Page 119 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 119

            HPE/Science Year 10

                            Session 1:                                               Session 2:                                                Session 3:                                             Session 4:

              Health and the National Physical                              Objective measures of PA                               Comparison of measures of PA                     Fitness Testing and Fitness components

                  Activity Guidelines (NPAGS)

          Learning intentions:                                 Learning intentions:                                         Learning intentions:                                  Learning intentions:
          •  To understand the meaning of health.              •  To identify and describe objective (obj.) measures of PA  •  To identify dimensions of PA assessed by obj. & subj.   To defne different Fitness Components (FCs)
          •  To identify the NPAGs for some or all age groups  •  To understand the difference between obj. and subj. mea-     measures.
                                                                   sures                                                    •  To describe and compare two measures of PA effec-

          Key Vocabulary:                                      Key Vocabulary:                                              Key Vocabulary:                                       Key Vocabulary:
          Health                           Intensity           Objective          Heart Rate Monitor                        Objective          Frequency                          Fitness
          NPAGs                          Duration              Subjective         Direct Observation                        Subjective         Intensity                          Skill Related FCs
          Frequency                   Type                     Pedometer        Comparison                                  Duration            Type                              Component
                                                                                                                                                                                  Health Related FCs

          Focus Question:                                      Focus Question:                                              Focus Question:                                       Focus Question:
          N/A                                                  N/A                                                          N/A                                                   N/A

          Starter:                                             Starter:                                                     Starter:                                              Starter:
          What images come to mind when you hear the word      RECALL the NPAGs for Adults (ages 18 - 65).                  Summarise the information from your PA diary/log      How much: 1. Physical Activity should a 5 - 18 year old do
          HEALTH?                                                                                                                                                                 per day? 2. Use of Electronic devices per day?
                                                               Main activity                                                Main activity
          Main activity                                        •  Intensity of PA                                           •  Adv. and disadv. of Diary/Log                      Main activity
          •  What is Health?                                   •  Objective PA measures                                     •  Complete table of PA measures and Dimensions of    •  Brainstorm FCs
          •  Interactive activity (see p 6 of fipchart)        •  Outside activity                                             PA                                                 •  Categorise FCs into “Health Related” and “Skill Relat-
          •  NPAGs and dimensions of Physical Activity (PA)    •  Advantages and disadvantages of Obj. measures             •  Comparison of PA measures                              ed”
              Defnitions                                       •  Dimensions of PA Measures table (obj. and subj.)          •  Go through TEST                                    •  Defne each and discuss examples of sports requiring
          •  Homework task explanation.                                                                                     •  (EXT) - Barriers to PA.                                each
          •  Benefts of PA                                     Example                                                                                                            •  Continue Fitness Testing
                                                               PA Measure table START (fnd in Worksheets Folder)            Strategies to teach ‘below level’ students            •  Discuss Homework
          Example                                                                                                           N/A
          •  NPAGs Homework Survey (fnd in Homework Fold-      Strategies to teach ‘below level’ students                                                                         Example
              er)                                              N/A                                                          Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students            Fitness Components HWsheet (fnd in Homework Folder)
          •  NPAGs table (fnd in Worksheets folder)                                                                         N/A
                                                               Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students                                                                         Strategies to teach ‘below level’ students
          Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students:          N/A                                                          Resources                                             N/A
          N/A                                                                                                               N/A
                                                               Resources                                                                                                          Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students
          Resources:                                           N/A                                                          Success Criteria                                      N/A
          N/A                                                                                                               N/A
                                                               Success Criteria                                                                                                   Resources
          Success Criteria:                                    N/A                                                                                                                N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                  Success Criteria


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