Page 28 - Orientation
P. 28

Standard Operating Procedures

    1. Table Set-Up

    ➢ Before, during and after every shift you are to ensure that your tables are

          clean and well maintained

            • Ensure tables do not wobble and are aligned

            • Sanitizer is used when cleaning tables

            • Benches, seats, and floors are clean before reseating

    ➢ Food menus should be brought to the table when you are seating the

          guests. Be sure to take the menus away once they have ordered!

            • Mon - Fri from 11 - 2:45, ensure guests receive a lunch menu

    ➢ Ketchup bottle, Salt & pepper shakers are to be wiped and neatly placed

          to the side with front labels facing the door

            • White on the right
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