P. 5

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 5 september 2018
            Chicago Mayor Rahm

            Emanuel won’t

             seek 3rd term

            By MICHAEL TARM              Looking  back  on  his  time
             Associated Press            as  mayor,  Emanuel  said
            CHICAGO (AP) — In a sur-     his  top  priorities  included
            prise  announcement,  Chi-   rebuilding  trust  between
            cago  Mayor  Rahm  Eman-     police and the community.
            uel  said  Tuesday  that  he   He also cited the improve-
            would  abandon  his  effort   ment  of  Chicago  schools,
            to  seek  a  third  term  next   better  financial  manage-   In this Aug. 6, 2018, file photo, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel
            year  but  gave  no  reason   ment  of  the  city  and  the   speaks at a news conference in Chicago. Emanuel announced
            for  his  sudden  change  of   modernization  of  transpor-  Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018, that he will not seek a third term in 2019.
            heart.                       tation infrastructure.
            The   58-year-old   former   Before  becoming  mayor  ed  companies  to  the  city  family,”  he  said.  “My  kids
            White  House  chief  of  staff   in  2011,  Emanuel  was  a  and took measures to ease  were smart enough to see
            known  for  his  pugnacious   Democratic  congressman  crisis surrounding the worst-   that coming and scattered
            political style said only that   and  chief  of  staff  to  Presi-  funded  pension  system  of  to the two coasts. So as of
            he  and  his  wife  “look  for-  dent  Barack  Obama.  He  any major U.S. city.        the other day, we are now
            ward  to  writing  that  next   followed Richard M. Daley,  But he was also accused of  empty nesters.”
            chapter  in  our  journey  to-  who  was  mayor  for  more  plowing  ahead  on  policy  Emanuel  grew  up  in  the
            gether.”                     than  20  years.  He  won  a  changes  without  consult-  ritzy Chicago suburb of Wil-
            “This has been the job of a   second term in a 2015 run-  ing others. He often reveled  mette, the son of an Israeli
            lifetime,  but  it  is  not  a  job   off.                in his tough-guy reputation.  physician  who  moved  to
            for  a  lifetime,”  the  mayor   There are now no front-run-  In  his  Tuesday  statement,  the  United  States.  His  start
            said,  reading  prepared     ners in the race to lead the  Emanuel  several  times  re-  in  politics  came  after  col-
            remarks at a news confer-    nation’s  third-largest  city,  ferred  to  his  family,  noting  lege,  when  he  worked  for
            ence where he was joined     and  Emanuel’s  departure  that his three kids are now  Sen. Paul Simon’s 1984 Sen-
            at the podium by his wife.   will  almost  certainly  en-  in college. But he stopped  ate campaign and Richard
            He held her hand through-    courage others to enter it.  short  of  saying  family  con-  Daley’s  run  for  Chicago
            out the announcement.        As  mayor,  Emanuel  won  siderations  drove  his  deci-  mayor in 1989.
            Emanuel  had  been  run-     some  praise  for  his  efforts  sion.                    Then he went to work for a
            ning for months and raising   to upgrade schools, includ-  “Politicians   always   say  little-known  Arkansas  gov-
            money.  The  Chicago  Tri-   ing  by  adopting  a  longer  they’re  leaving  office  to  ernor  who  wanted  to  be
            bune said he had already     school day. He also attract-  spend more time with their  president.q
            amassed  more  than  $10
            million to campaign for an-
            other four-year term.
            His  announcement  came
            the  day  before  the  start
            of  one  of  the  biggest  po-
            lice-shooting  trials  in  Chi-
            cago  history.  The  release
            almost  three  years  ago  of
            a  dashcam  video  show-
            ing white officer Jason Van
            Dyke shooting black teen-
            ager  Laquan  McDonald
            16  times  in  2014  drew  the
            sharpest criticism of Eman-
            uel in his two terms.
            No  matter  how  the  trial
            ends, Emanuel’s legacy as
            mayor will likely be tied to
            the case.
            Many  people  questioned
            whether his office delayed
            releasing  the  video  to
            lessen  the  political  dam-
            age.  The  trial  is  expected
            to draw added scrutiny of
            how the city, and Emanu-
            el, dealt with the case.
            A  verdict  in  the  officer’s
            favor or a hung jury could
            prompt another crisis in the
            city, angering many Chica-
            goans,  inviting  large  pro-
            tests  and  creating  a  vola-
            tile political atmosphere.
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