Page 17 - Magazine Active 20-30
P. 17
In the last year Panama destined part of its effort So far we have seen how the saw of the
in the development of a new image for which it Organization has kept buzzing through the work,
has been used in campaigns promoted through the training of the partners for the leadership in
social networks and the development of service to the community and especially the
agreements such as recently celebrated with the children in conditions of vulnerability of the place
Foundation for Educational Excellence. where the Active 20-30 Clubs act. Also, on this
tour were presented some of the strategies to
The association of Dominican Republic, this year position Active 20-30 as a service organization in
made a lot of emphasis on the need for our the collective imagination. In addition, we
communities to recognize the work that Active 20 described some of the different services and
-30 does in order to be recognize as a model collection activities carried out during this period,
youth leadership institution, that’s why they which, thanks to the committed spirit of the
promoted Active 20-30 using billboards in several partners, has kept the mountains buzzing and
Cities. In the following weeks signs of welcome active for the benefit of our communities. We
and goodbye will be installed in 8 of the 16 cities hope that the examples included here serve as
in which our association has a presence. inspiration for those partners who, as worn teeth,
have reduced their ability to work in the
In Colombia, the registration of the Active 20-30 mountains.
brand was achieved and the use of the national
brand manual was promoted to generate identity
and sense of belonging of the partners with the Isabel Cristina Riveros
brand. Member Club Active 20-30 de Bogotá, OIE