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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Friday 10 august 2018
            Casey Affleck on new film, his Oscars absence and MeToo

            By LINDSEY BAHR                                                                        ventional  movie.  The  cast  in a bazillion ways and just
            Associated Press                                                                       was the crew and the crew  generally  had  a  mountain
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  With                                                            was kind of the cast and it  of grief thrown at them for-
            a  new  movie  coming  out                                                             was  an  unprofessional  en-  ever. And no one was really
            this  fall,  "The  Old  Man  &                                                         vironment  and,  you  know,  making too much of a fuss
            The  Gun,"  Casey  Affleck  is                                                         the  buck  had  to  stop  with  about  it,  myself  included,
            speaking  publicly  about                                                              me  being  one  of  the  pro-  until a few women with the
            bowing  out  of  present-                                                              ducers  and  I  have  to  ac-  kind  of  courage  and  wis-
            ing  the  best  actress  Oscar                                                         cept  responsibility  for  that  dom to stand up and say,
            and  past  harassment  alle-                                                           and  that  was  a  mistake.  "You  know  what?  Enough
            gations  against  him  amid                                                            And  I  contributed  to  that  is  enough."  Those  are  the
            the #MeToo and Time's Up                                                               unprofessional     environ-  people  who  are  kind  of
            movements.                                                                             ment  and  I  tolerated  that  leading  this  conversation
            In  an  exclusive  interview                                                           kind  of  behavior  from  oth-  and should be leading the
            with  The  Associated  Press,                                                          er people and I wish that I  conversation.  And  I  know
            Affleck  reflects  on  the  Os-                                                        hadn't. And I regret a lot of  just enough to know that in
            cars, the film, which will pre-                                                        that.  I  really  did  not  know  general I need to keep my
            miere  at  the  Toronto  Inter-                                                        what  I  was  responsible  for  mouth  shut  and  listen  and
            national Film Festival in Sep-                                                         as  the  boss.  I  don't  even  try to figure out what's go-
            tember,  and  past  harass-                                                            know if I thought of myself  ing on and be a supporter
            ment  allegations  against                                                             as the boss. But I behaved  and  a  follower  in  the  little,
            him  in  light  of  #MeToo,                                                            in a way and allowed oth-    teeny tiny ways that I can.
            apologizing for allowing an                                                            ers to behave in a way that  And we do that at our pro-
            unprofessional atmosphere                                                              was  really  unprofessional.  duction  company  and  I
            on set which led to two civil                                                          And I'm sorry.               try  to  do  it  at  home,  and
            lawsuits  from  women  he                                                              AP:  I  know  you  talked  last  if  I'm  ever  called  upon  by
            worked with that were later                                                            year about taking your kids  anyone to help in any way
            settled.                                                                               to  women's  marches  and  and contribute, I'd be more
            Excerpts  from  the  conver-                                                           trying  to  educate  them.  than happy to.
            sation,  Affleck's  first  inter-                                                      Is  there  anything  that  has  AP:  Your  "Manchester  by
            view in a year, have been                                                              come  up  since  #MeToo  the  Sea"  director  Kenneth
            edited for clarity and brev-  In  this  Aug.  3,  2018  photo,  actor  Casey  Affleck  poses  for   and  Time's  Up  emerged  in  Lonergan had implied that
            ity. A video of the interview   portrait at the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles to promote his   the culture?     you had been treated un-
                                         upcoming film "The Old Man & The Gun," in theaters on Sept. 28.
            can  be  seen  here:  http://                                         Associated Press  AFFLECK:  Well  I've  taken  fairly. Do you have any re-
   .                                                                      these  lessons  with  me  that  sponse to that?
