P. 14
Wednesday 5 september 2018
JCI YALA partners up with UNESCO to spread Peace
ORANJESTAD — JCI Young JCI Young Active Leaders For more information visit Young Active Leaders of
Active Leaders of Aruba of Aruba (JCI YALA) to- their Facebook page JCI Aruba. q
(JCI YALA) is part of Ju- gether with UNESCO Aruba
nior Chamber International will be organizing a Peace
(JCI), a worldwide commu- Walk in order to spread
nity of young active citizens awareness about Peace.
ages 18-40 who share the This is a very important day
belief that in order to cre- to focus not only on world
ate positive change, you peace but also peace at
must take collective ac- our own home, work and
tion to improve themselves mental peace. JCI YALA
and the world around have been doing activities
them. Engaging in activities surrounding this date for
ranging from community a while now and this year
development to interna- is no exception. UNESCO
tional projects, members Aruba and JCI have been
demonstrate their social working with Sustainable
responsibility and improve Development Goals of the
themselves through partici- United Nations to which this
pation, leadership and ac- project belongs. The 3 km
tion. Their vision is to be the fun walk to celebrate World
leading global network of Peace Day will take place
young active citizens. at the Linear Park starting
at 5 PM. It is expected for
September 21st is the Na- everyone to be dressed in
tional day of Peace and white, the color of Peace.
Like Us on Facebook!
ORANJESTAD – Did you know ….. Aruba Today has a Facebook page new cover picture of Aruba Today’s Facebook page, following the for-
and website. We would love to welcome you to our online community! mer local talents that shot the cover picture: Michael-Anthony Fowler
and Anuar Habibe. Armando’s goal is to create awareness about Aru-
The cover picture of the Facebook page will show another picture of a ban nature, especially with the youth and therefore he visits schools and
local photographer every couple of months. We love culture and like to he is member of Korteweg, an organization of young artists aiming to
support our local talents, therefore Aruba Today chooses to be a plat- bring art under the attention of the public. A short recap: he is an artist,
form for showcasing art. Photographer Armando Goedgedrag took the film maker, body boarder and surfer, nature lover and nature protector.