P. 23
SPORTS Friday 10 august 2018
Ruck wins 200 at Pan Pacific, Ledecky gets 3rd
AP Sports Writer King hasn't lost this race
TOKYO (AP) — Taylor Ruck since 2015.
almost psyched herself out "It's definitely my baby," she
before the race even start- said. "I don't know how I
ed. would take losing, so I'm just
Knowing she was swimming trying to keep winning."
against five-time Olympic Host nation Japan won
champion Katie Ledecky in twice. Yasuhiro Koseki took
the 200-meter freestyle on the men's 100 breaststroke,
Thursday at the Pan Pacific and Yui Ohashi won the
Championships, the Cana- women's 400 individual
dian had to calm herself medley.
down as she readied to Australia's sole victory was
dive into the pool. in the mixed medley relay.
"It's the name, I guess, be- China has sent fewer swim-
cause she is the fastest mers and is focusing in-
woman on the planet in a stead on the Asian Games
lot of races," Ruck said of later this month in Jakarta,
the American great. "My Indonesia. Other American
coach kind of saw that, so winners included Jordan
he told me to focus on my Canada's Taylor Ruck, left, reacts on the podium after winning the women's 200m freestyle final Wilimovsky in the 1,500,
with third placed Katie Ledecky of the US at the Pan Pacific swimming championships in Tokyo,
lane and my race." Japan, Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018. Townley Hass in the 200
And there's another factor. Associated Press freestyle, and Chase Kalisz
Almost everyone is already in the men's 400 individual
thinking about the 2020 race. She was second in "I knew it was going to be again won the 100 breast- medley. He beat out Olym-
Olympics in Tokyo and us- the 200 a year ago at the tough," Ledecky said. "It's stroke, this time in 1:05.44. pic champion Kosuke Hag-
ing this event as a trial run. world championships in Bu- a tough double. I've done Not her best time, but she'll ino and Rio bronze medalist
Ruck won the 200 in 1 min- dapest. it a number of times, but take it. Daiya Seto. Kalisz took silver
ute, 54.44 seconds, just It wasn't a lost day. Ledecky it's always a difficult thing. I "I'm just trying to take it year in Rio. The Pan Pacs are be-
ahead of Japanese rival took the 800 in 8:09.13 — really put a lot of work into by year, but I do feel it's a ing held in the Tatsumi Inter-
Rikako Ikee. Ledecky was the fifth fastest on record — not having that happen little bit of a rehearsal for national Swimming Center,
third in 1:55.15. Ledecky and will be the favorite in again. But I still have two the Olympics since we're which will be used for water
won this event two years the 400 during the four-day more years to go until the in the same city," King said. polo at the next Olympics.
ago at the Rio de Janeiro event in Tokyo, the biggest big show here in Tokyo." "I'm just trying to get used to A new aquatic center is
Olympics — and the 400 meet of the year for most American teammate Lil- the culture and things like about 35 percent com-
and 800, too — though it swimmers around the Pa- ly King did her thing. The that. But the Olympics are plete, located just a short
probably is her weakest cific Rim. Olympic champion in Rio always in the back of my walk away.q
Predators GM Poile tops U.S.
Hockey Hall of Fame class
By STEPHEN WHYNO Poile has run an NHL team know it can't last forever,
AP Hockey Writer the past 36 seasons, includ- but there's a lot to be ac-
David Poile will be honored ing 15 with the Washing- complished."
this winter for a lifetime in ton Capitals and 21 with Poile and Berenson were
hockey. He believes he still the Predators. He has the born in Canada and went
has plenty left to do. most victories of any GM on to make significant im-
The Nashville Predators in league history. The U.S. pacts on hockey in the
general manager is the won a silver medal at the United States. Berenson
headliner for the 2018 class 2010 Olympics with Poile as coached Michigan for 33
of the U.S. Hockey Hall of assistant GM, and he was seasons, taking the Wol-
Fame. Former University of GM of the 2014 Olympic verines the NCAA Tourna-
Michigan coach Red Be- team. ment 22 straight times and
renson, three-time Olym- And the 68-year-old isn't reaching the Frozen Four
pic medalist Natalie Dar- done yet. He knows ex- 11 times.
witz, retired NHL referee pansion is in the NHL's fu- Darwitz was the youngest
Paul Stewart, Poile and the ture, brought up the pos- player on the U.S. nation-
late Leland "Hago" Har- sibility of a future division al women's team at 15 in In this June 21, 2017, file photo, David Poile, general manager
rington will be inducted on in Europe and added he'd 1999 and won three Olym- of the Nashville Predators, poses with the NHL General
Manager of the Year Award after winning the honor at the NHL
Dec. 12 at a ceremony in like to continue to be a pic silver medals. She set Awards in Las Vegas.
Nashville, Tennessee. part of USA Hockey in the the career scoring record Associated Press
"I'm very motivated," Poile years to come. at Minnesota (246 points)
said on a conference call "It's just a great, great and the single-season playoff games. He's the American-developed
Thursday. "Honestly, it's game," Poile said. "I don't NCAA record. only American to play and player to record a hat
things like this that moti- really see myself not do- Stewart officiated 1,059 referee in the NHL. trick and skated in 66 NHL
vate you." ing something in hockey. I NHL regular-season and Harrington was the first games. He died in 1959.q