P. 16
Wednesday 5 september 2018
Aruba Dushi Tera, Aruba Sweet Earth
ARUBA ― Aruba Dushi Tera private and public func-
is the title of the national tions.
anthem of Aruba. The his-
tory of this song begins in In the 70's the Government
1951 when two well-known appointed a commission,
musicians, Rufo Wever consisting of Maybeline
and Juan Chabaya 'Padu' Arends-Croes, Rufo Odor,
Lampe, composed and re- Padu Lampe, Eddy Ben-
corded a rhythmic melody net, Hubert Lio Booi and
typical of Aruban music. Rufo Wever with the pur-
In those days, recordings pose of selecting a nation-
were made on vinyl re- al anthem. On February
cords, and the duo pro- 25, 1976, they unanimously
duced quite a few. recommended the waltz,
“Aruba Dushi Tera” as our
They took care that many of national anthem. The com-
past compositions were not mission proposed that one
lost for future generations. or more couplets be add-
Until today we still consider ed to the song. Mr. Hubert
them as two strongholds of Booi, was inspired, and
Aruban music, and these composed the last phrase
classic pieces are as be- “ dios por guia y con-
loved and appreciated as serva su amor pa libertad”
when they were first written. , which pays tribute to the
Aruban people and their
In 1952, Lampe and Wever love for liberty.
composed what eventual-
ly became our national an- On March 16, 1976, the
them. They were request- Parliament of Aruba ap-
ed to produce a piece of proved “Aruba Dushi Tera”
music that expressed the , as the official anthem of
love of our community for Aruba. On March 18, 1976,
their island and to raise the during an official act in the
patriotic sentiment of the Wilhelmina Stadium (now
population. It was first per- known as the Guillermo
formed and immortalized Prospero Trinidad Stadi-
by the musical and singing um), the song “Aruba Du-
group "De Trupialen" under shi Tera” was proclaimed
the direction of Friar Alexius. as the national anthem of
Radio Kelkboom recorded Aruba. It was presented by
the song on a 78 rpm vinyl a singing choir under the
record with "De Trupialen" direction of Mrs. Maybeline
accompanied on piano Arends-Croes, accompa-
by Padu Lampe. The piece nied by the Aruba Philhar-
was immediately widely monic Orchestra, directed
accepted, and played at by Mr. Joy Kock. q