P. 29
PEOPLE & ARTS Friday 10 august 2018
Shooter Jennings makes a left turn back to '80s country
By KRISTIN M. HALL Benson and more, shouting
Associated Press "Hell yeah!" The song was
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — released as a charity single
As the son of two iconic last year to raise money for
country musicians, Waylon Hurricane Harvey relief.
Jennings and Jessi Colter, "We felt like it was the per-
Shooter Jennings was al- fect opportunity to give
ways trying to be unpre- something back to Texas,
dictable in his own career so we called everyone we
as a musician and produc- knew and loved and got
er. them to record phone mes-
He's recorded psychedelic sage and send it in," said
metal and hard rock, re- Cobb.
leased a concept album He peppers the record with
written with horror writer rollicking good time tunes,
Stephen King and a tribute like "D.R.U.N.K." and "Bound
album to electronic disco Ta Git Down," in which Jen-
pioneer Giorgio Moroder. nings tries his best Jerry Lee
So maybe the most unex- Lewis impression while he
pected thing he could do sings about playing with
was make a classic, honky- Guns n' Roses at the age
tonk country record. of 23 and living in the Hol-
"I think in the past I've al- lywood Hills.
ways felt like this desire to In this July 16, 2018 photo, singer-songwriter Shooter Jennings, poses for a portrait in Los Angeles "Anything I write is going to
prove that I was not just to promote his latest album, "Shooter,” out on August 10. be autobiographical and
country," 39-year-old Jen- Associated Press true to some degree," Jen-
nings said from his home "I just also kind of felt like ning work with Jason Isbell lile's critically acclaimed nings said.
in Los Angeles, where he's there was a large disen- and Chris Stapleton in re- new album, "By the Way, But there's also the crying-
lived for 18 years. "At this franchised group of coun- cent years has made him I Forgive You," when they in-your-beer songs as well,
point for me, I felt like it was try fans that maybe were one of the most in-demand started throwing out song such as "Living in a Minor
a left turn to do a really a little tired of the politics producers in Nashville, Ten- ideas with each other and Key," a beautiful waltzy
country record." or a little tired of where the nessee. the decision to do anoth- tribute to the late George
Jennings really can't es- direction of things were go- "That was my first successful er record fell out of that, Jones, and a love song
cape his country roots, but ing," Jennings said. country record," Cobb said. Cobb said. for his wife Misty on "Rhine-
he felt the timing was right He connected back with "That's how I came to Nash- One of the songs, "Do You stone Eyes."
to revisit the genre's earlier Dave Cobb, the produc- ville for the first time. I didn't Love Texas," is an ode to "He's made rock records.
era, specifically the heyday er who worked on his first know a lot about country the Lone Star State, and He's made country re-
of '80 country music, on his country record "Put the 'O' music before meeting him." features a chorus of sing- cords," Cobb said. "But I
new record "Shooter," out Back in Country" in 2005, Jennings and Cobb were ers, including Kris Kristoffer- think his sweet spot is the
on Friday. and whose Grammy-win- both producing Brandi Car- son, Kacey Musgraves, Ray record we just made. q
'Superman' actress Margot Kidder's death ruled a suicide
By MATT VOLZ by suicide the moment au-
Associated Press thorities took her to Kidder's
HELENA, Mont. (AP) — "Su- home in Livingston, a small
perman" actress Margot town near Yellowstone Na-
Kidder's death has been tional Park.
ruled a suicide, and her "It's a big relief that the
daughter said Wednesday truth is out there," she said.
it's a relief to finally have "It's important to be open
the truth out. and honest so there's not a
Kidder, who played Lois cloud of shame in dealing
Lane opposite Christo- with this."Kidder's death is
pher Reeve's Superman in one of several high-profile
her most famous role, was suicides this year that in-
found by a friend in her clude celebrity chef An-
Montana home on May 13. thony Bourdain and fashion
At the time, Kidder's man- designer Kate Spade.
ager, Camilla Fluxman McGuane noted that Mon-
Pines, said Kidder died tana has one of the highest
peacefully in her sleep. suicide rates in the nation
A statement released and she urged people with
Wednesday by Park Coun- mental illness to seek help.
ty coroner Richard Wood "It's a very unique sort of
said the 69-year-old Kidder grief and pain," McGuane
"died as a result of a self- In this Oct. 3, 2000 file photo, actress Margot Kidder, who dated former Prime Minister Pierre said. "Knowing how many
inflicted drug and alcohol Trudeau, arrives for his funeral at Notre-Dame Basilica in Montreal. families in this state go
overdose" and that no fur- Associated Press through this, I wish that I
ther details would be re- Maggie McGuane, Kidder's band Thomas McGuane, in a phone interview that could reach out to each
leased. daughter by her ex-hus- told The Associated Press she knew her mother died one of them."q