P. 10

             Wednesday 5 september 2018
            Taliban say founder of Haqqani network dies in Afghanistan

            By KATHY GANNON                                                                                                     including the new head of
            Associated Press                                                                                                    al-Qaida Ayman al Zawah-
            ISLAMABAD  (AP)  —  The                                                                                             ri,  are  believed  to  be  pro-
            founder  of  Afghanistan's                                                                                          tected by the Haqqani net-
            much-feared       Haqqani                                                                                           work,  which  it  is  believed
            network,  a  former  U.S.  ally                                                                                     they also help fund.
            turned  fierce  enemy,  has                                                                                         Haqqani  developed  close
            died after years of ill health,                                                                                     ties  with  Pakistan's  intel-
            a    Taliban    spokesman                                                                                           ligence  service  known  by
            said  Tuesday.  Jalaluddin                                                                                          the  acronym  ISI  as  well  as
            Haqqani was 71.                                                                                                     Pakistani  militant  groups,
            Haqqani    died    Monday                                                                                           many of whom were being
            inside  Afghanistan,  Zabi-                                                                                         groomed by the ISI to fight
            hullah  Mujahed  told  The                                                                                          neighbor  India  in  the  dis-
            Associated  Press  in  a  tele-                                                                                     puted Kashmir region.
            phone  interview.  The  el-                                                                                         Fazlur   Rehman      Khalil,
            derly  founder  of  the  out-                                                                                       founder  of  the  outlawed
            lawed  Afghanistan-based                                                                                            Harakat-ul Mujahedeen
            organization,  once  hailed                                                                                         After  the  Russians  left  and
            as a freedom fighter by U.S.                                                                                        Afghanistan's     commu-
            President  Ronald  Reagan,                                                                                          nist  government  fell  to  the
            had been paralyzed for the                                                                                          U.S.-backed  mujahedeen,
            past 10 years.                                                                                                      Haqqani  served  briefly  as
            In  announcing  his  death                                                                                          justice  minister.  He  soon
            Tuesday,  Mujahed  called                                                                                           abandoned  the  mujahe-
            Haqqani a religious scholar                                                                                         deen  government  frustrat-
            and exemplary warrior.                                                                                              ed by their relentless feud-
            Because  of  his  infirmity,                                                                                        ing  and  returned  to  Khost
            Haqqani's    network   has                                                                                          where he maintained close
            been  led  by  his  son  Sira-  In this Aug. 22, 1998, file photo, Jalaluddin Haqqani, founder of the militant group the Haqqani   contact  with  militants,  in-
            juddin  Haqqani,  who  is    network, speaks during an interview in Miram Shah, Pakistan.                           cluding  bin  Laden,  from
            also  deputy  head  of  the                                                                        Associated Press  Arabic speaking countries.
            Taliban.  Considered  the                                                                                           After  taking  power  in  Sep-
            most  formidable  of  the  the mujahedeen.                when he studied a deeply  that brought him attention  tember  1996,  the  Taliban
            Taliban's  fighting  forces,  In  2012  the  United  States  conservative  form  of  Islam  from both the United States  embraced  Haqqani  for  his
            the  Haqqani  network  has  declared     the   Haqqani  at  the  Darulaman  Haqqa-     and  Pakistan.  He  received  military  skills,  according  to
            been linked to some of the  network  a  terrorist  organi-  nia  madrassa,  or  religious  both money and weapons  a  declassified  1998  cable
            more  audacious  attacks  zation.  Haqqani  had  not  school,  in  northwest  Paki-    from the U.S.                from the U.S. Embassy. That
            in  Afghanistan.  The  elder  been  heard  from  in  sever-  stan. In an earlier interview  While  the  Soviet  Union  cable also said Haqqani "is
            Haqqani joined the Taliban  al  years  and  reports  of  his  with  The  Associated  Press,  poured  men  and  money  close  buddies  with  many
            when  they  overran  Kabul  death were widespread in  the school's top cleric Mau-     into Afghanistan to support  Arab  and  Pakistani  Is-
            in  September  1996,  expel-  2015.                       lana  Sami-ul-Haq,  recalled  the  Communist  govern-     lamists."
