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A4   U.S. NEWS
             Wednesday 5 september 2018

                                                                      EPA watchdog faults Pruitt's

                                                                      $3.5 million security costs

                                                                      By ELLEN KNICKMEYER          the    agency's    internal  bodyguards  more  than
                                                                       Associated Press            watchdog  concluded  on  tripled,  to  $739,580,  from
                                                                      WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  Tuesday.                        February 2017 to December
                                                                      Environmental    Protection  The EPA allowed Pruitt and  2017,  owing  to  Pruitt's
                                                                      Agency failed to document  his  administrative  team  to  insistence on 24-hour-a-day
                                                                      any threats or security risks  increase the security detail  security  and  on  premium-
                                                                      that  warranted  spending  to  19  agents,  up  from  six  class travel for himself and
            In  this  May  16,  2018  file  photo,  Environmental  Protection   more  than  $3.5  million  on  for   Pruitt's   predecessor.  a  bodyguard,  the  report
            Agency  Administrator  Scott  Pruitt  appears  before  a  Senate   unprecedented   around-  That   "undocumented  said.  Sen.  Tom  Carper,  a
            Appropriations subcommittee on the Interior, Environment, and
            Related Agencies on budget on Capitol Hill in Washington.   the-clock    bodyguards  decision     represents   an  Democrat  from  Delaware
                                                     Associated Press  for  then-chief  Scott  Pruitt,  inefficient  use  of  agency  and a vocal critic as ethics
                                                                                                   resources,"  the  inspector  allegations      mounted
                                                                                                   general        concluded.  against  Pruitt,  called  the
                                                                                                   EPA  spokesman  Michael  agency's security spending
                                                                                                   Abboud  said  in  an  email  "simply unacceptable."
                                                                                                   that  officials  had  to  look  "This  report  confirms  what
                                                                                                   at more than specific and  we     suspected    —    Mr.
                                                                                                   serious  threats,  or  the  lack  Pruitt's   excessive,   24/7
                                                                                                   of  them,  in  deciding  how  security  detail  and  the
                                                                                                   much  security  an  official  costs it incurred while Pruitt
                                                                                                   needs.                       traveled the world first class
                                                                                                   Abboud       cited     gun  on  the  taxpayers'  dime
                                                                                                   attacks  without  warning  was  not  properly  justified
                                                                                                   on  GOP  lawmakers  at  and  was  not  based  on  a
                                                                                                   a  baseball  practice  last  security  threat  analysis  on
                                                                                                   year and on a Democratic  risks to Pruitt," Carper said.
                                                                                                   congresswoman in Arizona  Ken Cook, president of the
                                                                                                   in 2011.                     nonprofit   Environmental
                                                                                                   "Lack of a threat does not  Working Group, said Pruitt,
                                                                                                   mean that there is no risk or  who  had  been  an  avid
                                                                                                   that protective services are  enforcer of Trump's mission
                                                                                                   not  appropriate,"  the  EPA  to  roll  back  environmental
                                                                                                   spokesman wrote.             regulation        deemed
                                                                                                   Pruitt  left  the  EPA  in  July  unfriendly   to   business,
                                                                                                   after  less  than  1  1/2  years  "not  only  held  the  EPA's
                                                                                                   and     amid     unending  mission  in  contempt  but
                                                                                                   revelations   of   scandals  saw  his  post  as  a  chance
                                                                                                   over  his  spending  and  to  pamper  himself  on  the
                                                                                                   other allegations of abuses  American taxpayer's dime."
                                                                                                   of  office.  The  new  acting  EPA officials never gave the
                                                                                                   EPA  administrator,  Andrew  agency's    independently
                                                                                                   Wheeler,     ended     the  funded inspector's general
                                                                                                   unprecedented      full-time  office  "any  documented
                                                                                                   security detail that month.  evidence  or  justification"
                                                                                                   The   inspector   general's  supporting  the  decision  to
                                                                                                   report     said     Pruitt's  give  Pruitt  night-and-day
                                                                                                   security  costs  were  more  security, the report said.
                                                                                                   than   double    those   of  The   inspector   general's
                                                                                                   his   predecessor,    Gina  report  said  the  agency
                                                                                                   McCarthy,  during  her  last  contended    "the    level
                                                                                                   year. It also cited $106,507 in  of   protection   is   an
                                                                                                   overtime, some of it in 2016,  administration   decision,
                                                                                                   before  President  Donald  informed by the awareness
                                                                                                   Trump's  administration,  for  of  risks  and  the  potential
                                                                                                   security that lacked proper  impact of those risks to the
                                                                                                   authorization.               efficient functioning of the
                                                                                                   Travel  costs  for  Pruitt's  agency."q
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