Page 12 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 12

  Honor the objectives and principles of the Organi-
            zation.  The best  way  to do  this is  to dedicate  all     Understand that authority is different from power
            our best efforts to fulfill them. We must have faith    and  that  passing  through  leadership  positions  is
            and conviction that our principles and ideals are a     ephemeral.
            noble and effective way of helping our community.
                                                                   Help partners discover and develop their true po-
           Respect  our  symbols,  slogans  and  emblems,                       tential. According to Erich Fromm "Respect means
            understanding  that  they  have  a  reason  to  be,     to worry about the other person growing and de-
            which  are  not  a  mere  formalism,  that  collect  the   veloping as it is."
            essence of Active 20-30 and give us identity.
                                                                   Recognize and thank the work of others
           To proudly be a member of the Organization.

           Participate enthusiastically in activities.
                                                              The  above  are  a  few  personal  reflections  that  I
           Respect our customs, accepting that they are not   have allowed myself to do and that are the result
            part of the past, that have served to make Active   of my experience in the Organization. With them I
            20-30  an  entity  is  social  service  that  is  different   do  not  intend  to  give  a  lesson,  much  less.  I  only
            from  others,  not  only  because  it  has  particular   aspire to be taken into account as a sample of my
            principles  but  also because  it  develops  them  in  a   perception on an issue that I consider of interest
            special and different way.
                                                              to  make  of  our  Organization  an  everyday  better
                                                              Organization,  to  which  our  current  International
     Leadership and respect                                   President  in  good  time  has  given  the  importance
                                                              that has.
     When we say that Active 20-30 is a true school of
     leaders, it should not be a rhetorical manifestation     I  believe  that  the  currently  moment  for
     lacking  real  content.  We  must  understand  that      Active 20-30 is crucial, that the present time puts
     through our work at the service of others we forge       us  to  the  test  every  day  and  requires  us  to  be
     our  character  and  acquire  the  skills  to  become    prepared  to  face  the  future  on  a  firm  and  solid
     people with the capacity to guide others, to inspire     foundation, in which the quality of the members is
     them, to help them become better people.                 essential. Without members who have respect as a
                                                              permanent  guide  to  their  presence  in  the
     If  you  want  to  be  a  good  leader  you  need  to
                                                              Organization we can’t look forward to the future.
     respect others, but also that others feel respect for
     the  leader,  understood  not  as  the  consideration
     that  is  due  to  every  person,  but  also  as  the
                                                              Gustavo José Gnecco Mendoza
     recognition  of  human,  personal  and  professional     Life Member Club Active 20-30 Bogotá
     qualities  of  the  leader  and  its  planning,
     management and direction skills.

     I believe that anyone aspiring to become a leader,
     and that every member should strive for it, should
     take into account the following attitudes

           Be, above all, honest, loyal and sincere.

           Give  permanent  signs  of  commitment  to  the

           Build trust and empathy with other members.

           Recognize the rights of all partners.

           Strengthen teamwork.

           Serve as an example.

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