Page 16 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 16
In Colombia, the service is provided in different activities to the school day. In health, they
ways, through homes that, in association with the sponsor expenses for treatment of burned
National Government, meet the needs of early children, health care, medical treatment, and
childhood education in three cities of the country. medicine.
Therapeutic and psychological services are also
provided to children and adolescents with In Nicaragua they have the presence of one of the
cognitive disabilities, it is promoted the practice Telethons of the Organization. It helps more than
of sports, artistic and recreational activities to 35 thousand children in 8 centers distributed
teach and train, as well as health and food needs. throughout the national territory. In its last
version achieve a collection of US $ 935,754,606.
In Costa Rica, thanks to the collection generated Its clubs Managua-Capital and Granada deliver
by the Telethon, an activity involving partners their day to day in favor of the community of this
nationwide, donations of high technology medical country.
equipment, construction of buildings and above
all to cover the needs of the National Children's According to the information reported by the nine
Hospital as well as hospitals outside the ANCAs in the framework of the Medium Term
metropolitan area in their areas of pediatrics Council held in Costa Rica, the 2,046
and neonatology. In the latest version, members of the 20 - 30 International
50% of the collection went to serve Active Organization have
the population affected by the benefited more than 210,000
hurricane and the remaining children in vulnerable
50% donations of medical conditions through
equipment. different service activities
described above and have
In the Dominican Republic achieved a collection of
the service is characterized over 10 million dollars.
by the person-to-person Although these results do
contact of its projects. The not take into account the
partners are directly involved management advanced
with the development and during the first half of
execution of the tasks 2017, although it is more
necessary to execute the than certain that the
projects. The massive framework of the LVII
participation of the partners in each International Convention of
project confirms this. Active Clubs 20-30, the
reported data will exceed those included
The clubs of the Association of Panama develop here.
service activities such as medical tours, social
assistance and food donation to hostels. The Positioning our brand
Teletón is the activity of collection with greater
impact, thanks to the resources received the As important as it is to benefit more and more
Active Foundation 20-30 De Panama, executor of children in health care, education or to ensure full
will of the community through the analysis and compliance with their rights, it is the search for
approval of projects for the benefit of the recognition within their countries in order to fa-
community. cilitate the execution of activities and the collec-
tion of funds.
In Mexico, service activities are concentrated in
the areas of education and health. In the first
case, the donations of uniforms, school supplies,
books, backpacks, also complement the food,
have workshops and ludic complementary