P. 24
Friday 10 august 2018
Samsung plans $22 billion for artificial intelligence, autos
By YOUKYUNG LEE even by Samsung's stan-
AP Technology Writer dard, the size of the invest-
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — ment announced Wednes-
Samsung Electronics plans day was huge. In 2010, un-
to spend a whopping $22 der the leadership of Lee's
billion over the next three father, Lee Kun-hee, who
years on artificial intelli- was then in charge of the
gence, auto components group, Samsung had said it
and other future businesses would spend 23 trillion won
as the company maps out over the following 10 years
its strategy under the re- on future businesses.
stored leadership of Vice South Korean voters weary
Chairman Lee Jae-yong of scandals and critical of
after he was freed from big businesses like Samsung
prison. elected President Moon to
The announcement replace Park after she was
Wednesday by South Ko- ousted.
rea's biggest business Moon pledged to reform
group was welcome news, outdated practices and
coming at a time of deep- abuses in politics and in
ening unease over slowing business and appointed
growth in Asia's fourth larg- a critic of big conglomer-
est economy. It also high- ates, known as "chaebols,"
lights that South Korea's In this April 6, 2018, file photo, an employee walks past logos of the Samsung Electronics Co. at to lead South Korea's fair-
decades-old reliance on its office in Seoul, South Korea. trade commission.
big businesses for jobs and Associated Press Such moves raised hopes
investments is unlikely to for change, but more than
end anytime soon since the while the next-generation freed after nearly a year lion won ($161 billion), Sam- a year after taking office
country lacks a strong pool 5G telecommunications in jail but former President sung said. Of that total, 130 Moon's administration is
of small and medium-sized technology will create new Park Geun-hye and a close trillion won will stay in South facing mounting criticism
companies found in Japan opportunities in autono- associate remain impris- Korea, the company said. over its handling of the
or Germany. mous driving, the Internet oned for bribery and other The rest will likely be dis- economy. Youth unem-
Samsung said it will spend of Things (IoT) and robot- charges. tributed to China, Vietnam ployment rates are at histor-
the sum, amounting to 25 ics," the company said in a Lee kept a low profile after and other production lines ic highs and exports, apart
trillion won, on increasing statement. his release in February but overseas. from the booming memory
the number of artificial in- Some of the funding will go has been emerging in his Samsung also said Wednes- chip sector, have been
telligence researchers to to Samsung's biopharma- public role in recent weeks. day that it plans to create slow to recover. Moon's ap-
1,000 at its artificial intel- ceutical businesses. Sam- The most notable appear- 20,000 more jobs over the proval rates have fallen to
ligence centers around sung has been beefing up ance was in India, where next three years, on top of around 60 percent for the
the world, ensuring it will its contract drug making Lee met with President a previously announced first time, the lowest level
be a global player in next- operations to help counter Moon Jae-in and Samsung 20,000 new jobs. The new since he took office.
generation telecoms tech- a potential decline in its announced plans to ex- investment is expected to Samsung's investment an-
nology called 5G and on mainstay electronics busi- pand its smartphone pro- indirectly lead to about nouncement came two
deepening its involvement nesses. duction there. 700,000 jobs in related in- days after the finance
in electronic components South Korea relies heavily Including the latest plan, dustries and businesses minister visited a Samsung
for future cars. on Samsung and its affili- spending by Samsung in South Korea, Samsung computer chip factory,
"Samsung expects inno- ated companies for invest- Electronics and its affiliates said without giving a time where he touted Samsung's
vations powered by AI ment and jobs, even after on research and develop- frame. No company in importance in South Ko-
technology will drive the a corruption scandal that ment and capital expen- South Korea can match rea's economy.q
industry's transformation, resulted in Lee's convic- ditures over the next three Samsung's scale in invest-
tion for bribery. Lee was years will amount to 180 tril- ment or job creation. But
Twitter CEO defends decision not
to ban Alex Jones, Infowars
spiracy theorist Alex Jones has also been suspended tions to make us feel good
and his "Infowars" show, as for 30 days but he still has in the short term, and add-
many other social media a "verified" Twitter account. ing fuel to new conspiracy
platforms have done, say- A separate Twitter account theories."He said he want-
ing he did not break any for "Infowars" is also still run- ed the company to avoid
rules.Facebook, ning. succumbing to outside
Apple, YouTube and Spoti- We didn't suspend Alex pressure but instead impar-
fy took down over the past Jones or Infowars yester- tially enforce straightfor-
week material published day," Dorsey said in a series ward principles "regardless
In this Tuesday, July 19, 2016 file photo, Alex Jones, center by Jones, reflecting more of tweets late Tuesday . "We of political viewpoints." He
right, is escorted by police out of a crowd of protesters outside aggressive enforcement of know that's hard for many also linked to a blog post
the Republican convention in Cleveland. their hate speech policies but the reason is simple: he Tuesday by the company's
By KELVIN CHAN CEO Jack Dorsey defend- after rising online backlash hasn't violated our rules. vice president for trust and
AP Business Writer ed his company's decision and raising pressure on We'll enforce if he does." safety, Del Harvey, outlining
LONDON (AP) — Twitter not to ban right-wing con- Twitter to do the same. Dorsey said Twitter did not the company's policies.q
Jones' Facebook account want to take "one-off ac-