P. 15
LOCAL Wednesday 5 september 2018
Honoring Loyal & Friendly visitors
PALM BEACH — Recently, Emely Rid-
derstaat of Aruba Tourism Authority had
the great pleasure to honor Loyal and
Friendly visitors of Aruba at the Marriott
Resort. The symbolic honorary title is pre-
sented on behalf of the Minister of Tour-
ism, Transportation, as a token of ap-
preciation to the guests who visit Aruba
between 10-20 and more consecutive
The Honorees are Mr. Edward & Mrs. Bet-
ty-Jane Heinz, who have been honored
as “Goodwill Ambassadors”. They have
been coming to Aruba for 20 consecu-
tive years. The Heinze’s love to relax on
the beach and enjoy the lovely weather.
Also honored were Mr. Ray & Mrs. Risa
Beckett together with their daughter Ms.
Nicole Beckett as “Distinguished Visitors”.
They have been coming to Aruba for 10
consecutive years.
Emely Ridderstaat together with Jenny
Boekhoudt of Marriott Resort present-
ed the certificate to the honorees and
handed over some presents to them
and thanked them for choosing Aruba
as their vacation destination and as
their home away from home for so many
years. q