P. 32

                     Friday 10 august 2018
            Old stone buildings and trendy cafes: The port city of Jaffa

            By TALI ARBEL                                                                                                       gurt;  the  parsley-and-bul-
            JAFFA,  Israel  (AP)  —  Just                                                                                       gur  salad,  tabbouleh;  and
            south of Tel Aviv's glass tow-                                                                                      the  Arabic  dessert  knafe.
            ers  and  concrete  houses                                                                                          Her version had thin shreds
            are  the  white  stone  build-                                                                                      of pastry and nuts cooked
            ings  of  Jaffa,  the  ancient                                                                                      in butter, sugar and lemon.
            port town.                                                                                                          Seri  also  introduced  us  to
            Jaffa  has  existed  for  thou-                                                                                     what she called the "Arabic
            sands  of  years,  but  today                                                                                       Parmesan": yogurt that had
            it is one unified city with Tel                                                                                     been dried in the sun to a
            Aviv, which was founded in                                                                                          rock-hard lump. She grated
            1909. Both Jews and Arabs                                                                                           the  block  into  a  powder
            live  in  Jaffa,  and  that's  re-                                                                                  whose  sharp,  savory  tang
            flected in the flavors of the                                                                                       did  indeed  recall  Parme-
            neighborhood.                                                                                                       san  cheese  and  added  it
            Visitors will find a luxury ho-                                                                                     to a salad of fried eggplant
            tel, the Setai, built out of a                                                                                      and  thin-chopped  celery.
            Crusader  fortress  that  was                                                                                       Prices  for  her  lessons  vary
            later  a  prison  and  police                                                                                       per  person  according  to
            station.  Trendy  cafes,  gal-  In this Saturday, July 28, 2018 photo, a child plays next to a 100-year-old orange tree hanging   group size.
            leries,  bars  and  boutiques   above the ground in the old city of Jaffa, Israel.                                  One  of  Jaffa's  most  popu-
            line  narrow  streets,  inter-                                                                     Associated Press  lar  spots  for  tourists  is  the
            secting  with  Jaffa's  well-                                                                                       old  port.  Vessels  have  set
            known Arab hummus spots  deconstructed  sabich,  a  bars.                              terranean. Inside Tash and  sail  here  since  ancient
            and  bakeries,  along  with  breakfast sandwich of fried  But don't forget hummus. In  Tasha's  romantic,  stone-   times;  it's  even  mentioned
            mosques,  churches  and  eggplant  and  hard-boiled  Jaffa, you can't eat enough  walled  interior  are  deli-      in  the  Biblical  story  of  Jo-
            synagogues.                  egg  of  Iraqi  origin  that's  a  hummus, the chickpea pu-  cious  dips,  dumplings  and  nah, referred to as "Joppa,"
            In  and  around  Jaffa's  fa-  popular  Israeli  street  food.  ree  that's  a  bedrock  meal  breads  from  Georgia  (the  where  Jonah  embarked
            mous  flea  market,  Shuk  (Try a regular sabich too, at  in Israel.                   country, not the U.S. state).  on  the  journey  that  led  to
            Hapishpeshim,  are  streets  Sabich  Hasharon,  a  small  There's  Ali  Caravan's  fa-  Milk, a coffee shop with lim-  his  fateful  encounter  with
            dotted with cafes. On one  storefront  in  Tel  Aviv  that  mous  spot  on  HaDolphin  ited seating, has expensive  a big fish — or, in some ver-
            of my visits, I sat in an alley  specializes in them.)    Street,  worth  waiting  on  coffee and pretty pastries.  sions of the story, a whale.
            and  munched  on  Shaffa  The market itself, surround-    line  for.  Another  crowded  Those  interested  in  learn-  The port is still used by local
            Bar's  shakshuka,  poached  ed by Yefet, Beit Eshel and  hummus disher is Ha'Asli on  ing how to cook Arab food  fishermen  but  it  also  offers
            eggs  baked  in  tomato  Yehuda Margoza streets, is  Yefet Street, cacophonous  can  also  take  a  class  with  seafood  restaurants,  shops
            sauce,    while   chickens  a paradise for those itching  with  families,  workers  and  a  local.  Myasser  Seri  has  and entertainment.
            clucked  on  the  roof  of  a  to debate trash versus trea-  tourists, all seeking the plat-  for  years  been  hosting  tu-  There's  plenty  to  eat  and
            building down the street.    sure.  Across  several  alleys,  ters of hummus, labne, ke-  torials  in  her  small  kitchen.  to buy in Jaffa. But one of
            Cafe Puaa has comfy, chic  vendors  spread  wares  on  bab  and  salads  delivered  She  can  put  together  a  the best things to do there
            but  mismatched  furniture,  the ground and stack them  to  tables  minutes  after  or-  multi-course  meal  for  your  is  simply  wander  and  take
            and will sell you the plates  in stalls. There are antiques,  dering. You can watch the  group to cook, or you can  in  the  contrasts.  Doors  set
            you  eat  off  (nearly  every-  furniture,  clothing,  trinkets,  bakers  at  work  at  Abula-  suggest dishes you'd like to  in  old  stone  walls  are  cat-
            thing is for sale). Its menu is  coins.  On  Friday  mornings  fia,  a  popular  bakery  that  try.  Among  the  dishes  we  nip for Instagrammers; turn
            packed with the vegetable  and  summer  Tuesdays,  a  stacks  breads  and  other  made  were  maqluba,  a  the  corner,  and  there's  a
            dishes  that  Israeli  cuisine  is  pop-up  market  of  crafts  treasures  in  blue  tile-lined  mound of rice or bulgur and  block  of  modern  apart-
            known for. After settling into  and jewelry gets added to  glass cases by the sidewalk.  vegetables inverted onto a  ment  buildings.  Galleries
            a couch in the alley in front  the mix. In the afternoon, a  Jaffa's  food  offerings  also  plate; meatballs cooked in  abound,  but  the  streets
            of  the  restaurant,  I  had  a  party erupts in the outdoor  stretch  beyond  the  Medi-  a  sauce  of  tahini  and  yo-  create their own art.q

            In this Saturday, July 28, 2018 photo, people dance in Akbar, a bar located in the
            flea market in Jaffa, Israel. Israel's port city of Jaffa is an ancient place.  In this Saturday, July 21, 2018 photo, people enjoy the day in the port of Jaffa,
                                                                    Associated Press Israel. Israel's port city of Jaffa is an ancient place.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
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