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             Wednesday 5 september 2018
            What deadline? Mueller probe can go up to Nov. 6 and beyond

            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                                                          11  days  before  the  elec-
            Deadlines?  What  dead-                                                                                             tion, saying he had a duty
            lines?                                                                                                              to  update  lawmakers  af-
            For    months,    President                                                                                         ter  having  previously  told
            Donald  Trump  and  his  al-                                                                                        them  that  the  FBI's  work
            lies  have  said  the  special                                                                                      was done.
            counsel needs to wrap up                                                                                            He  followed  up  two  days
            his Russia investigation with-                                                                                      before  the  election  to  say
            in  60  days  of  the  midterm                                                                                      that  nothing  in  the  new
            elections, in November, cit-                                                                                        email batch had changed
            ing  a  Justice  Department                                                                                         the original conclusion. But
            policy.                                                                                                             many  Democrats  blamed
            But  in  fact,  special  coun-                                                                                      Comey's late disclosure for
            sel Robert Mueller faces no                                                                                         costing Clinton the election
            time  limit  on  his  investiga-                                                                                    and said he shouldn't have
            tion.  He  can  continue  the                                                                                       spoken out publicly so soon
            probe  —  and  issue  new                                                                                           before  the  race  —    espe-
            indictments  —  right  up  to                                                                                       cially  when  the  FBI  didn't
            Nov. 6 and beyond.                                                                                                  even know what was in the
            A  look  at  what's  ahead,                                                                                         email batch.
            and  what's  not,  for  the  in-                                                                                    __
            vestigation:                                                                                                        REQUIREMENTS ON MUELLER
            NO DEADLINE                                                                                                         Mueller  is  only  required  by
            Mueller faces no limit, legal                                                                                       law  to  deliver  his  conclu-
            or  otherwise,  for  finishing                                                                                      sions  to  Deputy  Attorney
            or releasing the findings of   In this June 21, 2017 file photo, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, the special counsel probing   General  Rod  Rosenstein,
                                         Russian interference in the 2016 election, departs Capitol Hill following a closed door meeting in
            his probe. He can continue   Washington.                                                                            who has been in charge of
            investigating,  issuing  sub-                                                                      Associated Press   the  probe  since  Attorney
            poenas  and  interviewing                                                                                           General  Jeff  Sessions  re-
            witnesses.                   Mueller between now and  WHAT  ABOUT  THE  60-DAY  dependent  inspector  gen-          cused himself.
            __                           the Nov. 6 voting risks being  'GUIDANCE'?                eral stated in a June report  Rosenstein  could  release
            POLITICS                     seen as an effort to affect  There is no policy that sets  on the Hillary Clinton email  the  contents  or  withhold
            The    only   thing   that's  the  outcome.  That's  why  a  60-day  pause  in  which  investigation that former of-  them.
            changed  is  that  Labor  the Justice Department has  the  Justice  Department  is  ficials they interviewed did  __
            Day  kicked  off  high  elec-  issued guidelines about the  barred  from  investigating.  cite a so-called 60-day rule  WHAT'S NEXT
            tion season in the battle for  sensitivity  of  investigations  Nor  is  there  a  cutoff  date  in which prosecutors avoid  It's  certainly  possible  that
            control  of  the  House  and  in the run-up to elections.  for an investigation to wrap  public disclosures of investi-  more  indictments  or  guilty
            Senate.  So  any  action  by  __                          up.                          gative steps against a can-  pleas could be coming giv-
                                                                      But  Justice  Department  didate.                         en that Mueller has not indi-
                                                                      guidance  issued  over  the  But,  the  report  said,  "the  cated that his work is near
                                                                      past  decade  has  been  60-Day  Rule  is  not  written  completion.  The  Mueller
                                                                      interpreted  to  mean  that  or described in any depart-  investigation has produced
                                                                      investigators,  if  possible,  ment policy or regulation."  charges  so  far  against  32
                                                                      should  avoid  taking  spe-  "I  look  at  it  sort  of  differ-  people,  including  four  for-
                                                                      cific  investigative  actions  ently than 60 days," former  mer  Trump  campaign  or
                                                                      — such as indicting candi-   Deputy  Attorney  General  White  House  aides,  and
                                                                      dates or raiding their office  Sally Yates is quoted in the  three  Russian  companies.
                                                                      — in the run-up to an elec-  report  as  having  said.  "To  A grand jury in Washington
                                                                      tion.                        me  if  it  were  90  days  off,  is  continuing  to  hear  testi-
                                                                      "Law  enforcement  officers  and you think it has a signifi-  mony tied to Trump adviser
                                                                      and  prosecutors  may  nev-  cant chance of impacting  Roger Stone.
                                                                      er  select  the  timing  of  in-  an  election,  unless  there's  Mueller's  office  has  inter-
                                                                      vestigative steps or criminal  a reason you need to take  viewed  dozens  of  cur-
                                                                      charges for the purpose of  that action, now you don't  rent and former aides as it
                                                                      affecting  any  election,  or  do it."                    scrutinizes  whether  Trump
                                                                      for the purpose of giving an  __                          sought to obstruct justice, a
                                                                      advantage  or  disadvan-     IF THERE WAS SUCH A RULE,  determination that has not
                                                                      tage  to  any  candidate  or  COMEY BROKE IT              been made.
                                                                      political  party,"  one  such  These same issues surfaced  Meanwhile,  federal  pros-
                                                                      memo from 2012 states.       within  the  FBI  and  Justice  ecutors  in  New  York  have
                                                                      But the policy does not im-  Department  when  agents,  been examining a scheme
                                                                      pose a specific cut-off date  shortly  before  the  2016  to make hush-money pay-
                                                                      for investigations before an  presidential  election,  dis-  ments to two women who
                                                                      election. It does not require  covered  a  new  batch  of  say they had sex with Trump,
                                                                      prosecutors  —  as  some  Hillary  Clinton  emails  that  a  separate  investigation
                                                                      Trump supporters, including  they  considered  relevant  that  has  ensnared  former
                                                                      lawyer Rudy Giuliani, have  to  their  investigation  into  Trump  lawyer  Michael  Co-
                                                                      suggested — to put an in-    her  use  of  a  private  email  hen,  who  pleaded  guilty
                                                                      vestigation  on  hold  in  the  server.                   last month to campaign fi-
                                                                      period before voters head  Then-FBI  Director  James  nance violations and impli-
                                                                      to the polls.                Comey  decided  to  alert  cated the president. Trump
                                                                      The Justice Department's in-  Congress to the emails just  has denied wrongdoing.q
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