P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
             Wednesday 5 september 2018

            Water coolers replace school drinking fountains in Detroit

             Associated Press
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  Thousands
            of  Detroit  public  schools
            students were told Tuesday
            to  drink  from  district-sup-
            plied water coolers or bot-
            tled  water  on  the  first  day
            of classes, after the drinking
            fountains were shut off be-
            cause  of  contaminants  in
            some water fixtures.
            Superintendent Nikolai Vitti
            said last week that elevat-
            ed levels of lead or copper
            were  found  in  fixtures  at
            34  schools.  Test  results  are
            pending for other schools.
            The  discovery  of  contami-
            nated  water  in  Detroit’s
            schools follows a lead-taint-
            ed water crisis in Flint, Michi-  A bottled water dispenser sits in a hallway at Gardner Elementary School in Detroit, Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018.
            gan. In 2014 and 2015, Flint                                                                                                    Associated Press
            didn’t properly treat corro-  declared  safe.  School  of-  added.  Vitti  said  the  cost  Schools  should  not  have  water  and  hand  sanitizers
            sive  water  that  was  pulled  ficials  believe  old  fixtures,  of the coolers and bottled  waited until the start of the  to  Noble  Elementary-Mid-
            from the Flint River. As a re-  not the water source, may  water will be $200,000 over  school year to alert parents  dle School on Detroit’s west
            sult, lead in old pipes con-  be to blame.                two  months.  He’s  looking  about the water issues, said  side  Tuesday  afternoon,
            taminated the water going  “We’re  still  providing  wa-  at developing a long-term  Rhonda  Walton,  whose  and  that  more  would  be
            into  homes  and  business-  ter that we believe is safer,  plan  for  new  central  wa-  grandson is a kindergartner  distributed to other schools
            es,  and  it  streamed  from  and, ultimately, we actual-  ter stations at every school  at Gardner.                later.  The  American  Fed-
            household taps as a brown  ly believe students will drink  with  independent  piping  “That’s   something    that  eration  of  Teachers  is  pro-
            and smelly fluid.            more  water  than  they  did  systems, Vitti said.        should  have  been  ongo-    viding the water and hand
            Some  children  in  the  city  previously,”  Vitti  said  Tues-  But   as   parent   Quala  ing over the summer,” Wal-  sanitizers.  Local  teachers’
            were  subsequently  found  day  at  Gardner  Elemen-      (KWAY’-luh)        Bennett  ton  said.  “They  knew  that  union  leaders  are  expect-
            to  have  elevated  levels  of  tary  on  Detroit’s  west  side.  dropped  two  children  off  we  had  to  be  at  school  ed  to  meet  Tuesday  after-
            lead  in  their  blood,  which  “But this is about teaching  at   Gardner   Elementary  by today. And those issues  noon  with  the  American
            can  lead  to  developmen-   and  learning,  not  a  con-  Tuesday,  she  wondered  should have been correct-       Federation  of  Teachers  to
            tal delays and other health  versation  about  water.  It’s  why the district only recent-  ed by today.”           discuss how to address the
            problems.  Eager  to  not  an  injustice  that  children  ly began testing its water.  Walton  also  said  she  re-  safe water issue.
            undergo  the  same  health  and  parents  have  to  think  “I don’t understand why it’s  minds her grandson not to  “We see this as an effort to
            and  financial  fallout  as  about  quality  water,  but  still  a  problem.  I  don’t  un-  drink the water. “We’re not  augment  what  already  is
            Flint,  officials  decided  no  we did the overall testing to  derstand  why  now  they’re  touching  that  water  if  we  being provided by the dis-
            students  at  Detroit’s  106  be transparent and be pro-  checking  the  school  sys-  don’t have to,” she said.    trict,”  Coleman  said.  “It’s
            public  schools  should  be  active.” “I can sleep better  tem,”  Bennett  said.  “They  Ken  Coleman,  a  spokes-  our  opportunity  to  help
            subjected to drinking mains  at  night  and  actually  look  should  have  done  that  man for the Detroit Federa-  make  the  school  setting
            water  until  a  solution  can  in  the  mirror  knowing  that  once   the   whole   Flint  tion  of  Teachers,  said  the  a  better  learning  environ-
            be  found  and  the  water  we did the right thing,” he  thing  happened.”  Detroit  union would deliver bottled  ment for our students.”q
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