Page 3 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 3

International President´s Message

                         As these twelve months of management come to an end, I can say that I close a
                         very  important  chapter  of  my  life.  A  chapter  that  has  left  me  many  teachings,  a
                         great growth, but most importantly great friends throughout the 10 countries that
                         make up our beloved Organization.

                         Thanks to the road trips undertaken in the visited countries, I was able to visualize
                         in person the work done by more than 50 clubs at an international level and shared
                         time with all of them, both in social assistance, fundraisers and education activities.
                         It fills me with happiness to be able to see in the day to day activities of the Clubs
                         that passion to serve in their communities and to give every day that extra effort
                         for the most needed in these communities

                         I conclude this term by observing the development of a generational change in our
                         Organization,  where  people  who  are  just  entering  their  third  decade  of  life  are
                         empowering  themselves  with  the  direction  of  the  Clubs  that  belong  in  our
                         Organization. I urge the Ex-Active, For Life and members of more experience, that
                         you become the advisors of this new generation and to help them always, in order
                         to avoid that a crisis occur due to the absence of this valuable experience.

                         I am grateful for the hospitality that I was able to receive in each of the Associations
                         that  I  was  able  to  visit  y  it  was  a  grateful  experience  to  be  in  one  place  in  the
                         morning and another place in the afternoon or at night. Always accomplishing the
                         commitment  of  “developing  friendships  and  promoting  fellowship”  between
                         members in Active 20-30.

                         I  am  grateful  for  the  work  done  by  the  Officers  who  make  up  the  International
                         Board, the National Presidents of each Association and the Directors of each of the
                         Committees that during this year have given their body and soul so that today we
                         can enjoy an Organization concerned about the service to the most needed.

                                                   Also, I thank my parents and my sisters for always having
                                                   the patience to understand my absence at important events
                                                   and  moments.  To  them  I  owe  everything  that  I  am  as  a
                                                   person, as a leader and as a professional.

                                                   Last  but  not  least,  I  have  to  thank  the  members  of  our
                                                   Active  20-30  Organization  for  each  day  promoting  the
                                                   development  of  actions  to  generate  better  conditions  for
                                                   the  communities  of  the  places  where  they  live.  Your
                                                   devotion  will  be  what  will  mark  the  future  of  our

                                                                  José David Chez Abreu
                                                                  International President
                                                           Active Organization 20-30 International
                                                                    2016 - 2017
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