P. 11
WORLD NEWS Wednesday 5 september 2018
China's Xi to send top ally to North Korea anniversary
By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN China's orbit," said John De-
BEIJING (AP) — Chinese lury, a North Korea expert
President Xi Jinping will not at Yonsei University in Seoul.
attend celebrations of the Michael Kovrig, senior ad-
70th anniversary of North viser for Northeast Asia
Korea's founding this week- at the International Crisis
end but will send a top ally Group, described a deci-
to represent him instead, sion by Xi not to go as a
the ruling Communist Party "strong signal," indicating
announced Tuesday. that "North Korea has a lot
Speculation had swirled to do to get back in China's
over whether Xi would at- good graces."
tend the celebrations fol- Still, his appointment of a
lowing three visits to China high-ranking official such
this year by North Korean as Li as his envoy appeared
leader Kim Jong Un. to indicate ties remained
Analysts said a decision by basically on track.
Xi not to travel to Pyong- Kim's visits to Beijing dis-
yang would indicate that played all the customary
Beijing expected further pomp and circumstance
actions from Kim, including bestowed on his father and
real signs of progress to- grandfather. A separate
ward denuclearization. visit to the northern port
The party's International of Dalian showed the two
Department said Xi would leaders strolling along the
be represented by Li Zhans- beach and chatting amid
hu, the party's third-ranking lush gardens — all appar-
official and head of China's ently intended to imply a
rubberstamp parliament. In this file photo, released by China's Xinhua News Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks warm personal relationship
While China-North Korea to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Dalian in northeastern China's Liaoning Province. between them.
relations have improved Associated Press Diplomats say Beijing con-
this year following a pro- tinues to implement U.N.
longed chill, China remains it. Foreign ministry spokes- 2005, a time when Beijing sent Chinese troops to aid sanctions on exports of
committed to U.N. eco- woman Hua Chunying was urging the North to re- North Korea after the Ko- coal, iron ore, seafood and
nomic sanctions placed on said Washington should form its economy and take rean War began in 1950, other products. In one area
the North over its ballistic "engage in self-reflection part in six-nation denucle- setting up a relationship not covered by the sanc-
missile and nuclear weap- and stop flip-flopping and arization talks. once described as being tions, however, it seems
ons testing programs. blaming others." When the younger Kim took "as close as lips and teeth." to be cutting Pyongyang
The celebrations in Pyong- "Regarding America's at- power in 2011, exchanges Xi could have also used some slack: tourism.
yang also come as U.S. tempts to pass the buck, slowed as Kim sought to as- the opportunity to reassert Recent visitors to North Ko-
President Donald Trump I'm sorry, we'd rather not sert his independence and China's claim to a place at rea say numbers of Chinese
has blamed Beijing for the accept," Hua told report- China grew impatient with the table when key deci- visitors have exploded in re-
slow progress of denuclear- ers. Kim's nuclear and missile sions are made concerning cent months, with busloads
ization, suggesting that Chi- China has already dis- tests. Ties frayed last year Pyongyang's relationships turning up at key spots such
na has been encouraging tanced itself somewhat when China supported with both Washington and as the Demilitarized Zone
North Korea to drag its feet from its significant cooper- tougher U.N. sanctions on South Korea, including over dividing the two Koreas
with denuclearization to ation with the U.S. on North Pyongyang and suspend- a possible formal end to and Mount Paektu, which
gain leverage against the Korea. After supporting ed coal and iron ore im- the Korean War. Beijing is touches the country's bor-
U.S. in a trade dispute that tough U.N. sanctions and ports. determined to ensure its in- der with China.
has seen both sides leveling scaling back trade with That made Kim's three vis- terests are honored, espe- China is likely advertising
tariffs on $50 billion of each the North after it ramped its to China this year all the cially its desire to maintain the potential benefits of
other's products. up nuclear and missile tests more striking, a sign that the viability of Kim's regime North Korean compliance
Last week, Trump tweeted last year, Beijing has eased the relationship was back and keep U.S. and South farther down the line.
that North Korea "is under the pressure on its neighbor on track. Korean forces far from its "China has a strategy of try-
tremendous pressure from slightly. A visit by Xi on such a sym- border. ing to prevent North Korea
China because of our ma- No Chinese head of state bolic occasion would have "I think Beijing is worried that from straying too far," De-
jor trade disputes with the has visited North Korea further underscored the North Korea will go its own lury said. "This relationship
Chinese government," since President Hu Jintao unique historical ties be- way and work out new re- is full of mutual distrust, but
adding, "This is not helpful!" met with Kim's father, Kim tween the two countries' lationships with Washington they keep it within certain
China wasn't having any of Jong Il, in Pyongyang in ruling parties. Mao Zedong and Seoul and move out of bounds."q