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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 5 september 2018

            Bank of England chief hints he will stay to help with Brexit

            By PAN PYLAS                                                                           aftermath of Britain's vote in  place Carney.
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Bank  of                                                              June 2016 to leave the EU.   Carney,  who  is  reportedly
            England  Governor  Mark                                                                "Even though I have already  also  interested  in  return-
            Carney  all  but  confirmed                                                            agreed to extend my time  ing  to  Canadian  politics,
            Tuesday  that  he  is  to  stay                                                        to support a smooth Brexit,  has  said  the  government
            at  the  helm  of  the  cen-                                                           I am willing to do whatever  will  announce  details  "in
            tral  bank  for  longer  than                                                          else  I  can  in  order  to  pro-  due course." Media reports
            planned  to  help  ensure                                                              mote both a smooth Brexit  have  suggested  his  ten-
            Britain leaves the European                                                            and  an  effective  transition  ure  may  be  extended  by
            Union  as  smoothly  as  pos-                                                          at the Bank of England," he  about a year or two.
            sible.                                                                                 said Tuesday.                "The  sooner  the  govern-
            Following days of specula-                                                             With  Brexit  due  March  29,  ment  provides  clarity,  the
            tion about an extension be-                                                            2019, Carney confirmed he  better," said Nicky Morgan,
            yond his planned June 2019                                                             has  been  in  talks  with  Brit-  a  Conservative  lawmaker
            departure,  Carney  told  a   In this file photo dated Wednesday, June 27, 2018, Mark Carney   ain's  Treasury  chief,  Philip  who  chairs  the  Treasury
                                         the Governor of the Bank of England, during a press conference
            committee  of  lawmakers     to deliver the Financial Stability Report at the Bank of England in   Hammond,  about  extend-  Committee  to  which  Car-
            that during "this critical pe-  the City of London.                                    ing  his  tenure  again.  Con-  ney  was  addressing  Tues-
            riod"  everyone  should  do                                           Associated Press  cerns  have  been  raised  day. "Any extension to Car-
            what they can to help the                                                              recently  that  the  Treasury  ney's  term  should  not  be
            Brexit process.              the top job at the Bank of  five-year  basis.  He  extend-  had  yet  to  open  up  the  used  to  delay  succession
            Carney, a Canadian, took  England  in  July  2013  on  a  ed it by a further year in the  appointment process to re-  planning."q

            Germany: Left-leaning pols form

            group to spur establishment

            By KIRSTEN GRIESHABER        called  Stand  Up  ("Aufste-  the killing of German man.
            Associated Press             hen" in German) —  —wants  The  Aug.  26  slaying  gave
            BERLIN (AP) — One of Ger-    to  reach  citizens  who  "no  rise  to  street  protests  that
            many's most prominent left-  longer feel represented" by  brought  together  neo-Na-
            wing politicians is leading a  mainstream  politics,  Wa-  zi  groups,  AfD  supporters
            new  movement  launched  genknecht, the Left Party's  and  Germans  opposed  to
            Tuesday  with  the  aim  of  parliamentary  leader,  told  Chancellor Angela Merkel's
            reviving the fortunes of the  reporters in Berlin.        welcoming      immigration
            country's  ailing  left  by  at-  The  Left  Party  and  the  So-  policies.           Sahra Wagenknecht addresses the media during the first press
            tracting  like-minded  peo-  cial  Democrats  have  lost  Ludger  Vollmer,  a  found-  conference of the new political movement 'Stand Up' in Berlin,
            ple across party lines.      disaffected  voters  to  the  ing member of the Greens,   Germany, Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018.
            Lawmaker  Sahra  Wagen-      far-right   Alternative   for  and Simone Lange, a Social                                          Associated Press
            knecht,  whose  Left  Party  Germany,  or  AfD.  The  na-  Democrat who is mayor of
            grew  out  of  the  former  tionalist party won enough  Flensburg  in  northern  Ger-  The three said Tuesday they  and low salaries.
            East Germany's communist  votes to enter national par-    many,  are  founding  mem-   neither  want  to  create  a  Other  members  of  the
            party,  and  two  members  liament  for  the  first  time  in  bers  with  Wagenknecht  of  new party nor break away  country's  three  left-leaning
            of the Greens and the So-    September  and  continues  the Stand Up group.            from  their  own  parties.  In-  parties   have   expressed
            cial  Democrats  said  more  to  show  well  in  polls,  par-  Nationally,  the  center-left  stead,  they  said  Stand  Up  skepticism.
            than  100,000  people  have  ticularly in states that were  Social  Democratic  Party  is  would  pressure  the  politi-  Thuringia  state  Gov.  Bodo
            pledged  online  to  support  part of East Germany.       a junior coalition partner to  cal  establishment  to  deal  Ramelow,  a  Left  Party
            their initiative.            The growing visibility of the  Merkel's  center-right  Chris-  with  the  worries  and  con-  member, said "a movement
            "We  are  witnessing  a  crisis  far  right  in  Germany  was  tian Democrats, while both  cerns of average Germans,  needs to develop from the
            of  democracy  in  Germa-    seen  last  week  after  two  the  Left  Party  and  Greens  such as housing costs, bad  bottom"  and  not  be  initi-
            ny," and the new group —  migrants  were  arrested  in  are in opposition.             schools, a nursing shortage  ated by party members.q
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