Page 7 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 7

PERU is what inspires me to write this document,  both  the  writing  and  the
     for me it was something like a cool breeze for our  perception
     half  term.  Saw  that  group  of  girls  full  of  energy,  embodied in these letters   “Verify the numbers
     jumping and enjoying each camaraderie space, and  is          100%     mine,    and        and age ranges
     at  the  same  time  very  committed  within  the   without  the  intention  to              within their
     general assembly. Gave me feeling that we all can.  hurt susceptibilities or be          associations, this is
     This  type  of  relief  is  the  key  to  not  having  an   controversial, this has the    not an alarmist
     organizational  crisis  in  the  next  6  or  7  years,   desire to initiate not only      message, it is a
     because  if  we  maintain  the  current  membership,  the  debate,  but  also  an        reminder that time
     we will have a high grade of ex-active partners, but  action       in    order    to      is something that
     a small number of new partners full of energy and  maintain           the    proper        never stops and
     willing to continue with the legacy.                     functioning      of     the      when we least ex-
                                                              organization).                  pect it, we will have
     It is important to give support and training to this
     growing  association  this  new  association  is   Verify  the  numbers  and              reached the age”
     planning  to  swear  a  new  club  in  CHICLAYO  in  age  ranges  within  their
     March.  Growth  has  been  continuous  and  goes  associations,  this  is  not
     hand in hand with continuous education, meaning  an  alarmist  message,  it  is  a  reminder  that  time  is
     that  we,  as  partners  of  greater  experience,  must  something  that  never  stops  and  when  we  least
                                offer the necessary tools  expect  it,  we  will  have  reached  the  age.  Without
          “ this has the        to  strengthen  what  in  having offered our  experience  in Active 20-30 to
         desire to initiate     the  future  will  be  the   other boys and girls who, like us in our time, feel
           not only the         National  Association  of  that call to serve others, this is a call to deliver a
       debate, but also an      Active  Clubs  20-30  of  better world, and to make every day less people at
             action in          the Republic of Peru.         social risk and less people in extreme poverty.
             order to                                           Perhaps in the case of some associations it is not a
           maintain the         In  addition,  I  ask  these   matter of old age, but that the new members are
              proper            brave  young  girls  to       not  living  the  experience  of  both  national  and
        functioning of the      show  us  the  current        international  travel,  and  we  all  know  that  those
                                tendencies  of  the  world,
          organization”.        to       prevent        our    experiences  are  a  fundamental  part  of  education
                                organization  to  become      and growth in Active 20-30.
     obsolete.  In  opposition  to  this  obsolescence,  we
     should  make  our  organization  an  example  of         Again,  I  congratulate  all  those  who  devotedly
     mysticism  and  renewal,  this  is  how  Active  20-30   dedicate  a  little  of  their  valuable  time  to
     will  survive  the  passage  of  time,  while  helping   strengthening  our  beloved  organization.  Let  us
     many children who need our work. Do not forget           strive  to  continue  working  hard  in  recruiting
     that this process is complex, but very enriching, I      partners,  implementing  youth  or  university  clubs,
     recommend  you  to  give  value  to  all  the            educating our members, and urging them to travel,
     information  that  you  will  receive  on  this  trip    more than an opportunity to know the world, is a
     through Active 20-30.                                    good  opportunity  to  see  how  in  other  latitudes,
                                                              partners  of  This  organization  seeks  solutions  day
                                                              by  day  in  order  to  mitigate  the  problems  in  their

                                                              I hope this humble reflection serve as something,
                                                              and have the positive effect that I hope to bring to

                                                              I say goodbye with a warm hug,

                                                              Federico J. Herrera A.
                                                              Member Club Active  20 - 30 Colon Sur
                                                              República de Panamá
     I  make  a  call  on  our  national  and  international                                      7
     leaders  from  each  association.  (Making  clear  that
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