Page 121 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 121

            HPE/Science Year 10

                            Session 5:                                               Session 6:                                                Session 7:                                             Session 8:

          Fitness Testing and Fitness components                   Fitness Profiling and Norms Comparison.                        Training Program Planning and                               Training methods cont.

                                                                                                                                          Training methods

          Learning intentions:                                 Learning intentions:                                         Learning intentions:                                  Learning intentions:
          •  To defne different Fitness Components (FCs)       •  To compare ftness test results to NORMS data.             •  To create Flexibility TP for use.                  To identify training methods specifc to different sports
          •  To identify and understand the PRINCIPLES OF      •  To identify strengths and weaknesses of your own FCs      •  To identify and describe a range of different training   and physical activities.
              TRAINING                                                                                                         methods and reasons for using them.

          Key Vocabulary:                                      Key Vocabulary:                                              Key Vocabulary:                                       Key Vocabulary:
          FIDOS                      Skill related FCs         FIDOS                       Skill related FCs                FIDOS                          Skill related FCs      FIDOS
          Health related FCs                                   Health related FCs      NORMS                                Health related FCs      NORMS                         Training methods

          Focus Question:                                      Focus Question:                                              Focus Question:                                       Focus Question:
          N/A                                                  N/A                                                          N/A                                                   N/A

          Starter:                                             Starter:                                                     Starter:                                              Starter:
          How much: Physical Activity should an adult do per   N/A                                                          N/A                                                   Identify the meaning of the acronym FIDOS in terms of
          week?                                                                                                                                                                   training principles
                                                               Main activity                                                Main activity
          Main activity                                        •  Collect your data                                         •  Create Flexibility TP                              Main activity
          •  Defnitions of FCs                                 •  Compare to Norms                                          •  W/U and C/D worksheet                              •  Continue with notes on Training Methods
          •  Principles of Training                            •  Identify Strengths and Weaknesses                         •  Key Term Jumble                                    •  Video “life in the day of a triathlete”
          •  Continue Fitness Testing                          •  Develop a TP                                              •  Notes on Training Methods                          •  Identify training methods suitable for a range of differ-
          •  Discuss Homework                                  •  EXT - Notes on interval training.                                                                                   ent athletes.
          Example                                              Example                                                      Key terms TRAINING METHODS glossary jumble (fnd in    Example
          Fitness Components HWsheet                           FITNESS Profle (fnd in Worksheets Folder)                    Worksheets Folder)                                    Holiday homework REVISON Task (fnd in Homework
          (fnd in Homework Folder)                                                                                                                                                Folder)
                                                               Strategies to teach ‘below level’ students                   Strategies to teach ‘below level’ students
          Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students:          N/A                                                          N/A                                                   Strategies to teach ‘below level’ students
          N/A                                                                                                                                                                     N/A
                                                               Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students                   Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students
          Resources:                                           N/A                                                          N/A                                                   Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students
          N/A                                                                                                                                                                     N/A
                                                               Resources                                                    Resources
          Success Criteria:                                    N/A                                                          N/A                                                   Resources
          N/A                                                                                                                                                                     N/A
                                                               Success Criteria                                             Success Criteria
                                                               N/A                                                          N/A                                                   Success Criteria

                                     Graphic design notes

                                             week number?


                            Table of Contents
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