Page 20 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 20

MB: Where was the success of your term?                  some  work  on  the  social  networks,  but  with  the
                                                              need of immediate information to reach all people
     DCH:  I believe that the biggest success of my term      in  our  Organization,  it  turned  out  to  be  a  little
     was in the face to face contact with the members:        difficult to do; we must be a little more aggressive
     I  had  the  pleasure  and  honor  of  visiting  over  50   in what we publish and communicate.
     clubs in the past year.
                                                              MB: How was the organization when you started and
     MB: Did you lack the execution of any of your ideas      how do you think it is after your term?

     from your work plan?
                                                              I received a very solid Organization and willing to
                                                              work; an Organization that had recently expanded
     DCH:  I wish we could have done a better use of          to  a  new  country  and  with  a  new  Association.
     the  digital  part  that  we  have  in  Active  20-30.  I    Unfortunately,  different  situations  took  place  in
     understand  that  we  have  a  big  opportunity  to      the  Latin-American  countries  and  it  made  the
     grow  in  this  subject  and  I  am  conscious  that  the   opportunity of growth and strengthening of these
     next generation of leaders of the Organization will      new  Clubs  and  Associations  a  little  hard.
     pay more attention to this.                              Nonetheless, we are aware that the energy of our

     My  work  plan  was  based  on  3  main  pillars  that   new generations will help us grow to what we all
     were  Education,  Projects  Bank  and  Public            have wish for.
     Relation.  In  the  first  two  we  did  a  good  job,      We leave an Organization with a Projects Bank so
     perhaps  we  could  have  managed  more,  but  I  am     that members are able to do research on how the
     pleased with the work we’ve done in both pillars.        projects  are  done  in  the  different  countries  and
                           Regarding  Public  Relations,  I
                      20   believe  that  we  tried  to  do   that we can learn, and perhaps apply techniques to
                                                              the projects that we realize in our countries.
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