            AP: What do you like about  away  from  presenting  the  about me before in my life  I've learned not just to work  AFFLECK:  Whether  I  have
            this film?                   best  actress  award  at  the  and it was really embarrass-  but  to  home  and  as  dad  or  haven't,  I  think  that
            AFFLECK: I love David (Low-  Oscars.  Why  did  you  do  ing and I didn't know how  and  it  informs  how  you  there  are  people  in  the
            ery), I love working for Da-  that?                       to  handle  it  and  I  didn't  parent.  I  have  two  boys  world who deal with much
            vid and it's my third movie  AFFLECK:  I  think  it  was  the  agree  with  everything,  the  so  I  want  to  be  in  a  world  greater hardship than that.
            with him and he always as-   right thing to do just given  way I was being described,  where  grown  men  model  And  they  do  so  without
            sembles a really nice group  everything  that  was  go-   and  the  things  that  were  compassion  and  decency  complaint.  So  I  don't  think
            of  people  around  him.  It's  ing on in our culture at the  said about me, but I want-  and  also  contrition  when  I need to say anything else
            such a nice experience to  moment.  And  having  two  ed  to  try  to  make  it  right,  it's  called  for,  and  I  cer-  about it.
            watch  one  of  his  movies.  incredible women go pres-   so  we  made  it  right  in  the  tainly tell them to own their  AP: And at your production
            They all have a very gentle  ent the best actress award  way that was asked at the  mistakes  when  they  make  company, what sort of proj-
            quality to them... And Rob-  felt like the right thing.   time. And we all agreed to  them.                         ects are you looking for and
            ert  Redford,  what  is  there  AP:  During  your  best  actor  just  try  to  put  it  behind  us  AP: You're also a boss, you  what sort of filmmakers are
            to  say?  He's  a  legend,  an  Oscar campaign for "Man-  and move on with our lives,  have  a  production  com-    you looking to shepherd?
            incredibly  sweet  guy  and  chester By the Sea," allega-  which I think we deserve to  pany, Sea Change Media,  AFFLECK: Whitaker (Lader),
            just sharp as a tack. It was  tions  resurfaced  regarding  do,  and  I  want  to  respect  and  you've  directed  your  who  runs  the  company,
            lovely working with him.     two  civil  lawsuits  from  the  them as they've respected  first film since "I'm Still Here"  does all the good work and
            AP: The last time we spoke  making of your film "I'm Still  me  and  my  privacy.  And  too.  Can  you  talk  about  then  I  kind  of  make  some
            you  were  promoting  an-    Here,"  that  were  settled  in  that's that.             how you have evolved and  noise  on  the  sidelines  too.
            other  David  Lowery  film,  2010.  But we haven't heard  Over  the  past  couple  of  changed to create a safe  We're trying to find people
            "A Ghost Story." What have  from  you  since  #MeToo  years,  I've  been  listening  working  environment  for  who can tell stories that we
            you been up to in the last  and  Time's  Up  became  a  a  lot  to  this  conversation,  people who work for you?   don't  usually  see  in  main-
            year?                        big talking point in the cul-  this  public  conversation,  AFFLECK: I think that, there's  stream  pop  culture,  mov-
            AFFLECK:  I  made  "The  Old  ture. Has that made you re-  and  learned  a  lot.  I  kind  been  a  lot  of  talk  about  ies, media, Hollywood, with
            Man & the Gun," I made an-   flect on or reevaluate any-  of  moved  from  a  place  new things in regards to the  storytellers  who  need  a
            other movie called "Light of  thing about the experience  of  being  defensive  to  one  workplace  and  I  have  this  hand.q
            My Life," and I've just been  or the atmosphere on that  of a more mature point of  production  company  and
            spending  the  rest  of  the  set?                        view, trying to find my own  this very, very smart woman
            time  with  my  kids  and  my  AFFLECK:  First  of  all,  that  I  culpability. And once I did  runs  it  with  me  and  she's
            girlfriend  and  just  trying  to  was ever involved in a con-  that I discovered there was  been  way  ahead  of  the
            squeeze in a little bit of life.  flict  that  resulted  in  a  law-  a lot to learn. I was a boss.  curve on all of these issues.
            And if I'm not promoting a  suit is something that I really  I was one of the producers  But I think bigger picture, in
            movie, I'm not going to do  regret.  I  wish  I  had  found  on  the  set.  This  movie  was  this  business  women  have
            any press, so that's why you  a  way  to  resolve  things  (shot  in  2008,  2009)  and  I  been   underrepresented
            haven't heard from me.       in  a  different  way.  I  hate  was one of the producers.  and underpaid and objec-
            AP: You also earlier this year  that.  I  had  never  had  any  And  it  was  a  crazy  moc-  tified  and  diminished  and
            made the decision to step  complaints  like  that  made  kumentary, (a) very uncon-    humiliated  and  belittled
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