            ling  feuding  mujahedeen  Declassified  U.S.  cables  a studious Haqqani.             ment in Kabul, Pakistan, the  In  August  1998,  U.S.  cruise
            groups,  whose  battles  left  called  Haqqani  a  "moder-  It  was  Haqqani's  rigid  in-  United  States  and  several  missiles targeted Haqqani's
            the capital in ruins.        ate  socialist"  who  did  not  terpretation  of  Islam  that  Arab states including Saudi  base in a failed attempt to
            Since then, the network has  embrace the Taliban's strict  launched him on the road  Arabia  and  Egypt,  stock-    kill bin Laden. Several Paki-
            been  among  the  fiercest  rules that denied girls edu-  to  insurgency  in  the  early  piled weapons for the mu-  stani militants affiliated with
            foes fighting U.S. and NATO  cation.  "Haqqani  functions  1970s when he returned to  jahedeen  in  neighboring  Harakat-ul-Mujahedeen
            troops  in  Afghanistan.  The  more  in  the  military  area,  Afghanistan to open a ma-  Pakistan.  Suitcases  full  of  group were killed in that at-
            elder  Haqqani's  death  is  and is not a force in setting  drassa,  or  religious  school,  cash were delivered to the  tack.
            not  expected  to  impact  Taliban political or social is-  and  organized  a  move-   mujahedeen through Paki-     "It makes me sad that he is
            the network's military might  sues," the cables read.     ment against Afghanistan's  stan, according to a former  no longer among us," Fazlur
            or strategy.                 Born  in  1947  into  the  pow-  monarch,  King  Zahir  Shah,  CIA  chief,  who  spoke  on  Rehman  Khalil,  co-founder
            Haqqani  was  among  the  erful  Zardran  tribe  that  according       to   unclassi-  condition of anonymity. He  of the outlawed Harakat-ul
            Afghan  mujahedeen,  or  dominates         southeastern  fied  U.S.  documents  that  told  The  AP  he  personally  Mujahedeen  said  Tuesday
            holy  warriors,  the  United  Afghanistan's  Paktia,  Pak-  tracked  Haqqani's  militant  delivered  suitcases  full  of  after  hearing  the  news  of
            States backed in the 1980s  tika  and  Khost  provinces,  career from the early 1970s  money  to  Haqqani,  whom  Haqqani's death. Khalil lives
            to  fight  the  former  Soviet  Haqqani was a close friend  to  his  partnership  with  the  he described as "one of the  freely on the outskirts of the
            Union's invading army, sent  of  Osama  bin  Laden,  who  Taliban in 1996.             good ones."                  Pakistani  capital  of  Islam-
            to  Afghanistan  in  1979  to  often  took  refuge  in  his  Forced  to  leave  Afghani-  It  was  during  the  1980s  abad,  currently  promoting
            prop  up  the  pro-Moscow  camps outside Khost.           stan  because  of  his  agita-  that  fighters  from  the  Mus-  a  fatwa  or  religious  edict
            government.       Haqqani  The  father  of  12  sons,  the  tion against the monarchy,  lim  world  were  recruited  banning  militant  violence
            was  praised  by  the  late  ailing Haqqani — who had  which was eventually over-      to fight the invading com-   in Pakistan.
            U.S.  Congressman  Charlie  been  suffering  from  Par-   thrown,  Haqqani  set  up  a  munists  in  Afghanistan.  Bin  In  November  2001,  when
            Wilson  as  "goodness  per-  kinson  disease  for  several  madrassa in Miran Shah, in  Laden was among the first  the  Taliban  were  routed
            sonified."  After  10  years,  years  prior  to  his  death  —  Pakistan's North Waziristan.  to  sign  up.  Many  of  the  from  Kabul,  Haqqani  was
            Moscow  negotiated  an  had turned the day-to-day  During  the  1980s,  when  Arab fighters gravitated to-          ordered by Mullah Omar to
            exit from Afghanistan in an  military  campaign  over  to  Washington backed an up-    ward Haqqani because he  move  the  Arab  fighters  to
            agreement  that  eventu-     his son Sirajuddin.          rising  against  the  commu-  was an Arabic speaker and  safety.
            ally  led  to  the  collapse  of  The  elder  Haqqani's  asso-  nist  government  in  Kabul  a ferocious warrior.   Haqqani had proven to be
            Kabul's communist govern-    ciation with Pakistan dates  and its Russian allies, it was  Many  of  the  Arab  fighters,  among the most resilient of
            ment  and  a  takeover  by  back  to  his  early  years,  Haqqani's  military  prowess  who remain in Afghanistan,  Afghanistan's insurgents.q
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