P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Friday 10 august 2018
            Lindor's 3-run homer in

            9th gives Indians 5-2 win

            By The Associated Press      as left-handed batter since  Blaine  Hardy  (4-4)  for  a
            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  Fran-    Rafael  Palmeiro  hit  15  in  two-run  homer  shortly  be-
            cisco  Lindor  connected  2003.                           fore Pujols added his 632nd
            for  a  three-run  homer  with  Mike Zunino hit two homers  career homer.
            two outs in the ninth inning  for the Mariners.           Mike  Trout  missed  his  sev-
            as  the  Cleveland  Indians  RED SOX 10, BLUE JAYS 5      enth  consecutive  game
            again  moved  10  games  TORONTO  (AP)  —  Rafael  with  a  sore  right  wrist,  but
            ahead of Minnesota in the  Devers  returned  from  the  the Angels are hopeful the
            AL  Central  with  a  5-2  win  disabled list and hit a two-  two-time  AL  MVP  can  re-
            over the Twins on Wednes-    run  home  run,  Brian  John-  turn  against  Oakland  this
            day night.                   son pitched a season-high  weekend.
            Lindor, who struck out with  seven innings to win his sec-  ROYALS 9, CUBS 0
            the winning run at second  ond  straight  start  and  Bos-  KANSAS  CITY,  Mo.  (AP)  —
            base  in  the  ninth  in  a  loss  ton  extended  its  winning  Heath   Fillmyer   allowed
            on  Tuesday,  drove  the  first  streak to six games.     three  singles  over  seven
            pitch  from  Trevor  Hilden-  J.D. Martinez had three hits  innings  for  his  first  major
            berger  (2-3)  over  the  wall  and  Xander  Bogaerts  had  league   win,   Adalberto
            in right to trigger a wild cel-  three  RBIs  for  the  AL  East-  Mondesi  and  Drew  Butera
            ebration.                    leading Red Sox.             each  drove  in  three,  and
            Jason  Kipnis  singled  with  Johnson  (3-3)  allowed  five  Kansas City beat Chicago.
            one out in the ninth before  runs and six hits to earn his  Anthony Rizzo drilled Fillmy-
            Twins  right  fielder  Max  Ke-  first  career  win  over  the  er  (1-1)  with  a  line  drive
            pler robbed Yan Gomes of  Blue  Jays.  He  walked  two  on the left foot on his third
            extra bases with a leaping  and struck out six.           pitch,  but  Fillmyer  stuck
            catch before crashing into  Boston  chased  Blue  Jays  around  and  didn't  allow
            the wall. Brandon Guyer fol-  starter Mike Hauschild (1-1)  another  hit  until  David
            lowed with a single to bring  with a four-run third inning.  Bote  and  Tommy  La  Stella   Cleveland  Indians'  Francisco  Lindor  celebrates  after  hitting  a
            up  Lindor,  who  capped  YANKEES 7, WHITE SOX 3          singled with one out in the   walk-off three-run home run against the Minnesota Twins in a
            a  wild  ninth  inning  with  his  CHICAGO (AP) — Luis Sev-  seventh inning.           baseball game Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2018, in Cleveland.
            29th homer.                  erino pitched seven effec-   Jose    Quintana     (10-8)                                           Associated Press
            The     All-Star   shortstop  tive innings in his first win in  dropped to 3-10 in 25 starts
            skipped  around  the  bases  a  month,  Giancarlo  Stan-  against the Royals. He was   Mike Wright Jr. (3-0) got two  Givens pitched the ninth for
            before  being  mobbed  at  ton hit his first grand slam in  removed  after  Mondesi's   outs  in  relief,  and  Mychal  his third save.q
            home  plate  by  his  team-  four years and New York fin-  homer,  giving  up  five  runs
            mates.                       ished a sweep of Chicago.    on six hits and two walks.
            Down  2-1,  Minnesota  tied  Aaron  Hicks  also  hom-     ORIOLES 5, RAYS 4
            it in the ninth on Miguel Sa-  ered  as  wild  card-leading  ST.  PETERSBURG,  Fla.  (AP)
            no's leadoff homer against  New York closed out a 3-4  —  Trey  Mancini  hit  a  go-
            Cody  Allen  (4-4),  who  trip  with  its  third  consecu-  ahead  two-run  double  in
            wound  up  with  a  blown  tive  win.  Gleyber  Torres  the  ninth  inning,  and  Balti-
            save and win.                reached  three  times  on  a  more beat Tampa Bay de-
            RANGERS 11, MARINERS 7       single and two walks.        spite committing five errors.
            ARLINGTON,     Texas   (AP)  Severino (15-5) retired 11 in  It was the first time the Ori-
            —  Joey  Gallo  homered  a  row  after  the  White  Sox  oles  committed  five  errors
            twice  and  drove  in  four  used  three  straight  hits  to  in  a  victory  since  June  9,
            runs,  Yovani  Gallardo  won  open a 2-0 lead in the first.  1983.
            his fourth straight start and  White   Sox   right-hander  Sergio  Romo  (2-3)  allowed
            Texas held off Seattle.      Lucas  Giolito  (7-9)  was  consecutive  hits  to  Mark
            Gallardo  (7-1)  leads  the  tagged for seven runs and  Trumbo,  Danny  Valencia
            majors  with  seven  wins  six  hits  in  five  innings  in  his  and  Mancini  in  the  ninth,
            since  June  23.  He  allowed  first loss in a month.     the  only  three  batters  he
            three  hits,  two  runs  and  ANGELS 6, TIGERS 0          faced.  It  was  Romo's  sev-
            three  walks  while  striking  ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — Jus-  enth  blown  save.  Tampa
            out two in six innings.      tin Upton and Albert Pujols  Bay has played five straight
            Gallo  has  hit  10  of  his  hit back-to-back homers in  one-run  games  and  lost
            31  homers  in  his  past  19  the fifth inning, and Los An-  four of them.
            games. He went 3 for 5 to  geles  completed  a  three-
            raise  his  batting  average  game sweep of Detroit.
            above .200 for the first time  Kole Calhoun hit a leadoff
            since June 16.               homer  and  rookie  Jaime
            Seattle starter Marco Gon-   Barria  (7-7)  pitched  five-hit
            zales (12-7) gave up career  ball into the sixth. Los Ange-
            highs  of  12  hits  and  seven  les was in a 1-6 skid before
            runs in five innings.        getting back to .500 in the
            Gallo's   homers    against  series with the struggling Ti-
            Gonzales  gave  him  12  gers.
            against  left-handers  this  Upton  connected  on  a
            season, the most by a Tex-   full-count  changeup  from
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