Page 11 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 11

Respect  for  our  partners  must  be  present          Respect  for  the  club  and  for  the
     throughout  the  broad  spectrum  of  the  club's
     activities,  be  they  administrative  or  social.

     Without pretending to cover the whole catalog of         Respect can also be predicated on institutions and
     samples of respect, here are some that I consider        this is more than evident in our case. If we don´t
     should be taken into account:                            treat the club with respect as an entity that brings

                                                              us  together,  being  the  one  that  allows  us  to
                                                              develop our vocation of service, being the way to
           Attend   regularly   and   punctually   to   the
            meetings, which shows respect for the time of oth-  make true friendships and, in addition, helping us
            ers.                                              to grow socially and spiritually as people, without
                                                              any doubt the collective effort represented by its
           Keeping order and composure in meetings, which    creation will inevitably be doomed to failure. We
            shows  consideration  to  other  members  and  the   gain nothing by being members of an institution if
            importance of the issues addressed.               we do not feel respect for it, if we do not put our

           Deliver  in  a  timely  manner  the  tasks  that  have   best  efforts  to  enhance  and  strengthen  it.  That
            been delegated, which is a sign of respect for the   consideration  I  think  should  be  expressed  in
            effective functioning of the group.               behaviors such as the following:

           Consider the ideas of our colleagues, even though      Perform  with  dedication  and  pleasure  the  tasks
            we do not share them, which is a sign of tolerance
            and understanding, pillars of the              harmoni-  and  activities  that  we  have  been  assigned.  Work
                                                                    with mysticism, which should not only be seen as a
            ous development of activities.
                                                                    state  of  mind  that  can  be  temporary,  but  also  it
                                                                    must  manifest  itself  through  clear  expressions  of
           Comply with the commitments made. That is not           permanent  willingness  to  serve.  I  have  always
            only a sign of respect for others but for our own
            ideals   and,   ultimately,   for   ourselves.   As     considered that the best sign of commitment and
                                                                    passion for our ideals is the indeclinable purpose of
            Dostoyevsky said, "If you want to be                  re-  being before our companions, before our families,
            spected by others, the great thing is to               re-  before  society,  but  mainly  before  ourselves,  an
            spect yourself. Only by that, only by                    self  example of love for humanity.
            -respect will you compel o thers to                   re-
            spect you”. That the admission to                   Active       Pay  dues  on  time.  There  can  be  no  respect  if we
            20-30 and our permanence in the club are volun-         don’t contribute to the subsistence of the club.
            tary does not mean that we do not have        obli-  
            gations or that we can stop                fulfilling the     Practice  our  rights  to  participate  and  to  choose
            tasks that freely we accept to                    realize.
                                                                    seriously  and  responsibly.  Every  good  member
                                                                    should  be  aware  of  the  importance  of  making
           Accept and stand the decisions made by the board        proper use of their rights. We have been told about
            and those that are democratically adopted by the        this since our entrance ceremony.
            majority. It is essential for the club to operate un-
            der clear rules.
                                                              Respect for the organization:

                                                              The Organization is the entity that groups us, that
                                                              brings  us  together,  that  sets  our  principles  and
                                                              objectives.  Every  member  must  recognize  its
                                                              importance  and  understand  that  Active  20-30  is
                                                              not  exhausted  in  their  respective  club,  since  it  is

                                                              more  than  that:  it  is  the  mechanism  for  the
                                                              Organization  to  fulfill  its  mission.  In  this  way,  is
                                                              not a distant and abstract figure. On the contrary,
                                                              it is real, valid and active.

                                                              Without any doubt, the Organization deserves our

                                                              respect  and  consideration  that  must  be  reflected
                                                              in attitudes such as the followings, being a sign of
                                                              appreciation for the institution:

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