Page 10 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 10

Respec in Active 20 - 30

                                                              are  similar  the  expectations  about  what  they
     It  is  indisputable  that  the  basis  on  which  our
                                                              presume  from  Active  20-30,  nor  equal  the
     Organization is built is that of companionship as a      motivations they had to have made the decision to
     support of our work, but also as a mechanism to          join the club.
     achieve  true  fellowship  and  friendship  among  its
     members, which is not only one of our objectives,        This  diversity  manifests  itself  in  the  participation
     embodied  in  the  bylaws  that  govern  us,  but  also   of the members in the life of each club. It is for this
     the ideal path to grow as people with the support        reason that there are members who prefer service
     and company of those who have decided to share           activities,  others  who  prefer  social  activities  and
     with us the noble idea of working selflessly at the      some  more  those  of  fundraising,  which  does  not
     service of others.                                       mean that they are not integral members, but have
                                                              more affinity for some work than for others, which
     The way a group of people, that like ours has its        is  something  that  must  be  respected.  Instead  of
     foundation  in  the  joint  work  of  its  members,      questioning it, it is preferable to let each member
     achieve  the  maintenance  of  its  vocation  and  the   demonstrate  their  full  commitment  in  the
     joint work in time, it is necessary the fulfillment of   activities that are of their true interest.
     certain  values  inherent  in  the  society  that

     guarantee  peaceful  coexistence  and  harmony           Of    course,   these    particularities   must    be
     among its members. Within them, respect must be          acknowledged and accepted. Tolerance is a value
     emphasized  and  as  an  overriding  value  for
                                                              that is intimately related to respect; If we do not
     community life, necessarily forms part of the basic      learn  to  understand  diversity  and  difference  we
     assumption of the rights of the others, and for that     can  never  reach  a  level  of  understanding  that
     reason is part of the recognition of human dignity.      allows the consolidation of our clubs as groups of
     Respect  is  understood  as  the  consideration,  the    people  committed  to  the  same  ideal.  Without
     attention, the gentleness owed to another person.        tolerance  there  is  no  companionship,  without
     Respect,  being  intimately  linked  with  human  and    tolerance  there  is  no  real  camaraderie,  without
     ethical principles is integrated to the objectives of    tolerance  cannot  arise  a  true  friendship,  without
     Active  20-30  and  that  is  why  it  does  not  have  a   tolerance, in short, we cannot fully fulfill our most
     single  facet,  because  it  presents  a  triple
                                                              important goals.
     manifestation: the respect that should be lavished
     on  our  members;  Respect  for  the  club  and  the

     Organization; And the respect we must earn if we
     are to be true leaders.

     Respect for our members:

     Respect  for  our  colleagues  is  based  on  a
     fundamental premise: to admit that each member
     is  special,  a  man  or  woman  with  a  personality  of
     their  own,  with  values,  ideals,  feelings,  ideology
     and  a  particular  view  of  life  that  do  not  have  to
     correspond with the common people or even the
     other members of the club. Not all partners have
     the  same  beliefs,  profess  the  same  religion,  or
     have the same sexual or political tendencies. Nor

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