P. 13

Dialuna, 1 October 2018                                        AWEMainta                                                                    13

                     Indicacion ta cu

           Algun tiro a cay

                na Savaneta                                                                      AUCTION

       Diadomingo 12:25 a.m,  Segun declaracion di e                          THURSDAY NOVEMBER 8, 2018
       Polis a wordo manda cu  homber den e Honda,
       urgencia na altura di  nan lo tabata bayendo
       Domino’s Pizza na Sa- direccion pariba ora cu                         On June 28, 2018, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the Chamber of
                                                                             Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in public, ex. 3:268 jo. 3:254 Civil Code
       vaneta. Informacion cu  un of mas homber a                            of Aruba:
       lo a drenta e momento  manda  baranca riba e
       ey,  ta  bisa cu  tin  un  auto.  Pero,  na yegada                    1. A residential house locally known as
       auto y algun homber na  di e patruya unda e in-
       pia a bisando cu “nan”  cidente a tuma lugar
       lo kier tire of tira nan.    un  habitante  a  bisa                                       ROOI AFO 50-E
       Despues di  algun min- Polis un  otro version.
       uut, e auto y/of e perso- Un  otro  patruya  a  pa-                    standing on 2 parcels of public land, 368 and 384 m2 in size, situated in
       nanan tabata altura  di  pia cu un of mas tes-                         Rooi Afo in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section P number 657.
       un negoshi cu ta bende  tigo, y segun el a con-                        The term of the lease rights will expire on October 21, 2037.
       tapijt poco mas pariba  ta nan tabata trata  di
       di Savaneta Kamp. Apa- tres homber  na  pia.                           Starting price: to be announced
       rentemente e momento  Despues di e prob-
       ey lo a scucha un tiro.  lema cada uno a move
       Esaki lo a pone cu Polis  den diferente direc-
       mester a yega mas liher  cion. Dos di nan lo                          2. A residential house locally known as
       posibel, n’e sitio.          tabata     lomba      afo.
                                    Por a mira patruya bus-                                         TEBENKI 15
       Segun nos a compro- cando unda a wordo
       nde,  un  of  ambos per- bisa cu  e  personanan
       sona na pia lo a wordo  aki a move, pero no ta                        standing on a parcel of property land ca. 726 m2 is size, being a part of the
       gedal cu  auto.  Polis lo  haya nada. Polis kier a                    parcel locally recorded as First Division Section K number 1591, with index
       a cuminsa tira bista pa  tende nan banda di sto-                      D13205.
       un auto color blanco cu  ria.
       tabata biniendo abou.  Ambulance                 mien-                Starting price: to be announced
       Esaki segun un of mas  trastanto a yega na unda
       testigo.                     Polis  a stop e Honda,
       Den un caya di Savane- pa paramedico check e
       ta banda panort,  Polis  lesion cu e dama a sufri.                    3. a residential house locally known as
       ta topa cu e auto Hon- No ta conoci si e heri-
       da  color blanco proba- da di e dama ta dor di                                               PAPILON 23
       blemente bayendo su  e supuesto piedra cu e
       cas.                         grupo aki a manda riba
       Polis a  acerca  e  auto  e Honda.                                    standing on a parcel of property land, ca. 875, being a part of the parcel as
       cu  cautela,  debi  cu  a                                             further described in cadastral measure document no. 16/1959, with index D
                                                                             92871  as well as  a parcel of property land, ca. 221 m2, being a part of the
       wordo papia cu tiro lo a  Relaciona cu e “tiro-                       parcel as further described in cadastral measure document no. 221/1971, with
       cay indicando cu lo por  nan” cu lo a wordo scu-                      index D 96005
       tin arma di candela den  cha  no  ta  mucho  cla
       auto.                        si esaki tabata asina                    Starting price: to be announced
       Den e auto agentenan a  en realidad y si a haya
       topa cu un pareha y un  huls of arma di candela.
       baby. E dama lo tabata  Kico a start e problema                          AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. Johnson, LL.M.
       herida y agentenan a  entre e personanan aki
       pidi pa un ambulance.        no ta conoci.                           •   The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and
                                                                                special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R.
                                                                            •   Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
                                                                            •   The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
                                                                            •   Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable
                                                                                bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount
                                                                                equal to the auction costs.
                                                                            •   A private written bid can be submitted until October 24, 2018, 5 PM.

                                                                                                           For more information:

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