P. 8

             Wednesday 5 september 2018

            France's Macron encounters obstacle course at home

            By SYLVIE CORBET             ing France's rigid labor rules                                                         mer Roxana Maracineanu,
            Associated Press             despite such resistance.                                                               world  champion  in  back-
            PARIS (AP) — French Presi-   MISSING MINISTERS                                                                      stroke  at  the  1998  World
            dent  Emmanuel  Macron  Environment  Minister  Nico-                                                                Aquatics Championships.
            planned to focus this month  las  Hulot's  resignation  last                                                        TAXING TIMES
            on  promoting  his  policies  week  was  an  unexpected                                                             A major change in French
            to  reshape  the  economy.  blow. Hulot, the well-known                                                             life  is  set  to  take  place  in
            Instead,  he's  encountered  host  of  a  television  nature                                                        January  with  the  introduc-
            obstacles.                   show, personified Macron's                                                             tion of a new schedule and
            The  resignations  of  two  agenda  for  greener  poli-                                                             system  for  paying  income
            popular  Cabinet  ministers,  cies.                                                                                 taxes.  Macron  suggested
            snags in a pending income  Hulot's  decision  to  quit                                                              last  week  that  potential
            tax system and anger over  raised questions about the                                                               technical bugs could be an
            cuts  in  family  and  housing  president's   commitment                                                            issue.  His  comments  made
            benefits  greeted  Macron  to  "Make  our  planet  great   In this Sunday, May 14, 2017 file photo Francois de Rugy, a close   the  government  look  un-
            as  France  returned  from  again"  —  a  verbal  jab     aide to French President Emmanuel Macron, arrives at the Ely-  prepared to the public.
            summer holidays.             at  U.S.  President  Donald   see Palace in Paris.                                     Yet Prime Minister Edouard
            Last  week,  the  40-year-   Trump's  withdrawal  from                                             Associated Press  Philippe confirmed on Tues-
            old  leader  branded  the  the Paris climate accords                                                                day  night  the  measure,
            French  as  "Gauls  resistant  An  experienced  politician  minister Tuesday.          als  in  fencing,  tendered  launched  under  Macron's
            to  change."  He  made  the  and environmentalist, Fran-  Meanwhile,  Sport  Minister  her  resignation  Tuesday  predecessor  Francois  Hol-
            remark while reaffirming his  cois  de  Rugy,  was  named  Laura  Flessel,  who  holds  for  "personal  reasons."  She  lande, will be implemented
            intent  to  push  for  loosen-  as  the  new  environment  two  Olympic  gold  med-    was  replaced  by  swim-     as planned.q

            Spain cancels bombs sale to Saudi Arabia amid Yemen concerns

            By ARITZ PARRA                                                                         ternational.  The  Stockholm  cuse  of  violating  interna-
            Associated Press                                                                       International  Peace  Re-    tional laws in Palestine ter-
            MADRID (AP) — Spain said                                                               search  Institute,  an  inde-  ritories.
            Tuesday  it  has  canceled                                                             pendent  global  security  The group's representatives
            the  delivery  of  400  laser-                                                         database,  says  the  United  were  meeting  with  Span-
            guided  bombs  purchased                                                               States,  Britain  and  France  ish  trade  officials  on  Tues-
            by Saudi Arabia, amid fears                                                            are Riyadh's main suppliers.  day  to  deliver  thousands
            that the weapons could be                                                              The  Saudi  crown  prince,  of  signatures  in  support
            used  against  Iran-aligned                                                            Mohammed  bin  Salman,  of  their  campaign,  which
            Houthi rebels in Yemen.                                                                visited  all  four  countries  in  also advocates for greater
            The  arms  deal  was  origi-                                                           April this year. Two months  transparency in the sales of
            nally  signed  in  2015  under                                                         later,   his   government  military and defense equip-
            Spain's former conservative                                                            signed the purchase of five  ment that Spain shields un-
            government,  but  the  new                                                             navy corvettes that a Span-  der state secrecy laws.
            center-left   administration                                                           ish  state-owned  military  A  U.N.  experts  committee
            of Prime Minister Pedro San-  In this April 12, 2018 file photo, Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mo-  shipbuilder  has  pledged  urged   the   international
                                         hammed bin Salman and Spain's then Defense Minister Maria
            chez plans to return the 9.2   Dolores  Cospedal  shake  hands  after  signing  bi-lateral  agree-  to deliver for 2 billion euros  community  last  month  to
            million  euros  ($10.6  million)   ments at the Moncloa Palace in Madrid, Spain.       ($2.31 billion). The contract  refrain from providing arms
            already paid by the Saudis,                                           Associated Press  had  been  in  the  works  for  that  could  be  used  in  the
            Cadena  SER  radio  report-                                                            years.                       Yemen  conflict,  in  refer-
            ed on Tuesday.               children. U.N. human rights  had promised to revise the  The  sale  was  sharply  criti-  ence  to  Western  countries
            A  Defense  Ministry  spokes-  experts  say  all  sides,  in-  country's  arms  deals  be-  cized  by  Weapons  Under  selling sophisticated weap-
            woman      confirmed    the  cluding  militias  backed  by  fore  the  new  prime  minis-  Control, a campaign seek-  ons  systems  to  the  Gulf
            report,  but  declined  to  the  United  Arab  Emirates,  ter ousted his predecessor,  ing  to  end  arms  sales  to  States.
            elaborate. She was not au-   may  have  committed  war  Mariano Rajoy, in a parlia-    Saudi  Arabia  over  its  role  The  U.N.  says  the  conflict
            thorized to be identified in  crimes in the conflict raging  mentary vote in June.     in  Yemen.  The  campaign,  in Yemen has become the
            media reports.               since March 2015.            As a longtime commercial  backed  by  Amnesty  Inter-     world's  worst  humanitarian
            International  rights  groups  The  Saudi  embassy  in  Ma-  ally of Saudi Arabia, Spain  national,  Greenpeace,  In-  crisis, with more than 22 mil-
            have  blamed  a  Saudi-led  drid  did  not  immediately  is the fourth largest provider  termon Oxfam and Spain's  lion  people  in  desperate
            coalition's airstrikes and oth-  respond  to  emailed  ques-  of  military  equipment  and  FundiPau,  also  wants  to  need in what was already
            er attacks in Yemen for the  tions and follow-up calls.   weapons to the Gulf state,  end exports of weapons to  the  Arab  world's  poorest
            killing of civilians, including  Sanchez's  Socialist  party  according  to  Amnesty  In-  Israel,  a  country  they  ac-  country.q
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