Page 24 - ISSUE 15
P. 24
For EUROVISION Song Contest “Heaven can wait” with 10 people at Radio Song Contest with your song
with song “ALL THIS TIME” / Iron Maiden’s concert. Unfortunately, “Love”.
2007 - Semi-finalist at The Bul- it was an opportunity to be support Ivo: It is an oldest radio contest in
garian Contest For EUROVISION for Mr. BIG at Sofia, but… it doesn’t the country since “1970” and there is
Song Contest with song “Come happen, a band like Mr.BIG does not some categories, but the most im-
With Me” / 2007 - special guest at need support!!! After the concert we portant is the price “Special Award of
Bulgarian Radio Contest “Zlatna chat with Eric Martin and Billy Shee- Bulgarian Journalist Society”. In that
Prolet”/ 2008 - song “Another” han. They are nice too!!! category 85 musical journalists voted
is Semi-finalist At ISC - Interna- Rocknation: Who are your influences? for 48 songs and they had choose us
tional Songwriting Competition, Ivo: Well, all bands like Bon Jovi, Poi- with the song “LOVE”!!! It is a big-
The World International Contest/ son, RATT, Whitesnake, Mr. BIG, Mot- gest award that we are having to this
in Category “Rock”/ 2009 - song ley Crue, SIXX A.M., Richie Kotzen. moment.
“By You” was nominated as final- I met Richie Kotzen in Sofia and he Rocknation: What is the music scene
ist at United Song Contest USC. signed my acoustic guitar… like for bands in Bulgaria where you
Rocknation: What can Rocknation: I see you have appeared live.
someone expect at a Big Mama many times on Bulgarian National TV, Ivo: Of course we have many stages
Scandal show? please tell us about that. and club scenes here in a very good
Ivo: Well, positive vibes and rock Ivo: It happened in 1991, after we do level, but I think we are dreaming
‘n’ roll I suppose!!! We are count- the band, we appeared first at “Pop mostly for L.A. and London. LOL!
BIG MAMA SCANDAL we like people to enjoy the evening evening and 4000 people at arena. for 2011.
ing on music at our gigs and after Rock Show” on National TV with two
Rocknation: What plans do you have
we enjoying what we do on stage, songs, it was about 15 bands that
Ivo: We started a new album, already
record a demo for 10 songs. A new
The other day we held attention of
like us. It’s very important to be hon-
est with people. At our shows the
a manager Hristo Petrov, he is do-
Rocknation: Thank you for taking time
crowd is dancing, singing, drinking people on the streets. WOW! We have album is coming!!!
Interview with Ivo Gotchev and having a good time, which is the ing a great job for us and very soon for this interview and last words to the
by Tom Mathers whole idea of rock music to feel TV’s and radios were interested of fans.
that new Bulgarian band who played
better, relax and be happy after all.
Ivo: To all fans we wish love, good
Rocknation: Hello Ivo and welcome to Rocknation: Please name some bands American Glam Rock, just like all health and listen to good rock music,
Rocknation, and congrats one of the you have played with in Bulgaria. world famous glam rock bands at because rock is the future!!! Take
most famous rock bands in Bulgaria. Ivo: Big Mama Scandal supported MTV at this moment. Medias liked care!!! SEE ya in the USA!!!
Please fill us in on what awards and BONFIRE & Kingdom Come at the songs, the image.
achievements of your band. “LOVECH ROCK FEST” in 2009. It was The name “BIG MAMA
Ivo: Hello, Tom, it is an honor to be awesome feeling! We were with guys SCANDAL” become a
here at Rocknation! After starting in from Bonfire at press conference, favorite for teenagers
1991 we had awarded in few catego- and Martina Pokorny the manager of in Bulgaria – they liked
ries: 1993 – “The Most Prosperous Kingdom Come. Kingdom Come’s a name and they liked
Band Prise” - Art Rock Centur, plane was late, so we didn’t have a that joke – “What will
Bulgaria / 1994 – “Best Album of The chance to meet them before the show. happen if your mama
Year” - Art Rock Centur, Bulgaria / Great moments after sound checks, catch with a smoking
2006 - Winner of The Bulgarian we chatted with Bonfire about rock, cigar? – “BIG MAMA
National Radio Song Contest: taking some memory photos and they SCANDAL”. Ha –ha!!!
“Special Award of Bulgarian Journal- are really nice guys. I’d say we be- Rocknation: Please
ist Society” for song “LOVE” / 2006 came friends with them. Awesome!!! tell us about winning
- Finalist At The Bulgarian Contest I appeared as a singer for one song the Bulgarian National
For fans of
Bon Jovi,
Europe and
“By You” CD now available in all fine CD stores
BIG MAMA SCANDAL is one of the most famous rock
bands in Bulgaria. The band started in 1991 with big
concerts in Sofia and all over the country. For a very
short time the band got the attention of Bulgarian
National Television, the press and the radio stations. A lot of successful TV shows and participations in
radio charts followed and are on with their songs.