Page 6 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 6
Active 30 - 40
I know that every member and partner
of Active 20-30 who reads this
document will be surprised by the title
of the same, because it seems a
number mistake on it. However for me
it is a new reality.
The service organization for children, made up of OF THE ORGANIZATION IN THE MID-TERM COUNCIL
young leaders who is born from the dreams of the LA MASCARADA
boys of Aberdeen, Washington and Sacramento, Approximate
California. Nowadays it is a relatively an old National number of Estimated number of
organization, which we have neglected at the level Association participants partners <30 years
of generational renewal of the clubs, or perhaps it Costa Rica 20 2
has lost the attraction for the "boys and girls" wish Colombia 6 2
to enter the same. Ecuador - Perú 9 8 *
El Salvador 7 0
I do my analysis, a few days after returning from Estados Unidos y
our International Mid Term Council. In which we Canadá 12 0
saw a participation between average and low, but Nicaragua 2 0
also with very few "young people". It is very
pleasant when one meets with these people from México 7 2
different parts of the world, with people who Panamá 37 2
share a passion for serve. We live moments of República 7 1
camaraderie and with great enthusiasm we seek Dominicana
together the best answers for each question that * This was the refreshing note of this half term and the hope of relief
can change the destiny of our beloved of our organization.
We are talking about 100 participants (the
However, I take the trouble to quantify the numbers are not accurate, but they are not far
delegations, and besides that see how many from reality). This means that 4.6% of the
partners are under 30 years. The numbers are members of this organization participated in the
approximately the following: midterm council, 16% of total assistance (16/100)
are under 30, BUT half of those 16 "young" are
from a single country PERU.