonan di lunch of din-                        special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R.
       ner,  e  prijsnan  ta  hopi atractivo.  Manera  un  two-                  Johnson.
       course-lunch, un three-course-dinner”, Solognier ta                   •   The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by
                                                                                 decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
       splica.                                                               •   Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
       Riba bo por wak tur menu ad-                       •   The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
       elanta p’asina haci bo escogencia y wak cua ta bo                     •   Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable
       restaurant faborito.                                                      bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount
                                                                                 equal to the auction costs.
                                                                             •   A private written bid can be submitted until October 24, 2018, 5 PM.
       Comunidad di Aruba ta cordialmente invita pa pasa
       durante luna di october te cu 31 di october n’e res-
       taurantnan participante, bishita nan y tira un bista                                           For more information:
       n’e diferente menu atractivo. Sea bo kier bay cu bo
       amistad, of coleganan durante ora di trabou pa come                       WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
       un lunch of despues di trabou pa un dinner, e restau-
       rantnan ta hopi entusiasma pa ricibi tur hende.
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