Page 8 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 8
Being part of Active
20-30 is an HONOR
So I now invite you to honestly ask yourself if you
Remember the oath you took as a are honoring the commitment you made when you
member? How many times do you stop to think were sworn in as an Active 20-30 member. If you
about our objectives? Although these seem like are not, what’s preventing you from doing so?
very basic parts of Active 20-30, many times we
fail to stop and reflect on them. Nonetheless, in In my opinion, although we have a series of duties
our objectives and our oath as members we can that we are responsible for fulfilling to keep our
find the greatest treasure of what Active 20-30 is Active 20-30 membership, the benefits we receive
all about, both what makes us who we are and are much greater. Unlike the exchange between
what we earn by being members. the indigenous and Christopher Columbus’ crew
(mirrors for gold) when they first landed in the
Without exception, we all join Active 20-30 Americas, what we receive as Active 20-30
because at least one of its four objectives caught members is of equal or greater value to that which
our attention and made us want to belong to this we are required to contribute as members. And as
Organization. Once we took the step to become an additional bonus, at least for me, those benefits
members, we took an oath in which we committed can be summarized with our very own objectives.
ourselves to meet the Active 20-30 objectives. At By being Active 20-30 members we can develop
the risk of making a mistake, I can confidently say as leaders, have the privilege of serving our
that there are few members who memorize the communities, and develop strong friendship ties.
oath or that at least review it from time to time. So
I invite you to remember that: So, let there be no doubt, being part of Active 20-
30 is an honor.
When we took our oath as members, we commit- Margarita Dubocq ,
ted ourselves and swore to our honor to: Santiago, Dom. Rep. Active 20-30 Club Member and Dom.
Rep. Active 20-30 Clubs Association NPE
República Dominicana.
Fulfill any task that is assigned to us.
Respect the decisions of the Officers
of our Club and the leadership of Ac-
tive 20-30 International.
Be guided by the bylaws that govern
our Active 20-30 chapter.
Realize that our resignation may be
asked of us if we fail to faithfully fol-
low our oath.