Page 22 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 22
The Millennials
in Active 20-30
"Y" Generation, natives of globalization,
boomerang generation, Peter Pan generation or
whatever they want to call them, they are young
people born between the 80 'and 90' at the same collaborative intelligence, work as a team, concili-
time with the internet and digitization. They are a ate, generate a fun atmosphere, count with their
generation constantly attacked by society, adults opinion and promote communication.
thought that the main characteristics of millennials
are narcissistic, egoistic, and difficult to handle and Why do I tell you all this? I am a millennial who has
even lazy attitudes. Studies like the Deloitte been in the Organization for 6 years. With respect
Millennials 2016 survey show the opposite; 1 out and values I have learned from the other
of every 5 millennials have traits of leaders, 50% generations present in our Association, teachings
have their own business or intend to have them, that today have been useful to develop myself as
20% boost tourism, 48% agree to migrate to get a an Active Member. In this moment I'm giving a
better job, 98% have more than one electronic touch of my essence of the generation "Y" to
device, 67% criticize the way in which they are Active 20-30, I'm becoming a born leader of
governed in their country and 78% seeks a full life globalization for Active 20-30, and the most
with values. They believe that technology is interesting is, that I am not alone, there is others
paramount in their lives, they care about the like me. Currently the Association in Mexico has
balance in society and seek economic stability decided to give an opportunity to all millennials by
changing their jobs or profession as many times as integrating many of us on its board and national
it takes. committees, increasing membership in alliance
with prestigious universities in our country such as
At present millennials are getting involved in the Vizcaya University of the Americas. As a result
Active 20-30, a transcendent change. They are of this, we have two more clubs working in our
revolutionizing the organization. They are young country and soon, two more will join.
people who can teach a lot to people who have
years dominating a subject, seeking to grow as
individuals. It is therefore so important to seek