Page 21 - ISSUE 15
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ROCKNATION ISSUE 15                                                                                                             PAGE 21
                                                                         SLAT-7 strings guitar that I’m      Steve: Thank you Tom, always
                                                                         using now for the demos of          a pleasure to spend time talking
                                                                         the new songs. This power axe       about Perpetual Fire and my
                                                                         mounts EMG pickups, a different     music and give the opportunity
                                                                         groovy and dark sound for           to all our fans to know a little bit
                                                                         Perpetual Fire’s third album.       more about us. I hope after this
                                                                         Rocknation:  Please
                                                                         tell us about the guitar
                                                                         clinics you do.
                                                                         Steve: Well, I made few
                                                                         clinics, it’s not really
                                                                         my deal staying on a
                                                                         stage all alone, just to
                                                                         show how fast I am. I
                                                                         don’t mean it’s wrong
                                                                         but I prefer joining with
                                                                         the band, composing
                                                                         songs and good melo-
                                                                         dies. Anyway one of
                                                                         my targets for the
                                                                         future is an instrumen-
                                                                         tal album, so maybe
                                                                         after I will plan some
                                                                         other clinics.
                                                                         Rocknation:  What
                                                                         plans do you have for
                                                                         Steve: First of all I
                                                                         have to finish this long
                                                                         tour with the singer I
                                                                         told you before, after I
                                                                         want to record the third
                                                                         album with Perpetual
                                                                         Fire and make gigs
                                                                         with them. Anyway I
                                                                         always have a lot of
                                                                         ideas, so it can be
    Interview with Steve Volta        Rocknation: Please name some       you’ll hear of me for other         interview people will be curious
                                                                                                             to find out more about Perpetual
          by Tom Mathers              bands you have played with in      Rocknation: Thank you for           Fire and visit our website:
                                      Steve: As a professional           taking time for this interview and
  Rocknation:  Hello Steve and        musician I had the chance to       last words to the fans.             Keep the fire perpetual!
  welcome to Rocknation, and          share the stage with Deep Purple,
  congrats on your new release        ZZ Top, Gamma Ray, Extreme,
  “Invisible”  on Ice Warrior/Rock It   Twisted Sister, The Clash, Finn-   CDS NOW AVAILABLE IN ALL FINE CD STORES
  Up Records.  Please fill us in on   trolls, Tankard, Cannibal Corpe,
  the recording process and           Quire Boys and others. It’s always
  songwriting.                        great to play in those summer                                                PERPETUAL FIRE
  Steve:  Hello Rocknation! Thank     festivals and see the attitude of
  you very much for the opportunity   these big artists. We learn some-
  to speak about Perpetual Fire. I    thing every time and I feel I play
  wrote those songs between 2005      better on those big stages before
  and 2007. Usually I start play-     a big crowd.
  ing my guitar and magically a       Rocknation: Who are your
  riff comes out or an interesting    influences?
  chords sequence hits me and         Steve: When I was 16 I started
  inspires me. After that, everything   playing guitar, I was listening to
  is easy and natural. I remember     Yngwie Malmsteen, Mick Mars,
  that I worked all night long on     Richie Sambora and other
  the song Invisible. In that case    virtuoso guitarists. Then I studied
  the song started with the piano     the style of Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai,
  melody that you can hear in the     Joe Satriani and Michael Angelo.
  intro and that is the main theme.   Yes, I liked playing fast! But after
  After I create a demo of each song   some years I understood that I had
  and then I work on vocal melodies   to play music and not only fast              For fans of Nightwish
  with our singer Roby Beccalli and   scales.
  rehearse with the band. We started  Rocknation: I see you are                        & Stratovarius.                “Invisible” CD
  recording the album on july 2007    endorsed by Jackson guitars tell
  and fixed the master on december    us about that.
  2008. I made everything and it was   Steve: Yeah, one year ago I started   more titles available now
  a hard job! Believe me!             a tour with a famous singer here in
  Rocknation:  What can someone       Italy and simply I asked for
  expect at a PERPETUAL FIRE          endorsement to a couple of
  show?                               distribution company. The day
  Steve: Unfortunately we played      after I had my two Jackson RR24.
  few gigs because I’m a profes-      The guitars are amazing and
  sional musician and I have to       powerful with floyd rose, 24 frets,
  work with many situations. Any-     EMG 81 pickup. Everything you
  way in 2009 we have had some        need to rock hard and speed!          TALON FALLEN      NASTY KIXX       TANGO DOWN       TANGO DOWN
  live shows. It was great to play    I also made a photo shooting with        “Angels”      “Hometown Blues”   “Damage Control”    “Take 1”
  with my band! I noticed that the    my new Jackson’s and I put one
  audience listened to us carefully,   of them in the booklet of Invisible.    For fans of      For fans of      For fans of       Featuring
  caught by the power of our          The band pics were shot the sum-                      BACKYARD BABIES      Firehouse,        Phil Naro
  melodies, so what they can expect   mer before, in fact in those pics I      Lynch Mob                         Lynch Mob      (Billy Sheehan’s
  is great music, great voice and     had beard. Beyond the two RR24,         & Firehouse.   & HELLACOPTERS.     and Dokken.     Talas, DDrive)
  guitar solos!! ahah                 I have also a Jackson
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