Page 23 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 23
How do we work millenials on For us it is understandable as being part of Active
Active 20-30? 20-30 is invaluable for all, and having a national
position was previously achieved based on years
We work with immediacy, we have a need for of work, which has now combined with skills,
attitudes and skills that can benefit the
speed, we create our own space, we like to share, organization.
we create, we seek an environment where we can
influence, we look for a fun work environment, we
enjoy what we do, we see results of new What are millennials looking for in Active
challenges, we look for new projects, we have 20-30?
flexibility, we are interested in listen to people Change our society by recovering values, leave a
of different ages and others points of view. legacy for our future generations, reduce silence,
we are against intrafamily violence, bullying,
We can work 24 hours a day and from sexual harassment, psychological and physical
anywhere only having acces to a abuse. We seek to rescue our planet from
smartphone, taking to another level the pollution, reduce socioeconomic distances and
activities that we are assigned to. We take turn the world into a small village where most of
advantage of every minute, we are able to us know each other through technology, we
multitask in the short term, and we want equality, transparency in our
have the ability to communicate governments and associations,
easily, persuade and transmit in an opportunities for studies and
almost instantaneous way. We “We seek to grow as work for all, and we want more
are constantly innovating, human beings to be respect, more love and no
getting the most out of what more walls. That childhood
surrounds us and being leaders in the does not suffer from hunger,
optimistic at all times. We service of the does not suffer from illness,
constantly evaluate ourselves community, but and does not suffer from love
as critics of society. We are especially of the most and lack of understanding.
participative, competitive, We fight against ignorance,
restless, curious and disheartened and the abandonment of future
productive. childhood”. and past generations. We seek to
grow as human beings to be
We are currently applying all these leaders in the service of the
characteristics in the Association having community, but especially of the most
as a balance and a guide the national and disheartened childhood.
international statutes to surpass the perspective
of our predecessors. The millennium leaders are those who are more
likely to promote change, use the latest
The way the millennials work had not been fully technology, pursue professional excellence and
accepted or understood, the reason why we work participate in solving regional and global problems.
in certain way, or how we achieved tasks, That is why I invite you to have some millennials in
believing that we waste time or simply have your club. Give us your vote of trust, listen to us
nothing better to do, and as a consequence the and share your experiences with us while we seek
support reflects a bit of mistrust and even apathy. mentors who can teach us about what has already
done, we all can live and work together to
improve the future.
Lynn Gandara
Member Club Active 20 - 30 Somachi