Page 20 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 20
MB: Where was the success of your term? some work on the social networks, but with the
need of immediate information to reach all people
DCH: I believe that the biggest success of my term in our Organization, it turned out to be a little
was in the face to face contact with the members: difficult to do; we must be a little more aggressive
I had the pleasure and honor of visiting over 50 in what we publish and communicate.
clubs in the past year.
MB: How was the organization when you started and
MB: Did you lack the execution of any of your ideas how do you think it is after your term?
from your work plan?
I received a very solid Organization and willing to
work; an Organization that had recently expanded
DCH: I wish we could have done a better use of to a new country and with a new Association.
the digital part that we have in Active 20-30. I Unfortunately, different situations took place in
understand that we have a big opportunity to the Latin-American countries and it made the
grow in this subject and I am conscious that the opportunity of growth and strengthening of these
next generation of leaders of the Organization will new Clubs and Associations a little hard.
pay more attention to this. Nonetheless, we are aware that the energy of our
My work plan was based on 3 main pillars that new generations will help us grow to what we all
were Education, Projects Bank and Public have wish for.
Relation. In the first two we did a good job, We leave an Organization with a Projects Bank so
perhaps we could have managed more, but I am that members are able to do research on how the
pleased with the work we’ve done in both pillars. projects are done in the different countries and
Regarding Public Relations, I
20 believe that we tried to do that we can learn, and perhaps apply techniques to
the projects that we realize in our countries.