P. 27
CLASSIFIED Friday 10 august 2018
African refugee grows homeland's 527 4000
bitter eggplants in Vermont Imsan- San Nicolas
524 8833
Psychic Riley
By LISA RATHKE solves problems in love DOCTOR ON DUTY
business help and removes
Associated Press Oranjestad
COLCHESTER, Vt. (AP) — negative influences. guaranteed Dr. Anthony Tel. 585 8017
results. all readings are
After surviving refugee San Nicolas
camps in Africa, Janine customized and confidential. Dr. Vis Tel. 584 9700
001 747 271 9899
Ndagijimana settled in Ver- Women in Difficulties
mont and began to dream _________________________________209659 PHARMACY ON DUTY
Timeshares Rent/Sale
of farming. Divi Golf Oranjestad:
When she considered what 1 Birdie,26WKs 1 Br,2 Bath Trupiaal Tel. 583 8560
San Nicolas
to plant, she thought back unit 2316, granite W/dryer Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
to her time in Tanzania and ,29WKs 3995.BO Women in Difficulties
settled on the African egg- rent 895.$ and studio OTHER
plant, also called bitter ball rm4201,Birdie,26 WKs 3300. Dental Clinic 587 9850
or garden egg. It wasn't bo.$rent 825. also divi dutch Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
found in Vermont, and she village. Mobility Equip . Gire
remembered how it gar- In this July 25, 2018 photo, Janine Ndagijimana displays African studio rM 128,9/1 to 9/8 3300. 568 5165
nered a good price at the eggplant also called bitter ball or garden egg, harvested from BO $rent 795 Urgent Care 586 0448
Women in Difficulties
refugee market. her field in Colchester, Vt. EMERGENCY
These days, Ndagijimana's Associated Press 508 651 0016
farming of the oblong white Police 100
fruit and other varieties has pounds (1,130 kilograms) to our clients is great." ________________________________209951 Oranjestad 527 3140
527 3200
turned her into a refugee of eggplant, which he African eggplant, an impor- Sale /Rent Timeshares Sta. Cruz 527 2900
success story in Vermont, planned to resell. tant crop in several African Divi Phoenix Unit 1402 San Nicolas 584 5000
one of the least culturally Other refugee communi- countries, can be found in Pent H 1 Br,,1 /2Bath ,9/1 to Police Tipline 11141
or racially diverse states, ties also are growing and some urban areas, such 9/8 29WKs,4500BO$ Ambulancia
with a population that's 95 selling native crops around as in Minneapolis, where also Wk 34,8/25 Poolstudio Fire Dept. 115
percent white. She's part the U.S., according to the Hmung farmers grow it for 3600.BO and a Beach club Red Cross 582 2219
of a growing number of U.S. Committee for Refu- mostly African customers. A WKs 33/34,8/18 Cheap TAXI SERVICES
farmers from other parts of gees and Immigrants in refugee from Liberia, Morris Taxi Tas 587 5900
the world who have used Arlington, Virginia. For ex- Gbolo, grows it among oth- 508 651 0016 Prof. Taxi 588 0035
social media, the internet ample, Burmese and Bhu- er West African vegetables _________________________________209951 Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
and niche markets often in tanese farmers are raising in Buena Vista, New Jersey, Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
big cities to successfully sell and selling eggplants, pep- and sends it to customers A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
Women in Difficulties
crops native to their home pers and herbs in Lowell, around the U.S. TRAVEL INFO
countries. She grows egg- Massachusetts, and Syr- "It is what we love eating,
plants on 3 acres (1.2 hect- ian and Iraqi refugees are you know," he said of the Aruba Airport 524 2424
ares) of land on two plots in growing peppers and mint fruit, which is more bitter American Airlines 582 2700
Burlington and Colchester, in Dearborn, Michigan, said than the purple-skinned Avianca 588 0059
Aruba Airlines 583 8300
one of which was leased Lee Williams, the commit- variety. "This is our native Jet Blue 588 2244
to her for free by a local tee's senior vice president. food." Surinam 582 7896
farmer. "It's good community build- Before arriving in the United Venezolana 583 7674
"This is to support the fam- ing," Williams said. "Obvi- States in 2007, Ndagijimana Women in Difficulties
ily," she said through an in- ously it's important to us knew only life in a refugee CRUISES
terpreter as she stood on a that our clients have ac- camp. She was born in one
hot afternoon in the farm cess to nutritious food, and in Rwanda to parents from
field just a week before she having food that's familiar neighboring Burundi.q
was expected to deliver
her sixth child.
She said she's hoping when August 12
the business gets bigger Freewinds
August 13
she can use the money she Carnival sunshine
makes to send her kids to Women in Difficulties
The 38-year-old Ndagiji-
mana's success goes well FAVI- Visually Incapasitated
Tel. 582 5051
beyond Vermont. Since
she planted her first crop Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
in 2013, she has sold her Narcotics Anonymous
5,000-pound (2,270-kilo- Tel. 583 8989
gram) harvest through the Women in Difficulties
mail to Africans in Arizona, Tel. 583 5400
Texas, Utah, Michigan and Centre for Diabetes
Idaho. Tel. 524 8888
Her business is spread by Child Abuse Prevention
word of mouth. Other cus- Tel. 582 4433
tomers come to pick up the Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
harvest themselves. One General Info
Florida man was expected
recently to pick up 2,500 Phone Directory Tel. 118