Page 18 - ISSUE 15
P. 18

PAGE 18                                                               as on the entire                         ROCKNATION ISSUE 15
    EDEN’S CURSE                                                          CD doing backing

                                                                          vocals. He was
                                                                          approached by

                                                                          ing a guy from
           Interview with Michael Eden - By Tom Mathers                   Paul from contact-
                                                                          overseas who
  Rocknation:  Hello and              lyrics I wait for the music to      passed on our info
  welcome to Rocknation, and          be completed and then I             to James. We sat
  congrats on your new CD             record the vocals. Once that        down and spoke to
  release “Trinity” on three          is completed we get all the         him and he got the
  labels worldwide including          backing vocals done as they         vibe of how we do
  Metal Mayhem Music (USA),           are last in line to be com-         business. I guess
  AFM Records (Europe) and            pleted from the bands side          he liked what he
  Spiritual Beast (Japan).            of things and then it’s off to      heard because he
  Please fill us in on the record- the American German guy to             started doing
  ing process and songwriting.        mix it. Some guy we found           vocals directly
  Michael: Hey ROCKNATION!!!  named Dennis Ward. He plays                 after Static Impulse
  The recording process               a sloppy bass guitar but his        his solo album was
  always starts as a demo             productions are pretty good         completed. Then
  coming from the bands bass          I guess, that and the fact I        he had to prepare
  player Paul Logue. Paul writes  never see him makes it far              for the Maiden tour
  the songs in the primitive          more entertaining than one          last summer and
  form and then I get to hear         can imagine!! lol                   that’s when I met
  them and we decide together  Rocknation:  You have some                 him in Michigan.
    Interview with Duff McKagan
  what will, or won’t make the        heavy hitters featured on your      The whole
  album. At that point, we send  new release including Dream              Portnoy thing hap-
    By: Jeffrey Easton
  the digital mixes of the demos  Theater’s vocalist James                pened shortly after.
  out to the other Curse guys         LaBrie on the track “No Holy        Who would have
  and they start to rip apart and  Man” tell us about that.               guessed? James
  re-build the house, with 98%        Michael: We always have             is great and has
  the same structure and idea         heavy hitters!! The band is a       supported the band                 and just did what he does!
  but now with custom floor-          heavy hitting band so why not       like no other. A real class act  He made my job a living hell
  ing, windows and a stainless  grab peoples faces and toss               and a super nice guy. Enough  trying to rough and tumble
  steel sink that can bust most  em against the brick wall?               said!                              it up cuz I’m not that kind of
  if not all balls in two! Once the  James Labrie is on that track        Rocknation:  You also have a  singer. When you need a knee
  tweek’s are done to the             singing lead with me as well        video for “No Holy Man” who  smashing leg breaking S.O.B.
                                                                          produced that? The video has  to kick it down in brutal style
                                                                          some amazing graphics.
                                                                                                             ya find Deris.......  \m/
   LIPSTIXX ‘N’BULLETZ                          TNA                       Michael:                           Rocknation: The Japan re-
                                                                          Paul found a guy from Illinois  lease has a cover song “Un-
                                                                          to do the video for us, as it’s
                                                                                                             chain The Night” from one
                                                                          a huge task and a waste of
                                                                                                             my favorite bands Dokken.
                                                                          money to fly everyone in and  Are they a influence on your
                GLAM/SLEAZE FROM SWEDEN                                   try and film a video! We don’t  band?                    Michael:
                                                                          do warehouse
                                                                          videos as I
                                                                                                                                   Dokken in
                                                                          think they                                               my opinion
                                                                          are stupid!!!                                            was more
                                                                          James was                                                an influ-
                                                                          game to do                                               ence on
                                                                          whatever we                                              our debut
                                                                          wanted but the                                           album as
                                                                          cash outlay                                              I feel the
                                                      “Branded” CD        was far too                                              style has
                                                                          much for the
                                                                                                                                   gone away
                                                                          final result. In
                                                                                                                                   quite a bit
         “Bang Your Head” CD               For fans of Skid Row           the end some                                             from the
                                                                          people love it
                                                                                                                                   more 80’s
           Motley Crue style                  and Motley Crue.            (the cartoon)                                            influenced
                                                                          and others
     more titles available now                                            hate it! The                                             songs.
                                                                          good out weighs the band           ripping guitars are our style
                                                                          and nearly 40,000 hits later on  and strong suit and without
                                                                          YouTube we can’t complain          doubt everyone in the band
                                                                          too much.                          supports the Dokken of the
                                                                          Rocknation: The track “Black  past as they were one of the
                                                                          Widow” features Helloween          best bands in Los Angeles!!
     Adrian Gale      Adrian Gale       Adrian Gale       Adrian Gale     vocalist Andi Deris how did        The team of Lynch/Dokken
                                                                          you set that up?
                                                                                                             was great!!
     “Live Program +2”  “Feel The Fire”   “Under The Hood”   For fans of   Michael: Paul spoke with          Rocknation: Who are some of
      Features two      Featuring      Features unreleased   Harem Scarem   Andi’s manager who is the        your influences?
                                          studio track,
   bonus unreleased    Jamie Rowe     3 unreleased acoustic   and Tesla.  drummer of PC69 and it was         Michael: Mine are far too
     studio tracks.     (GUARDIAN)     tracks, 3 live tracks  3rd studio  hooked up just like that. Andi  many to list. However my
                                         recorded in Spain  release       never spoke to Paul or myself  favorite singers are guys who
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