Page 14 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 14

The  circular  buzzsaw  is  part  of  Active  20-30        the end of the
    International Organization emblem, was chosen as           period  a  total
    the  symbol  of  the  service  club  funded  in            membership       of
    Aberdeen,  by  Ernest  Axland,  Paul  Arthaud,  Carl       305 active members
    Marx,  Carl  Spinger,  Cal  Ternan,  Edgar  Jones  and     and the opening of the
    Pat McNamara in 1922, which they named Active.             following  clubs:  Active
                                                               20-30  of  Sánchez  and  Active
    For  the  Active  members,  the  buzzsaw  was  the         20-30 of La Romana. Arrangements
    most  dynamic  and  active  object  that  could  be        have  also  been  made  for  the  creation  of
    found anywhere; they chose it as natural emblem            new  clubs  in  the  cities  of  Imbert,  Puerto  Plata,
    because Aberdeen is a major lumber center.                 Higuey and La Altagracia.

    Taking  into  account  that  the  saw  represents  the     In the case of Dominican Republic, the increase of
    useful use of the intense activity and the abundant        more  than  100  members  stands  out,  reaching  at
    energy  of  the  responsible  youth,  that  implies        the end of the period a total membership of 305
    power,  strength  and  progress;  Turning  the             active members and the opening of the following
    Buzzsaw, becomes an appropriate name to tell the           clubs: Active 20-30 of Sánchez and Active 20-30
    actions  that  were  done  and  reported  by  the          of La Romana. Arrangements have also been made
    Associations  of  the  Organizations  Active  20-30        for  the  creation  of  new  clubs  in  the  cities  of
    during  the  period  between  2016-2017,  through          Imbert, Puerto Plata, Higuey and La Altagracia.
    which they met the objectives of the Organization
    and position its image as a reference of service.          The Perez Zeledon Club of Costa Rica, through the
                                                               renewal  of  95%  of  its  membership,  was  able  to
       Exponential growth of the membership                    stop the declaration of emergency, through calls in

                                                               social networks and distributing advertising pieces
    The     Mexican       and     Dominican      Republic      in  stores  that  in  both  cases  invited  the  youth  of
    Associations,  looking  forward  to  renovate  and         this area of the Country to join the Club.
    increase  the  membership  to  guarantee  that  the
    work  of  the  buzzsaw  doesn’t  stop,  implemented        The  Dominican,  Mexican,  and  Costa  Rican
    successful  strategies  with  results  in  growth  and     partners  have  made  clear  that  there  is  no
    expansion in members and clubs.                            impossibility  for  growth  in  membership  or
                                                               expansion  of  the  Organization.  They  have  also
    In the case of Dominican Republic, the increase of         shown that there is no unique magical formula to
    more  than  100  members  stands  out,  reaching  at       achieve  exponential  results,  only  dedicated,
                      14                                       constant  and  determined  work  of  the  partners
                                                               leads to success.
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