P. 13
Wednesday 5 september 2018
Help save our owls (Shoco)
ORANJESTAD — The Aruban bird of prey of only twenty • Burrowing owls get
Burrowing owl is the nation- centimeters high. their common name from
al bird of Aruba and is a their unusual habit of nest-
protected species but due This diurnal species can be ing underground in already
to several circumstances seen sitting in open areas in dug-out burrows, although
these species are in danger small family groups, appar- they are known to occa-
of extinction. The Aruban ently unphased by the hot sionally dig out their own.
Burrowing Owl feeds on in- afternoon sun. Burrowing When the breeding season
sects and rodents which it Owls are much loved by is over, the owls continue to
typically hunts for from the the native islanders. The lit- use their burrow to rest dur-
ground, walking, hopping tle owl is endemic (Athene ing the day.
or running after it. cunicularia arubensis) and • The Shoco’s popu-
only exists on Aruba. Spe- lation has greatly dimin-
It is known on occasion to cial about the Aruba bur- ished in the last few de-
locate prey from a high rowing owl – also called cades and is now locally
perch and to catch prey rabbit owl – is that it hunts endangered, with esti-
with its feet. Much of the both during the day and mates of less than 200 pairs
life history of this subspecies at night, its diet consists of remaining. Threats include
is still unknown. Burrowing insects, small rodents, little overdevelopment and the
owls typically lay three to lizards and small birds. Un- invasive boa constrictor.
six eggs that are incubated fortunately the owl is being
for 28 days and hatch after threatened by tourism and The Department of Nature
42 days. It is unclear if this Boa Constrictors. Estimation and Environment (DNM)
also goes for the Aruban is that only 200 pairs of Owls seeks the cooperation of
Burrowing Owl. Staff of the exist in the Aruban nature. the entire community of
Parke Nacional Arikok are The people of Aruba are Aruba in order to help them
currently monitoring the very proud of their Shoco register all the owls (shoco)
owl’s population within the and its picture predicted or nest in your surroundings.
protected area. This park on many objects on the The owl is the national bird
is also an important refuge island, like banknotes and of Aruba and is a protected
where the population can stamps. On the 23rd of Jan- species. Seeing that we are
recover. They live in bur- uary 2012 the ‘Shoco’ was entering in the nesting pe-
rows on the ground in ar- pronounced national sym- riod of these owls it is very
eas of cactus scrub and bol of Aruba. important to report these risk of extinction of these main reason for the endan-
dry forest. It is an endemic Did you know? areas in order for the De- species. The population of gering of the owls. When-
sub-species of the burrow- • The Aruban Burrow- partment to protect these these owls have diminished ever you see an owl or find
ing owl that occurs only on ing owl was made one of areas as much as they can. throughout the years and is a nest of these owls report
Aruba. The Burrowing Owl Aruba’s National Symbols A database is being creat- in danger of extinction. Too this to the department thru
is a buffy-colored, long- in January 2012. It also ap- ed with all the info collect- much construction going their website www. infraa-
legged owl with large, yel- pears on Aruba’s postal ed. This information is very on and the invasion of the or www.dnma-
low eyes. It is a rare small stamps and currency. important to minimalize the boas on our island are the or call 584-1199.q