Page 22 - ISSUE 15
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hundreds of people. In terms other musicians with them to record. in addition to being a huge fan I
of sessions I’ve recorded for A lot of our guest musicians are all also knew I could learn a great deal.
many local artists in LA. I have over the world. Tony Carey from Having said that the Rainbow has
a home studio where I can Rainbow recorded two tracks for us changed dramatically over the years.
crank my Vintage Marshall’s. in Germany and sent us the tracks. It used to be an industry hangout,
I record all my guitars there The final process is to send all the now its just for fans and tourists.
including for the Wallner/Vain tracks to Gary Tole in NY to mix them.
album. I recently did a session Rocknation: Your debut album will
with producer Bob Kulick. feature members of Black Sabbath,
Rocknation: Vivien you use to Rainbow, DIO, Ozzy Osbourne, Blue
live on a island off the coast of Murder, Whitesnake, Dream Theater,
Croatia. This was a major deci- Yngwie Malmsteen. Please tell us
sion for you to move to New about working with some of this
York and now Los Angeles, CA. biggest names of rock.
What made you decide to move Vivien: Its been great to work with
to LA from New York? such legendary musicians. Each
Vivien: My initial goal was to guest musician we have on the
move straight to LA but I got album has played in the bands that
an offer to move to NY for a we grew up listening to and inspired
year so as soon as my contract us. Each musician we picked for that
ended I moved to LA. I always reason. I could have only dreamed
wanted to be here because its of working with all of them - another
the heart of the music industry. reason why I moved to LA from
Rocknation: Please fill us in Croatia!
on the song writing and Rocknation: Will and Vivien who are
recording process for your your influences?
debut album that will be Will: Guitarists that influence me are
released this year. Ritchie Blackmore, John Sykes, Frank
Will: Vivien and I are both song Gambale, Al Di Meola and loads more. Rocknation: What plans do you have
writers so the process is very
Interview with Will Wallner easy for us. We share similar influ- Vivien: Rainbow, Deep Purple, DIO, for 2011.
Will: Lots of work to finish the album
Black Sabbath, Trapeze, Thin Lizzy,
& Vivien Vain by Tom Mathers ences and listen to the same bands so Blue Murder, Whitesnake, Iron and get it released. Hopefully also
its easy for us to contribute ideas. We Maiden, Joe Lynn Turner, Malmsteen, some live dates for Wallner/Vain
demo tracks at our studio and then Judas Priest, etc. Rocknation: Thank you for taking
Rocknation: Hello Will and Vivien and send them to Vinny or Carmine to Rocknation: Do you credit the world time for this interview and last words
welcome to Rocknation. Will you have record drums. After drums comes the famous Rainbow Bar and Grill in to the fans.
moved from England to Los Angeles, bass from Rudy and Tony and finally Hollywood for help making important Vivien: Thanks for doing this
CA to become a session player and when we have all the rhythm tracks connections for your career? interview! We just want people to
a teacher. Please fill in who you have we re-record the guitars and vocals at Will: Actually yes, thats where we met know that we’re gonna make the best
recorded with and where you teach our studio. A lot of people think you Vinny and Carmine. Its funny because album we possibly can in terms of
guitar lessons. have to all be in the same room to on that night all of the people there music and play from the heart.
Will: I do private lessons at my home record but nowadays thats not how just wanted to take a picture with Will: Cheers!
and sometime at students houses. albums are made. A good musician them but I really wanted to introduce For more info:
Since moving to LA I’ve taught knows what to do without needed myself and chat to them because