P. 25

BUSINESS                 Friday 10 august 2018

            Spa and beauty industry campaign hopes to fill 30,000 jobs

            By BETH J. HARPAZ                                                                                                   As an example of a behind-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the-scenes profession that's
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  The                                                                                             booming, an eyelash artist
            spa  and  beauty  industry  is                                                                                      from Borboleta, the largest
            growing so fast that 30,000                                                                                         educator  of  lash  artists  in
            jobs  are  going  unfilled.  A                                                                                      the  world,  was  at  the  spa
            "Get Your Dream Job" cam-                                                                                           show  to  demonstrate  the
            paign is aiming to change                                                                                           application  of  lash  exten-
            that.                                                                                                               sions. Borboleta trains near-
            Lynnelle  Lynch  is  president                                                                                      ly 3,000 lash artists annually
            of Beauty Changes Lives, a                                                                                          in  beauty  schools  across
            foundation  committed  to                                                                                           North America and Brazil.
            "elevating  the  perception                                                                                         "Consumers will pay $200 to
            of  careers  in  beauty  and                                                                                        $500 for a lash service, with
            wellness and make it a first                                                                                        $75  to  $200  for  a  fill  (lash
            choice," she said. The foun-                                                                                        maintenance)  every  two
            dation  provides  scholar-                                                                                          to  three  weeks,"  said  Kai-
            ships from $1,000 to $15,000,                                                                                       noa  Clark,  vice  president
            and spas and salons across                                                                                          of marketing for Borboleta.
            the country are helping to                                                                                          "We're  one  of  the  fastest-
            get out the message.                                                                                                growing  segments  within
            The campaign was a focus                                                                                            the beauty industry and it's
            of  the  annual  Internation-                                                                                       still in its infancy."
            al  Spa  Association  show   Becky Delsanto, from Borbolta, applies eye lash extensions in the Beauty Changes Lives exhibit, at   Other  spa  show  partici-
            held  Tuesday  in  New  York   annual International Spa Association event, New York, Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018.         pants included:
            to  showcase  trends,  treat-                                                                      Associated Press  —Hippocrates  Health  In-
            ments and new spas.                                                                                                 stitute,  West  Palm  Beach,
            Spas are now a $17.5 billion  company.                    the  workforce  after  raising  are portable. And it's short  Florida,  demonstrating  "vi-
            industry in the United States,  Mersberger  is  also  chair-  kids  —  along  with  military  term  —  five  months  to  a  brational  sound  therapy"
            up 4 percent in a year, ac-  man  of  the  iSPA  board,  spouses  looking  for  skills  year — to get this training."  with the resonating sounds
            cording  to  iSPA  statistics,  and  noted  that  the  indus-  they can take with them if  Jobs  include  aestheticians  of  a  didgeridoo,  the  long
            with 187 million visits to spas  try's record-breaking boom  they move.                who  provide  facial  skin  wooden Australian aborigi-
            in  nearly  22,000  locations,  includes  "spa  visits  at  an  But Lynch feels the industry  care and body treatments,  nal wind instrument, blown
            and more than 370,000 em-    all-time  high,"  along  with  does not always get the re-  and cosmetologists who do  on the skin.
            ployees, about half of them  record  average  revenue  spect it deserves. She even  hair  styling,  makeup  and  —Yo1  Luxury  Nature  Cure,
            full-time.                   of nearly $94 per customer  encourages parents to get  nails.  Lynch  pointed  out  a  new  $300  million  prop-
            "We're  opening  our  fifth  visit.                       kids  considering  careers  in  that  celebrities  often  owe  erty  with  136  guest  rooms
            Kohler Water Spa in Chica-   Lynch emphasized that the  the  industry  if  college  isn't  their  looks  to  "people  be-  that opened in June on the
            go next year as a result of  industry  welcomes  workers  the right fit.               hind the scenes," and that  grounds of the defunct Kut-
            how hot the industry is right  in  every  stage  of  life,  from  "If  they're  creative,  if  they  beauty  school  is  a  good  sher's  Resort  in  Monticello,
            now,"  said  Garrett  Mers-  students  just  out  of  high  love  wellness,  if  they  love  steppingstone for entrepre-  New  York,  in  the  Catskills.
            berger, director of wellness  school  to  older  workers  beauty,  why  not  allow  neurial-minded  profession-     Programs  and  services  in-
            and  Kohler  Water  Spas  at  looking  for  new  opportuni-  them to take an alternative  als  to  launch  products  or  clude yoga and aryuvedic
            Kohler,  a  Wisconsin-based  ties,  to  those  returning  to  path?"  she  said.  "The  skills  open salons.        massage.q
            US producer prices flat in July, restraining inflation

            By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER       likely reflecting a buildup in  The  consumer  price  index  2  percent.  They  have  indi-  0.3 percent in June and 0.5
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  U.S.  soybean stocks after China  increased  2.9  percent  in  cated  they  will  hike  twice  percent in May. Still, goods
            wholesale  prices  were  un-  imposed  tariffs  on  them  in  June  from  a  year  earlier,  more  this  year.  A  drop  in  prices  rose  4.5  percent  in
            changed  in  July  after  two  retaliation for U.S. duties.  also the largest in six years.  wholesale  service  prices,  July from a year earlier, the
            months  of  large  increases,  With the economy growing  The  Federal  Reserve's  pre-  including  airline  fares  and  strongest  gain  in  six  and  a
            a  sign  inflation  pressures  at  a  healthy  clip,  inflation  ferred  inflation  gauge  has  hospital  care,  offset  a  half  years,  led  by  higher
            may have softened.           has perked up after nearly  risen  at  a  more  muted  slight increase in wholesale  costs  for  new  cars  and
            The Labor Department said  a  decade  of  mostly  tame  pace,  increasing  2.2  per-   goods  costs  to  leave  pro-  pharmaceuticals.  Services
            Thursday that the producer  prices.  Higher  gas  prices  cent  in  the  past  year.  The  ducer prices unchanged in  costs  have  increased  2.6
            price index — which mea-     have been the main cata-     Fed targets 2 percent infla-  July. That followed gains of  percent in the past year.q
            sures price changes before  lyst, but they have leveled  tion to protect against de-
            they reach the consumer —  off  in  recent  weeks.  The  flation, a destabilizing trend
            increased  3.3  percent  last  average  price  nationwide  that  leads  to  lower  prices
            month  from  a  year  earlier.  for  a  gallon  of  gas  was  and incomes. Price increas-
            That's down slightly from 3.4  $2.87  Thursday,  according  es were below 2 percent for
            percent in June, which was  to  AAA.  That's  the  same  six years, according to the
            the biggest in six years.    as  a  month  earlier.  Still,  Fed's gauge. The Fed is rais-
            Gas  prices  and  other  en-  the  Trump  administration's  ing  the  short-term  interest
            ergy  costs  fell  after  two  trade fights with major trad-  rate  it  controls  in  an  effort
            months of strong gains, and  ing  partners,  including  the  to  keep  inflation  in  check.
            food  costs  also  declined.  European  Union,  Canada  Fed  policymakers  have  in-
            The price of soybeans and  and Mexico as well as Chi-     creased the rate five times
            other  oilseeds  fell  14  per-  na, could lift prices further if  in  the  past  three  years,  to
            cent, the most in four years,  more  duties  are  imposed.  between 1.75 percent and
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